Why is Gordon Freeman so popular?

Jan 23, 2009
Douk said:
Sneaklemming said:
Douk said:
Because Half Life is the fanboy bible. And gordon is Jesus.
Isn't that also true of the nintendo people?
Because SSBB is the fanboy bible. And Mario is Jesus.
Yeah but the game would have to be Super Mario Galaxy :p
All I'm going to say on the issue really is that different icons appeal to different audiences.

Halo & Master chief to one kind of audience,
Mario and nintendo in general to another,
And Half life to yet another.

I'll leave motivation out of this, but personally I find Half-life to have a more high brow feel to it.


New member
May 20, 2008
Smorlock said:
He won Best Character on Gamespot recently. I died a little inside. The merits of Half-Life aside... Gordon Freeman is a near non-existent character.
And thats the great thing about him! You are Gordon Freeman, and his lack of character allows you to act on events and interpret things in your own way. I cant stand it when you are playing a game as some stupid annoying character that keeps on saying things and making decisions that i would never ever want to make. The silent protagonist will always be the best imo.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Because gamers like themselves more than anyone else. Gordon Freeman, being a mute puppet is essentially a mirror that reflects back the gamer. Gordon is just an extension of the gamer. Thus Gordon is essentially the gamer who as previously stated loves himself.

There you have it kiddies: Don't put any work into creating a main character! have him be a shell and he'll be infinitely more loved then anything you could ever come up with!
[small]bunch of friggin' morons[/small]

Serge A. Storms

New member
Oct 7, 2009
He's a regular old scientist that one day gets trapped in a giant underground facility and starts beating the shit out of aliens with a crowbar and whatever he can pull off of dead security guards. He's a cross between John McClane and Bill Nye the Science Guy, and he don't take shit off no one.


Lost in Time
May 20, 2009
I think it's just the game that makes him great.Both HL and HL2 were reviloutionary games,and the fact that these games are so great but he's as genaric as they come means he's just been going with the flow,and just rideing it out...Ironicly both in-game and not,I suppose.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Yeah, I agree it's pretty much that idea that you are him, for me anyway. You see what he sees, know what he knows in game, you're pretty much putting yourself into the shoes of a virtual badass that you make him out to be.

aztec coyote

New member
Mar 10, 2010
i keep hearing that freeman is the "everyman" and "average joe" but like i've said before, no average joe carries an armory around. and why do you need a crowbar when almost every weapon can be used to preform melee attacks. if he was as smart as his degree shows, he would know that. and if he didnt want to damage his weapons, his hev suit should augment his abilities enough to crack open any crate with a single kick. if it allows him to sprint, it should allow him to perform a very fast, heavy kick.

yeah, the master chief says things, but he only says what's needed and nothing more. he has no one liners or rambles on, he says what he needs to and it's enough to fill his comrads with hope and sight of him alone is enough to scare his enemies to their very core.

by the way, it seems to me that most of gordon's actions are never witnesses by others. and those few that knew him either wouldnt remember him or would have died except for those that are important to the plot like eli vance. sure, eli should know him, there were friends afterall.

so my question is, why is he revered as the savior and "free-man"? how is it everyone knows of him and know of his actions? what exactly DID he do to receive such a status of hope for the opressed people of city 17?

everyone knows most of what the chief has done. there were people to see him do it. if not personally then the destruction and piles of bodies he leaves behind for sake of humankind


New member
Mar 11, 2010
I believe it is because Gordon Freeman said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched the final boss in the face and the final boss fell.

Pretty admirable by anyone's standards, I'd say.