Why is nudity so heavily looked down upon in gaming? Especially when big boobed bimbos are so common


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009

there said it for you..... but seriously I don;t care if this topic has been done before I want to talk about it so I'm going to.

I have often wondered about nudity, I mean yes I am opposed to certain kinds of nudity*, sometimes it's vile and sick and disgusting yes sir these eyes of mine have seen many nasty things that I can never forget. However I don't have anything against 'tasteful' nudity, a woman taking her shirt off and leaving it at that has never really bothered me. After all the human body is meant to be a thing of beauty not something to be exploited.

However in the world of mainstream games I have noticed that nudity of any kind is absent or at least nudity in the conventional sense. This is obviously with the exception of God of War and Conan and any others I'm missing. I often wonder how come games can't also have nice decent and tastefully presented nudity? I mean arthouse movies do it all the time, why can't games?

Some people might say it's because nudity is considered offensive but look at what we are offering as an alternative, big breasted women with little to no clothing making their huge boobs bounce around (really... really... really old topic for Vrex) all the time. Is that really any less offensive? I mean compare that to say a woman with ordianry sized breasts taking her shirt off and what do you think is going to make the femenists angrier? I reckon there would be nothing wrong with nudity and I don't understand why it has to be so tabooed, especially in a game where sex is a very big thing.

You all remember the controversy for Mass Effect's sex scene right? Well sometimes I wonder if it really would have been THAT big a deal if they had just come out with it and shown some bare breast, would it actually have harmed anyone? No, the entire sex scene in Mass Effect was already tastefully done. A little nudity wouldn't hurt anyone.

But enough of my confused ramblings... where do you stand on the issue of nudity>

Honestly I think no one can say ordinary nudity is anywhere near as degrading as the big boobed girls from say Soul Calibur.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Nudity as a whole is only an issue when parents buy said games for thier children due to thier ignorance or own stupidity.

Nudity to a gamer is an issue when the nudity itself is the driving force behind sells. Makes developers take the easy route in thier games by relying less on gameplay by just showing more skin on thier characters. And that's just sad (as in pathetic.)


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I agree with you to a certain point. Censorship basically bans us from doing anything like this though - it's already a taboo and it's the thing the press jump on if it's present.

Unfortunately, unlike violence, its nearest competitor for the banhammer, nudity is not in the least bit as forgettable and the vicious circle continues. I can't say I mind too much, I don't really want that stuff thrown in my face if I don't ask for it, namely because that's what my time away from the computer is for ;)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Vrex360 said:
Peach_hat said:

That's why.
he's talking about masturbation :)
but aside from that, i don't really see the problem. nudity in films is perfectly acceptable, so why not games. but there is one small flaw in the 'women with normal sized breasts taking their shirt off'. they would still give them ridiculously huge breasts, that's just how it seems to work and if they were nude as well as giant, it may be seen as really quite offensive to feminists and so on. i guess if it was tastefuly done it would be fine, but chances are it wouldn't be as that's just how things seem to work in the gaming industry.


New member
May 6, 2009
I think its tacky in most cases. Even more so when its just the big breasted ladies from Soul Calibur. That said that's just how I feel about it in general. I don't mind it just as long as it is purposefully done.


Pants Lord of Vodka
Aug 11, 2008
I find nudity and sex in games in general to be incredibly in-offensive...
I mean, when illicit drugs and killing people which is highly illegal in real life gets slapped with a MA rating, but sex and nudity, a well accepted part of life and biology, not to mention legal, doesn't even crack a showing! (I'm speaking as an Aussie by the way) why are people getting these things all wrong, its the same with movies! Ill finish my rant there...

Also, Fap? Fap...


New member
Apr 16, 2009
In almost all cases it is unnecessary, when it is present it's clearly there to make it more attractive to people who like to fap to Lara Croft.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
The GTA IV expansion had nudity too...

a little nudity never hurt anyone (i hope).


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Apparently according to parents stabbing someone in the face 3 times is better then seeing a nipple.


New member
May 5, 2009
I'm suprised why nudity is looked down upon in games, movies, tv shows, and all other forms of media except for books.

Yeah. Books.

How are there agencies (MPAA, ESRB, etc.) who spend so much time and energy to make obtaining questionable content (violence not included, because its half as inspected as nudity and sex) in the aformentioned media above, but not textually written material? I can go to any public library, grab a book about, ah, I dunno, fantasy medieval blah-blah-blah, and find stuff like explicit sex scenes between siblings and statutory rape of a 13 year old girl who stunningly enjoys it with motions like...well, I can't go into detail about that.

*Cough*George R.R. Martin Song of ice and fire.*Cough* Great series, btw.

None of those books, along with a few others that I don't care to mention (but if you must, feel free to PM me, if it bothers you that much) have any sort of content warning label on them. Not even in the catalogue previews. NOWHERE.

I guess its because textual intercourse isn't as arousing as visual intercourse? I assume most of my country is literate to the point where Courderoy and Little Critter were understandable, so why is it any different?


New member
Oct 11, 2008
I don't find nudity in games to be offensive at all. I find it to be disgusting.

I don't want to see fake breasts in real life, why would I want to see breasts rendered on a computer?

For a quality experience, the ladies have to be real...


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
It is actually spelled FWAP isn't it?

Oh and also I guess its because kids play those games too.