Will Chinatown Wars Hurt M-Rated Games on the DS?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
From what I can see he "estimates", AKA invents, the 200k number. Also the "quality score above 90" comment sounds weak as well, the score is arbitrary and "there have been many" isn't exactly indicative of much either, I'm pretty sure any console has games with high review averages and fairly low sales (in part because review scores don't correlate with sales, as studies have found).

Besides, M-rated games on the DS are rare because you pretty much automatically get a bump down to teen for making your bloody carnage sprite-based.

TsunamiWombat said:
I blame Yahtzee!
Well, I bought Prof Layton over GTA because of the Yahtzee review...


New member
Mar 28, 2009
AceDiamond said:
toapat said:
Sergeant M. Fudgey said:
chimmers said:
Malygris said:
"It is important to note that there have been many other titles that achieved a quality score above 90 on the Nintendo DS and have failed to sell more than 300,000 units within three months in North America (irrespective of ESRB rating). "
This, I didn't go for it because it didn't look worth my twenty pounds
Exactly, and honestly, everyone who thinks that the DS wasn't meant for M rated games say "Aye".
(Scottish accent)Aye(end accent) GTA is just lame as a 2.5d game, and its a bit too cartoony for a GTA game
And coming up next on "didn't play any GTA game except IV..."

Anyway I'm not too surprised. It's a good game (seriously), but I doubt many people would play it anyway, especially given everyone going "noooooo it's not in full 3D it's not true GTA! I am scared!"

Ok not really, I'm using hyperbole there. But as we know most gamers these days are frightened of all things not generic.
i have played nearlly all of the GTA games, i find only the 5 versions of GTA3 and GTA4 are fun


New member
Apr 9, 2008
righthanded said:
I'm sorta interested in picking this up but IV pretty much killed the series for me. If it were a different time/location, yeah, I'd probably have picked it up already but given how not fun IV was, I don't really have my hopes up for this game being fun.
If you like GTA and were disappointed by GTA4, this is the game you need. It has all the fun side activities, weapons and things you expect to have in a GTA.

I was wary at first after seeing the travesties that were made of other hardcore franchises on the DS, but they made this fun, full of content, and fitting for the DS.

It's really too bad that so many of you aren't willing to give it a shot. It's quickly become my favorite handheld games of all time. Your loss, now. Though it seems like it might mean a loss for us all down the road.


New member
Dec 5, 2007
GonzoGamer said:
righthanded said:
I'm sorta interested in picking this up but IV pretty much killed the series for me. If it were a different time/location, yeah, I'd probably have picked it up already but given how not fun IV was, I don't really have my hopes up for this game being fun.
If you like GTA and were disappointed by GTA4, this is the game you need. It has all the fun side activities, weapons and things you expect to have in a GTA.

I was wary at first after seeing the travesties that were made of other hardcore franchises on the DS, but they made this fun, full of content, and fitting for the DS.

It's really too bad that so many of you aren't willing to give it a shot. It's quickly become my favorite handheld games of all time. Your loss, now. Though it seems like it might mean a loss for us all down the road.
yeah, talked with a buddy that picked this up and he said it was pretty good. I'm kind of looking for something that I can play for a while since I will be doing extensive traveling this summer. I'll probably pick it up within the next month.

As for buying M rated games-- Fuck it. I'm 27, I could care less what demographic I'm in or who games are marketed at. I'll buy what looks like I can have fun with. Also, the DS has a big enough user base that any game, regardless of esrb rating, could succeed.