Eideann said:
I really liked the early GBA Harry Potter Movie Tie-ins, they had the story and they were RPGs (which suits the story more than FPS).
Also the lego series works well, probably because it doesn't take itself too seriously.
This was pretty much the point I was going to make.
My little sister and I used to sit for hours playing the first two Harry Potter adaptations on the Playstation, and I came across them again recently when we cleared out her room and set up all the old consoles (we had a sega 32-bit megadrive in there for some bizarre reason), and we played them again. for hours. They were actually really good, because while they did have to follow the main plot, there were loads of side-quests and secrets to find that made it enjoyable. My favourite was the one where you had to collect Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans for the Weasley Twins, in return for rewards.
Thing is, when they came out, the techonology was, granted, a little simpler, but nowadays I think adapatations are expected so soon after the movie release, especially when they're released this close to Christmas, that there really is no way around the developers having such a fixed deadline. Which is really sad. Most people I know just get money for Christmas anyway, give the developers more time, and let them buy the game later if they really want it.
The original adaptations didn't seem to feel the need to stick so rigidly to the storyline either; Peeves was in the games, and he never even appeared in the movies! This may be looking ahead to the articles tomorrow, but I do believe that taking a story from a book would be a much better plan than taking it from a movie, which often had a good chunk of the story removed anyway.
Also, the Lego games are quite possibly the most hilarious things ever created. There is nothing better than sitting at 4am after a night on the town, blasting little plastic enemies into a squillion pieces. They still follow the story, but are much better than the ones that try to be the movies.