saleem said:
Oh please enough with the faux indignation you probably were never going to buy it in the first place,
Seeing how there's already two regular Wiis in the apartment I live in, that would be correct.
also as the guy after you mentioned its very likely that it would have at least been part of the reason for it a long with providing a cheap platform.
I wouldn't deny that that could be the case, but I was just saying that it seemed less likely that Nintento would make a new version of the Wii
just to combat piracy (as you seemed to imply in your previous post) than it would for Nintendo to take out a few functions from an already somewhat lacking console to sell it for a cheaper price.
But yes, a mix of both could very well be possible.
Having a Wii I can tell you that the existing infrastructure supporting it is rather weak, its slow and prone to dropping. Even when it comes to streaming media its rather sub par compared to what the Xbox and PS3 offer. So the Mini doesnt have net access anymore, big whoop!
As much as I agree that the infrastructure for the Wii's network was rather weak, and for how few games actually used it, it was at least
And also, wasn't the Virtual Console channel on the Wii one of the Wii's greatest selling-points? Wouldn't the lack of an internet-connection remove this selling-point?
Seriously all this drama over nothing is pathetic
...isn't it sort of hypocritical to complain about people complaining about trivial things?
I mean, I would never inherently complain about Nintendo making a new version of their existing console (the 360 and PS3 did this as well, and the idea of them doing so bothers me as little now as it did back then), but now that I think about it, it seems detrimental to them to remove the internet-access so that in the process, they remove one of the Wii's major selling-points (the Virtual Console Channel).
I'm just keeping a critical eye on things is all, and so are probably many others doing here in this thread.