In more catholic places, purple is associated with greed because od that same reason. Purple dye was incredibly expensive.NephilimNexus said:Purple is the color of royalty, because in Olden Times purple dye was the most insanely expensive dye around (two words: snail guts), therefore only royalty could afford to wear purple.
Which, considering the USA's history (think "Revolutionary War") naturally makes purple the color of evil because "royalty = evil" in the eyes of our propaganda department.
In come cases or rather I read somewhere green AND purple are always the colours that a supervillain wear which you already embedded (classic Green Goblin is green and purple than the Sam Rami version) and the Joker had that colours combo too.TheRiddler said:Not just purple. Green's a pretty common bad guy color too. To wit:
And me, of course.
An intersection of green and purple!
Fear him.
OT: Yeah, it's basically just a coincidence of the bad guys in your examples all being associated with royalty, or being regal. And since purple is a color associated with royalty, it seems that it's associated with evil.NephilimNexus said:Purple is the color of royalty, because in Olden Times purple dye was the most insanely expensive dye around (two words: snail guts), therefore only royalty could afford to wear purple.
Which, considering the USA's history (think "Revolutionary War") naturally makes purple the color of evil because "royalty = evil" in the eyes of our propaganda department.
It's true most mediums and exorcists (in Japanese media) tend to dress in purple.lord canti said:In japan purple is the color of death. Outside of that however I really wouldn't know why purple is used like that.