Why the Skyrim boycott is a waste of time and missing enjoyment.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Saviordd1 said:
Terminate421 said:
Boycotting a game is pointless

At some point you will give in and buy the game.

Bethesda aren't bad people, their legal team are just being assholes who won't do the Quake 3 match.
Why should they though? They have a legitimate concern with the name of notches game, why should they behave like 12 year olds and play a game over it?
Because it was an amazing opportunity to build good will with the gaming community and would have given them tons and tons of free coverage and advertisement. It could have been turned into a community event, a thunder dome style gladiatorial throw down aired live complete with commentators and community participation. This type of marketing opportunity will never come again and they failed to take advantage of it. Instead they chose to pursue what will probably be a costly legal battle for both sides over brand confusion that probably doesn't exist in the first place. Whether or not they have a good point and real reason for legal action Bethesda looks like the bad guys, a giant corporation attacking the small developer over a question of semantics using what is perceived as the least honorable method of corporate warfare, the pointless lawsuit.

So the real question is if the brand confusion of the name "Scrolls" (the cited reason for the lawsuit) is really so damaging that they should pass up all that advertising and good will and damage their community image. Not to mention the fact that they probably had better than even odds of winning the competition, essentially allowing Bethesda to have their cake and eat it too.

Also, if you want to boycott Bethesda but want to play Skyrim anyway, wait a few weeks and get a used copy. You get the game but Bethesda never sees a dime. I personally will be buying the game new, maybe even on launch day.
Dec 14, 2009
I'm boycotting this boycott.


Meh, I can guarantee that the vast majority of these boycotters will cave and buy Skyrim.

Kyle 2175

New member
Jan 7, 2010
The boycotting is stupid. The original case is stupid. Bethesda's legal de(r)partment seem to think everyone else is stupid. Quite frankly the entire thing is a waste of time: "Scrolls" isn't "The Elder Scrolls". Everyone isn't so stupid they don't know that. What's the problem here?


New member
Mar 15, 2009
You missed the only real valid point why boycotting the game is stupid:

Zenimax's legal department (ie the people actually being assholes and suing notch) are NOT the same as Bethesda, who are actually developing Skyrim. If enough people boycotted, it might hurt Bethesda but it probably wouldn't be a major setback to Zenimax. So you would be damaging a bunch of people who make great games, for no reason at all.

Also most of your apparent reasons why Notch is just as bad as the Zeni legal team are pretty stupid.
Point 1. Mojand is freaking tiny compared to Zenimax.
Point 2. They have the right to attempt to. Nothing more.
Point 3. Notch thought it was a joke. I would have done in his situation.
Point 4. The problem Zeni claimed to have was that 'scrolls' might get confused with 'Elder Scrolls.' So altering the title so that it would likely no longer be confused with Elder Scrolls should be enough for them but apparently isn't.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Ok simply put 1% of the buying population boycots

They dont give a hit

You loose they don't care

that 1% then caves and buys - and that 1% really needs a few naughts before it


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Saviordd1 said:

That's what Zenimax is peeved about, the Scrolls part, so adding a subtitle doesn't solve their problem.
The issue is there is no issue. At all. Its a fucking noun. A regular ordinary noun. Elder scrolls is the SUBTITLE of the game. Scrolls is a NOUN IN THE SUBTITLE OF A GAME. Its like if lord of the rings: The third age sued for someone using the word "ring". Its rediculous. Notch should be more serious but i dont blame him for his reaction of "lolwut". Alert zenimax immediately THE DICTIONARY HAS STOLEN THEIR NOUN!

God fucking help us in a world where a singular noun cannot be used as part of a main title because some mega corperation wants it to be part of their SUBTITLE that NO ONE REFERENCES TO EVER when describing their shit. Its a noun. Not a phrase. Not a copy. Not confusable. A single noun. In a game ABOUT scrolls. Being sued by a company who think people will confuse it with a game in which THERE ARE NOT ANY SCROLLS!

And why a quake three match?

DrOswald said:
Because it was an amazing opportunity to build good will with the gaming community and would have given them tons and tons of free coverage and advertisement. It could have been turned into a community event, a thunder dome style gladiatorial throw down aired live complete with commentators and community participation. This type of marketing opportunity will never come again and they failed to take advantage of it. Instead they chose to pursue what will probably be a costly legal battle for both sides over brand confusion that probably doesn't exist in the first place. Whether or not they have a good point and real reason for legal action Bethesda looks like the bad guys, a giant corporation attacking the small developer over a question of semantics using what is perceived as the least honorable method of corporate warfare, the pointless lawsuit.
This is why a goddam quake three match.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Findlebob said:
Why not just buy pre owned? They dont get the money and you get the game.
Please read the comment below yours.

Not giving Bethesda your money is completely stupid. It could possibly hurt Bethesda, ie the people who actually make great games, but would not hurt the company that owns them, Zenimax, much. Zenimax's legal team =/= the guys who make skyrim. So even if this boycott somehow damages anyone, it will not be damaging the people that it is aiming to.

/Massive facepalm.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
i complyly agree boycotting an awesome game is stupid and both partys in this lawsuit are both being stupid.
Jun 11, 2008
Let people boycott what they want and don't belittle their opinions. Even though I personally disagree with the boycott at least they are expressing their opinions on a product in the exact right way.

I don't care how people see boycotts this is how to talk to companies. As I already stated while I personally do not agree with the boycott and think there is more to the story than we are being told I think it is wrong to belittle people's opinions and ideals and saying what they believe to right is a waste of time in what is a big grey area.

Also this has been stated in other threads Notch isn't anything to do with Scroll it is Mojang and other people in Mojang who deal with the copyright same as Bethesda is not suing Notch or Mojang Zenimax is and I don't see why people are confused over this. If you want to make a thread get the legal names right it causes confusion with people unfamiliar to the topic.

That aside this needs to be said. While Zenimax has to and should protect its trade marks even if that is just by showing that it is willing to go to court over infringements and while the name Scrolls does suit another name could have been picked and this is something that should have come up while they were naming it. Remember all this stuff isn't black and white.

To the people saying this will hurt Bethesda I don't think it will. The people in Zenimax aren't thick fuck heads. They will see that Bethesda has had an amazing track record and standard of games thus far and if the game's sales do drop considerably they will put 2 and 2 together and get 4. If that means they will drop the lawsuit is another affair. They will then decide is it better in the long term to continue the lawsuit and protect trade mark thus alienating fans or give into consumer pressure.

It is very wrong and irritating to basically have someone say your opinion on something that is subjective(to a degree) is shit.

Edit: I know it is late but I do think the MW2 boycott did have an effect as servers were brought back in the next game by Treyarch and then by IW as well as mods being brought back along with a plethora of other PC type features in MW3. So while a bit of delay I do still think it had an effect if only to try boost sales in relation to BF3.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Crono1973 said:
Saviordd1 said:
Crono1973 said:
Saviordd1 said:
Crono1973 said:
So you think it will hurt Skyrim's sales? Well, then it isn't a waste of time since that's the point of a boycott.

I don't think it will hurt Skyrim's sales but even if it does, I support consumers standing their ground.
It's a waste of time because as I've said its just going to hurt everyone.

But what are they standing for? Some guy being immature about an actual legal concern, yay for stands.
The point of a boycott is to hurt sales and if you think that's what going to happen, then it isn't a waste of time. How is it going to hurt everyone? How is a boycott of Skyrim going to hurt anyone except Bethesda/Zenimax?

What are they standing for? If you don't know then you shouldn't have started a thread saying they are wrong.
So your argument is because what their doing what the dictionary says is the definition of their action then its not a waste of time. So if I pace back forth according to its definition I'm not wasting time right? No, I am, I'm wasting a lot of time.

Its hurting everyone because people who want to enjoy the game are going to not buy it because they want to be on some none existent moral high ground.

They're saying that Notch is totally innocent and they don't want him to get sued, yes, that's the reason, also some mixing of "The corporations are crapping on the little dude" don't believe me? Maybe you should read their arguments yourself
You said that the boycott would hurt sales. Then how can you say it's a waste of time? The point of a boycott is to hurt sales and if you believe that will be the result, then it can't be a waste of time.

People who choose to boycott the game are going to be making their own decisions and as I've said, those who want to both boycott and play Skyrim can buy it used. No, it's not hurting everyone and I find it sort of creepy that you are concerned with other gamers playing Skyrim, why do you care if someone misses out on this game? Do you feel some pain over it?

I know why they are boycotting and quite frankly I agree with them that Bethesda/Zenimax is in the wrong (I mean really, who calls Skyrim The Elder Scrolls 5, no one!). Just not wrong enough to make me want to boycott but I support those that do because I prefer to see gamers with a spine rather than gamers with an addiction.
I wont waste words on your first point, your just regurgitating your previous argument practically word for word.

Again, I don't care if they won't buy it for realistic reasons (One of my friends wont buy it because of legitimate gameplay dislikes in Bethesda games) But boycotting FOR NOTCH is stupid. (Again, your regurgitating arguments, So I'll respond the same way)

If they want to have a spine that's fine with me, but having a spine for stupid reasons just makes them stupid, not great crusaders who are standing up for the little man.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
BiscuitTrouser said:
Saviordd1 said:

That's what Zenimax is peeved about, the Scrolls part, so adding a subtitle doesn't solve their problem.
The issue is there is no issue. At all. Its a fucking noun. A regular ordinary noun. Elder scrolls is the SUBTITLE of the game. Scrolls is a NOUN IN THE SUBTITLE OF A GAME. Its like if lord of the rings: The third age sued for someone using the word "ring". Its rediculous. Notch should be more serious but i dont blame him for his reaction of "lolwut". Alert zenimax immediately THE DICTIONARY HAS STOLEN THEIR NOUN!

God fucking help us in a world where a singular noun cannot be used as part of a main title because some mega corperation wants it to be part of their SUBTITLE that NO ONE REFERENCES TO EVER when describing their shit. Its a noun. Not a phrase. Not a copy. Not confusable. A single noun. In a game ABOUT scrolls. Being sued by a company who think people will confuse it with a game in which THERE ARE NOT ANY SCROLLS!

And why a quake three match?
Well, the noun, and the fact that they are releasing ON THE SAME DAY AS SKYRIM, SAME DAY. Sorry forgot that point.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
rickvalence said:
Saviordd1 said:
If you inhabit the internet you know about Zenimax suing Mojang over the word "Scrolls"

And you've most likely heard how everyone Notch fanboy from here to the moon is going to boycott Skyrim because Bethesda is beating on the little man!

Ok, for one, Notch isn't little, stop defending him.

Second, Zenimax has all the right to sue Notch over this if they want to.

Third, No, Zenimax isn't the only one to blame, they sent him a cease and desist letter, his reaction? Post it on twitter and laugh about it.

Fourth, a article went up recently (This one: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.316261-Mojang-Offered-Up-Scrolls-Trademark-Bethsoft-Said-No)
and more butt hurt and flames were sputtered by Notch fanboys. Apparently Notch said that he was willing to change "Scrolls" to 'Scrolls: [some subtitle]' and now he's confused as to why he's getting sued still.


That's what Zenimax is peeved about, the Scrolls part, so adding a subtitle doesn't solve their problem.

Now is Zenimax guilt free? Of course not, they're being stupid about the lawsuit to, but Notch is being just as equally (if not more so by bringing the public into it) about the whole thing.

My overall point? Boycotting an awesome looking game because your overlord says hes completely innocent is just being stupid, please for the love of god use your brain.
You're an idiot. Read the article. What it says is they were worried about the "trademark", which Notch said he'd give up. They said no. This has nothing to do with worry over the games getting confused, it's Bethesda being Bethesda: Stupid fuckups who ruin everything good.
Calling me an idiot isn't a great way to start your argument, I'll let the mods deal with that part.

They're worried about product confusion, learn to read more then one article. Have a nice day :)

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
UberaDpmn said:
You sound like your defending Bethesda's lawyers. They're suing Notch because they think that the average person would get "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" mixed up with "Scrolls".

Now let's get a few things straight:

1) You can't copyright a single word (or a string of digits, a recipe etc...).
2) People refer to the Elder Scrolls series of games by the individual 'setting name', i.e. Daggerfell, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. Not by 'The Elder Scrolls'.

The average person wouldn't get the two games mixed up, that's incredibly obvious. But Bethesda are still suing him money-grabbing, faceless corporation style, that's why they are getting all the hate.
I'm neutral here, just saying. I bought Minecraft, and will buy Skyrim. Few things though:

Notch did try to copyright the name "Scrolls", although that was stupid, as you have admitted. Zenimax sued him out of self defense so the same couldn't be done to them if his copyright came through. Though I will admit, now they've made their point and covered their arses legally, continuing it is only a case of the possible rich payoff. Greedy gits. In any case, people saying "oh, Notch said he'd change the name, but that's not good enough for the bastards!"

Notch agreed to change the name, by adding a subtitle. The game was still known as Scrolls, so in effect, he didn't change anything. In any case, I don't think anyone genuinely thinks the franchises can be confused, but there were/are valid reasons to bring up the court case.

As for your second point, that's only down to the vernacular that the public chose to adopt. It could just as easily have become the common practice to refer to them by their numbers, as many other franchises are referred to. Although that admittedly has something to do with the games having their subtitles printed in huge, impressive letters.

All in all, we shouldn't be going off flaming each other, and all these topics are pointless. If you really want an exercise in futility, just stick to bitching each other out on the comment threads on the escapist's reports on the development, rather than bringing up a bunch of unnecessary threads to feel important (not you, guy I quoted, I mean the OP and others like him starting these threads) really, can we just leave the court case to the people involved? It seems like anything that ever comes down to a slightly harsh business decision in the game industry gets praised as the second coming of Hitler, or something and it's getting irritating. Business is a tough... well, business. Even if your business is making awesome games for people to sink irretrievable hours into.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
someonehairy-ish said:
Findlebob said:
Why not just buy pre owned? They dont get the money and you get the game.
Please read the comment below yours.

Not giving Bethesda your money is completely stupid. It could possibly hurt Bethesda, ie the people who actually make great games, but would not hurt the company that owns them, Zenimax, much. Zenimax's legal team =/= the guys who make skyrim. So even if this boycott somehow damages anyone, it will not be damaging the people that it is aiming to.

/Massive facepalm.
Zenimax is to Bethesda what EA is to Bioware. They are connected and you can't boycott without the other. You also can't give money to one without giving it to the other.

So if you didn't approve of this lawsuit and you wanted to show that disapproval, how would you do it?


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Saviordd1 said:
BiscuitTrouser said:
Saviordd1 said:

That's what Zenimax is peeved about, the Scrolls part, so adding a subtitle doesn't solve their problem.
The issue is there is no issue. At all. Its a fucking noun. A regular ordinary noun. Elder scrolls is the SUBTITLE of the game. Scrolls is a NOUN IN THE SUBTITLE OF A GAME. Its like if lord of the rings: The third age sued for someone using the word "ring". Its rediculous. Notch should be more serious but i dont blame him for his reaction of "lolwut". Alert zenimax immediately THE DICTIONARY HAS STOLEN THEIR NOUN!

God fucking help us in a world where a singular noun cannot be used as part of a main title because some mega corperation wants it to be part of their SUBTITLE that NO ONE REFERENCES TO EVER when describing their shit. Its a noun. Not a phrase. Not a copy. Not confusable. A single noun. In a game ABOUT scrolls. Being sued by a company who think people will confuse it with a game in which THERE ARE NOT ANY SCROLLS!

And why a quake three match?
Well, the noun, and the fact that they are releasing ON THE SAME DAY AS SKYRIM, SAME DAY. Sorry forgot that point.
I don't want to get involved into yet another debate on this, but you are wrong. Scrolls' release date is TBA. Minecraft's official release date is 11/11/11. That is completely separate.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
Terminate421 said:
Boycotting a game is pointless

At some point you will give in and buy the game.

Bethesda aren't bad people, their legal team are just being assholes who won't do the Quake 3 match.
The reason online passes and everything else bad about the industry exists and is here to stay, gamers who "just support the devs" or say "boycotts never work so I'll get it anyway" are killing this industry by showing EA and their ilk they can get away with literally anything.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Saviordd1 said:
BiscuitTrouser said:
Saviordd1 said:

That's what Zenimax is peeved about, the Scrolls part, so adding a subtitle doesn't solve their problem.
The issue is there is no issue. At all. Its a fucking noun. A regular ordinary noun. Elder scrolls is the SUBTITLE of the game. Scrolls is a NOUN IN THE SUBTITLE OF A GAME. Its like if lord of the rings: The third age sued for someone using the word "ring". Its rediculous. Notch should be more serious but i dont blame him for his reaction of "lolwut". Alert zenimax immediately THE DICTIONARY HAS STOLEN THEIR NOUN!

God fucking help us in a world where a singular noun cannot be used as part of a main title because some mega corperation wants it to be part of their SUBTITLE that NO ONE REFERENCES TO EVER when describing their shit. Its a noun. Not a phrase. Not a copy. Not confusable. A single noun. In a game ABOUT scrolls. Being sued by a company who think people will confuse it with a game in which THERE ARE NOT ANY SCROLLS!

And why a quake three match?
Well, the noun, and the fact that they are releasing ON THE SAME DAY AS SKYRIM, SAME DAY. Sorry forgot that point.
Actually, Scrolls does not have a release date yet. Minecraft's official release was planned for the same day, but that date changed to a week later, the 18th.