Why is Fox News attacks games a headline article, but the violent game against them not?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Riff Moonraker said:
Not alot of room in the subject article, so I will explain this a bit better...

There, on The Escapist main page, sits an article "Fox News Attacks Games" with the Fox News symbol emblazoned by the article title. However, nowhere on the front page do I see the same article that popped up and seemingly quickly vanished about the violent game that has people KILLING people with fox news, people associated with the Tea Party, etc. etc. Why isnt THAT up on the main page as well?

Is this site really that damned liberal, and biased? I mean, sure, I have seen PLENTY of it here, but how is that fair in any way to put one up and not give the other one just as much visibility? Has anyone else noticed this as well?
I would like to hear more. Expand please?


New member
Apr 8, 2010
The "kill famous right-wingers" video game is a non-entity. It is a badly made home-crafted piece of dreck. It was made by some freakazoid with too much time on their hands and not much skill. The last thing anyone should do is play it, the next last thing anyone should do is give it publicity. And nope thats not ironic since this thread already exists on the subject of which I am posting in.

On the other hand, Fox News is a multi-billion dollar corporation with powerful tools at hand and a monstrous agenda. It has shown time and time again to use the video games industry as a whipping boy, scapegoat ***** every chance it gets. Why I have no idea? Maybe because they assume creating Moral Panics never gets old.

That is why one got front page and one didn't.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
It's because of hypocrisy I've come to expect while browsing this website (from the forum members and staff). It's just like when Anonymous defended Wikileaks. It's like everyone here were their biggest supporters from the start, then as soon as PSN went down, they were public enemy #1 whether they did it or not. Let's not forget their inception was from doing absolutely retarded shit like raiding Habbo, the Epilepsy Foundation forums, and SOHH. They are a nuisance, plain and simple. They always have been, they always will be.

As for the criticism of Fox News, some of it (actually a bit more than some) is deserved, but one must wonder how many people here actually watch the channel and who just listens to paraphrased clips. Anyone can sound like an ass when you only read snippets and listen to clips. That's the main reason why I stopped watching network news altogether. They are all terrible.

People put too much focus on shit that doesn't matter. How many people who watch Fox News regularly actually adamantly play video games? And for the few who may actually watch Fox News here, how many of you actually believe news stories like that? I'm a conservative and I most certainly don't.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Daffy F said:
Rawne1980 said:
Can I just say, you have the most amazing avatar ever. Moving on.

One guy who makes a ridiculous game isn't really newsworthy. A news station proving many times that they lie with a worrying large following is newsworthy, particular about video games which is just a little bit popular hear on the escapist so, what do you expect really...


New member
Jul 2, 2011
How Funny, The left calling the right Fear Mongers, Liars, and Nazi's. The right calls the left Liars, Opressors, and Communists. I think both sides are retarded and just like being sensationalists just for the sake of attention. Shock factor is what everyone goes for and nothng gets done. And just so noone thinks im an anarchist, Im a mostly social liberal (with the exception of welfare) and a foreign policy Conservative while being a middle of the road fiscal guy.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Riff Moonraker said:
arragonder said:
because one is lies and fear mongering, and the other is slightly tasteless satire?
Your opinion, and thats fine. I disagree. True, Fox News' stance on video games have riled me up as well, but I disagree about the lies and fear mongering. They are against liberals, against Obama destroying this country, and against big government. If that truly is there stance, then I agree with them.

Besides, I do notice the tremendous amount of Fox News bashing around here, but I really dont see any bashing of MSNBC. They, in my opinion, are far worse.

Either way, to me its just another example of how the left likes to put their spin on things. If this had been a game with MSNBC staff members, or Chris Matthews and such, I can promise you it would have been headlines here, as well as EVERYWHERE else.
I'll let Jon take it from here:


Note that he apologizes for the 'false' rating he receives, then puts up the examples of how often they do lie, and how many of those lies (Death Panel) are full of fear mongering.

Also, note the 'nostalgia' problem talked about by Bob:


He notes that people rousing fear and hatred for a rose-colored 'return to the golden age' is something that Fox actively does. For reference, look up the Glen Beck rallies they paid for and hosted.

As for MSNBC, I don't really care for them either. Chris Matthews, eh. Rachel Maddow, ok. But saying that the left puts a spin on the news and the right tells it straight every time is an example of the exact behavior you decry the left of doing.

Also, if it was a game about fighting the Al Gore Monster in the Windmill Plant, or the Rachel Maddow Deathwyrm in the MSNBC Control Room, then I would say the same thing: It's a tasteless one-man project that none of us would know about if the OP didn't drag it out and say 'neener neener'.

There are a lot more serious things going on than one man's badly controlled flash shooter.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Kurai Angelo said:
EDIT: Also I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most people don't so much dislike Fox because they aren't liberal, it's just the people are such... cunts, for lack of a better term :p
Yeah, I've been described as slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun but even I dislike FOX news. Mainly because the misrepresent the truth the pure and simple lies, and what you said.

(I should point out that I'm not usually too bad it's just when people get on their high-horse about some leftist point and how it will save the world from the evils of capitalism, I get that from time to time.)
Aug 1, 2010
Fox is full of fuck.

The End.

Seriously dude, you are going to find zero to no support for Fox on this site. If you want any undeserved good light shed on them, go somewhere else.

Also, yes. This site DOES have an liberal/intelligent bias.


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
Riff Moonraker said:
I, as a conservative who believes in the Tea Party and what they stand for, who believes in smaller government, not bigger government, whom thinks that higher taxes on the wealthy is robbery... am a big boy.
You're talking like a communist. Get out of my America, you dirty Red.

Just kidding, I'm Australian and our political system is kinda weird. Our Liberal Party is actually right wing, and out "left" wing party is called the Labour Party, who at the moment are acting very right wing as well. So, we have a choice between Conservative and slightly more conservative at the moment.

Well, that stayed on topic... Umm... Fox news sucks! It's not so much about their political agenda more then the fact that they don't fact check anything they say, and just go for the biggest impact when reporting. So, they kinda have a target on their backs.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Riff Moonraker said:
Why isnt THAT up on the main page as well?
Escapist doesn't actually report Gaming news. If some news site does a report on that game, and there's an interesting comment in a thread discussing that report, and Media Matters issues a press release about the comment in the thread about the report on the game, Escapist will repeat it. Actual original reporting on actual news? Where do you think you are?

I'm hoping with Pitts leaving that they'll maybe get their act together here, but I'm ont going to hold my breath.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Rawne1980 said:
Yeah but there are very, very few people that like FOX news here.

FOX is full of crap so we like articles about them so we can hurl abuse and make mocking comments about the size of their genitalia.
Their tiny, tiny genitalia...

But yeah, the game is just a mock up and FOX just seems to be out to damage gaming for no reason.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Riff Moonraker said:
Is this site really that damned liberal, and biased? I mean, sure, I have seen PLENTY of it here, but how is that fair in any way to put one up and not give the other one just as much visibility? Has anyone else noticed this as well?
In addition to what everyone else has said, this is a games site for gamers. It is going to be biased in favour of games and gamers. If anyone attacks gaming, it's an outrage, because games must not be villified, no matter who said it. Or if they happen to be right.

Not to mention, the news tends to be pretty shoddy anyways.

Funkysandwich said:
Just kidding, I'm Australian and our political system is kinda weird. Our Liberal Party is actually right wing, and out "left" wing party is called the Labour Party, who at the moment are acting very right wing as well. So, we have a choice between Conservative and slightly more conservative at the moment.
Not exactly, minor parties can hold relevant amounts of power after all.

[small]Also, by the US system of grading things, where not being as right wing as Bush was makes you a socialist, the Liberal party would be labelled as being very left wing[/small]

The ALP should have kept the U, though.


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
thaluikhain said:
In addition to what everyone else has said, this is a games site for gamers. It is going to be biased in favour of games and gamers. If anyone attacks gaming, it's an outrage, because games must not be villified, no matter who said it. Or if they happen to be right.

Not to mention, the news tends to be pretty shoddy anyways.
To be honest, a lot of attacks on gaming are pretty baseless. I agree there can be some neagtive effects, but no more then any other form of media, or a lot of other ativities people engage in on a day to day basis.

Also, it's nice to see someone else played Blade Kitten other then me.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
1. Because it's a gaming magazine.
2. Because Fox news is wrong (There are plenty of other equally graphic and distudbing forms of media.
3. The Escapist generally reviews and previews a LOT of games, the violent ones are there, they just don't take the stupid approach of "Oh noes, corrupting our youths, violent video games."
4. They've even cited evidence to demonstrate that the Fox news Violent Videogames=Violent people message is incorrect, such as FBI crime statistics.
5. They do. You OP, are wrong, and guilty of lying. Did you see the School Shooter Mod? It got some publicity here. It also got overwhelming condemnation as being:
1. Tasteless and pointlessly offensive.
2. A bad game intended only to sell due to the offensiveness. 3. That the interviewer felt that the creator was a cretinous jerk only interested in using controversy to advertise his bad game.

It's a gaming magazine, of course it's biased, that's how it's meant to be. I don't read xkcd hoping for commentary of flower arranging (Unless it's how to use flowers to keep out the raptors) and I don't go to the escapist for stupid conservative propaganda aimed at fearmongering and a denial of the facts in the attempt to get ratings.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
It's not liberal it's just pro-games, which is the way a fucking video game website should be.

Besides when you say "liberal" I think you mean "right".


New member
Jun 28, 2011
henritje said:
because they can,t make real news stories.
they can only report with lies.
I'm going to go ahead and assume that you don't watch the channel, and only give the slightest attention to their blunders.

They have decent stories most of the time, it's just that when they report poorly, everybody only looks at that.


New member
May 5, 2009
It's because this flash game is the work of a single individual, and would have been an utter non-entity were it not for threads like this spreading it around the internet.

Fox on the other hand has a well documented habit of lying out of its arse, fear and rumour mongering, and deliberately distorting the news so that it no longer bears even a passing resemblance to the truth. Hell, they went to court in order gain a legal go-ahead to deliberately lie, and won. This wouldn't be a problem were it not for the fact that Fox News broadcasts its misinformation and bullshit on a daily basis to an audience that doesn't know any better.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Funkysandwich said:
To be honest, a lot of attacks on gaming are pretty baseless. I agree there can be some neagtive effects, but no more then any other form of media, or a lot of other ativities people engage in on a day to day basis.
That's true, of course, but is slightly missing the point. You have people who will examine the evidence and decide a study is wrong, but you have more people who simply say "I played ____ and I'm not a murderer, so shut up" because they don't want their games affected. This crops up whether people are blaming game X for crime Y, or if people are discussing general social trends including games.

Funkysandwich said:
Also, it's nice to see someone else played Blade Kitten other then me.
Evidently not enough, it doesn't look like we will see the second part anytime soon.