Why should Nintendo go third party?


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Could someone tell me why people want them to go software only? And could someone actually make a case, from a business perspective, why it would be better for them? No "Their games would be better on other hardware" or "I want to play their games, but not enough to buy their consoles". From an objective business standpoint, how would it be a good idea?


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Making software available on more than one platform = Wider userbase and more customers
More customers = More money

Seems simple enough.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
I seriously doubt that nearly as many people would buy Nintendo's games on other platforms as you may think. For one thing, XB1/PS4 targets a VERY different audience than the Wii U.

Sega and Atari only left the console market because they were bleeding money from consecutive failures.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Well, I'm not one to tell them to instantly go third part, but:

You can start with the fact that they ended up having a loss in the Wii U department regardless of strong software sales [http://www.polygon.com/2014/1/29/5356772/nintendo-falls-short-of-hardware-and-software-sales-forecasts]. Essentially, their games are popular, but the console is hurting them, and the games' popularity is being squandered due to being on an unpopular console. Now, this wouldn't be as problematic if they actually released a good console with decent third-party support, but it still shows that their hardware department is sort of dragging them down right now. Even the Nintendo 3DS couldn't pick up the slack from the Wii U.

Now, going third party because of this is a short-term decision that would likely hurt them compared to what they could do. What Nintendo should focus on is actually delivering a competitive console and fostering better third-party relationships. People want to play Nintendo, but they don't want to buy the system, so they ask for Nintendo to go third party. That's certainly better than Nintendo's current status, but they would likely be served better by actually fixing their model so that they make consoles gamers want.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Didn't you make this thread already, like, a few months ago!?

Has anything new happened at Camp Nintendo to warrent another one of these? For all the 'Enough with Nintendo is doomed', it's the fans here that can't seem to stop bringing it up.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
So we are back again doing our damnedest to start another console war with WiiU of all things... look mate we don't care, keep as many Nintendo love pillows as you want but don't got around annoying people with them.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Didn't you make this thread already, like, a few months ago!?

Has anything new happened at Camp Nintendo to warrent another one of these? For all the 'Enough with Nintendo is doomed', it's the fans here that can't seem to stop bringing it up.
Actually, now you mention it, you're right.

I had a look, and sure enough:

Okay, seriously, what is up with all the people on this forum who keep making the same thread again and again and again?


New member
Jan 30, 2012
Because despite the XB1/PS4/PC generally catering for more "mature" audiences, I suspect there are a lot of people who, through actually liking Nintendo games or just sheer nostalgia, would happily buy the games if they were available on those platforms. The (perceived) problem atm is that, with the awful 3rd party support of the Wii U, Nintendo are basically charging a £200+ "loyalty tax" in order to play their games.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
IceForce said:
Casual Shinji said:
Didn't you make this thread already, like, a few months ago!?

Has anything new happened at Camp Nintendo to warrent another one of these? For all the 'Enough with Nintendo is doomed', it's the fans here that can't seem to stop bringing it up.
Actually, now you mention it, you're right.

I had a look, and sure enough:

Well, I believe that everything that has been said already will be enough for this particular discussion as the WiiU holding pattern seems to be unchanged, for better or for worse.

Come back when Nintendo has released another big title or ten VG_Addict, then there may be something to discuss.

Charcharo said:
If Nintendo wants my money in any way, shape or form, their games must also ne available on PC. Simple as that.
Same, if I actually cared about Nintendo titles. As someone who seemingly missed being hit by the Nintendo Nostalgia Stick I don't really get their games. I could be wrong and be missing out on some good titles but I'm not about to spend a couple of hundred bucks on a 'could.'


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
Didn't you make this thread already, like, a few months ago!?

Has anything new happened at Camp Nintendo to warrent another one of these? For all the 'Enough with Nintendo is doomed', it's the fans here that can't seem to stop bringing it up.
For once I actually agree, things were starting to calm and settle down here for a while and I haven't seen an anti Nintendo thread on the front gaming forum page for at least 2 weeks now.

Can we please stop repeating the same exact topic over and over, surely this has to be a break in the TOS because it's just spamming now and it's getting no one nowhere, people here who want them to go Third party are highly unlikely to change their minds and the same with nintendo fans, there's no changing anyones minds on this site really.

If anything i might have to report the thread since I don't want to see another shitfest again with people shitting on Nintendo and defenders any further than it already has before because it;s really just daft, stupid and childish.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
I'll just say why people would prefer Nintendo to do it as opposed to Sony or Microsoft. Nintendo has great first party games, but little else worth getting a console for. Sony and Microsoft have the third-party support, but few great first party games. So if Nintendo went third party it makes it accessible to people that like Nintendo but don't want to spend $300 just to play Nintendo games.

As for myself, I'd be fine if Nintendo went fully handheld, because that's where they are strongest, but I really don't care what happens to them at this point.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
why people want them to go software only?

Because that way the people pissed at Nintendo for not specifically pandering to them will feel vindicated.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
IceForce said:
Making software available on more than one platform = Wider userbase and more customers
More customers = More money

Seems simple enough.
Ice gets it. It seems like a pretty simple bit of business there. Besides, there is very little that the Wii U offers to justify the £200 price tag due to the lack of third party games, as a result, the overall sales of this console are so devastatingly low that even after numerous price cuts, Nintendo still has to lower sales targets. If Nintendo went third party with their console games, the sales of their games would go up, and they wouldn't lose money over because of their failing console. To put this into perspective, the Wii U has sold 5.8 million units in over a year, whereas the Xbox One and PS4 have collectively sold over 8 million in the space of a few months. Now, if Nintendo decided to port their games over to the PS4, Xbox One and PC, that is a HELL of a lot more potential customers than what Nintendo has right now.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
But do you think the Wii U will be their last home console?

Nintendo focuses on a different target audience than XB1 or PS4. Putting Mario and Zelda on them wouldn't magically make them more "mature".


New member
May 7, 2009
IceForce said:
Making software available on more than one platform = Wider userbase and more customers
More customers = More money

Seems simple enough.
So where are the threads demanding that Microsoft and Sony go third party? Where are the threads demanding that Valve make stuff for consoles?

More customers = more money, after all.


New member
Feb 1, 2014
Can we just end these threads here please? To throw my hat in the ring Nintendo will probably be better to take their franchises to the grave with them rather than go third party. Although I will be curious to how it might actually turn out but as of this moment they won't go third party since they still have a Scrooge McDuck's vault worth of money and are worth more than Sony ( I really don't want Sony to go bankrupt. Please Sony don't go. I Like your Xperias just don't).

And again I have to ask can we end these types of threads please? Instead can we discuss having an awards show like the Razzies for video games please?


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Why should they go third party, and thus change their business after ONE console failure? Wouldn't it make more sense to just make a better console next time around? It's not like they don't have the money to give it another try.