I think a lot of people don't understand the difference between graphics and art style. They tend to lump those two things in together as if they mean the same thing to a game. Graphically there is nothing wrong with Zelda, however I can see how people would be annoying at the pseudo cell shaded style of the game and not like it based on that. They will call it graphics when it isn't. And for some people if a game doesn't appeal to them visually, then the greatest gameplay in the world isn't going to keep them playing the game.
At the same time there are people who don't care what the game looks like so long as it plays nice and has mechanics that they enjoy.
However when you really break it down, "Graphics" are functionally the least important part of any game. Because a really fun game system can make you overlook it's visual design. It's like looking at a painting. You might initially not enjoy a painting, until you spend more time with it, learning about it. AS your understanding of the painting grows, the flat visual part of the painting starts to mean less and less, you begin to see THROUGH the visuals and see the layers of meaning underneath.
A good video game can have this same affect. And I think a lot of you guys here understand that and that is why when someone says a game has shitty graphics, you mostly just go, "Lol Wut bro? Open your mind." kind of things. You immediately go on the defensive because you understand that there are layers to a game to peel back. There is more to enjoy than what you see.
If that makes sense.
However all that being said. Breath of the Wild is a terrible video game. So....take that for whatever.