Will Doom 4 going to save FPS genre?


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Will the inventors of the Brown Shooter save the genre?


If we're being insanely charitable, these guys haven't released a decent single player game since the first Quake, the game which brought the brown.

If we're being really uncharitable, they were already starting to show signs of serious complacency. While other companies were expanding upon what the FPS could do, they were focused on better brown graphics and multi-player.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Diesel- said:
Rozalia1 said:
Save? The FPS genre? I have no idea why old shooter fans believe FPS's used to be some sort of high art for the enjoyment of the elites. Shooters have been "lowbrow entertainment" since their inception, there is nothing to save. FPSs have "evolved" to be more effective it is all.
LOL no. dumbing down genre is not evolve.
And the run and gun gameplay from Doom is very clever and intelligent?


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Why are you making this same ridiculous thread on multiple gaming sites?


If you're simply going to post this same misguided topic without any sort of backing to your claims, could you at least clean up the horrid grammar?


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Rozalia1 said:
Diesel- said:
Rozalia1 said:
Save? The FPS genre? I have no idea why old shooter fans believe FPS's used to be some sort of high art for the enjoyment of the elites. Shooters have been "lowbrow entertainment" since their inception, there is nothing to save. FPSs have "evolved" to be more effective it is all.
LOL no. dumbing down genre is not evolve.
How more "dumbing down" can you get than an FPS to start with? People play with the intention of aiming at something and shooting it. FPSs today have made that easier and more accessible for more people to do thereby putting the FPS genre at the top of the mountain practically as a genre.
I'd go one further. There's been a fair number of intelligent shooters throughout the years. Games which encourage players to think through levels.

id has never been one of those companies. Doom is a big dumb shooter. What strategy there is lies in trying to figure out how to prioritize enemies as they're thrown at you in large numbers... and for fans of the early Serious Sam games, this is not to be discounted. It may be a big dumb shooter, but the day is not won by quick reflexes alone.

When things went true 3D, that's where id really fell behind everyone else. No longer able to fill the screen with dozens of enemies, id games just never had the complexity to keep up with other franchises. They were as dumbed down as it got. Everything might be technically perfect, but you never really had to develop new tactics... just keep using the same old ones you learned playing Doom only against fewer enemies.

Doom 3 is where they tried to prove they could keep up with the likes of Half-Life and it just wasn't very good. Rage is where they tried to prove they were still relevant in the world of sandbox games and it just wasn't very good. They're not as fast and furious as the early Doom games and the tactics are still stuck in the Quake Era.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
fenrizz said:
Diesel- said:
Rozalia1 said:
Save? The FPS genre? I have no idea why old shooter fans believe FPS's used to be some sort of high art for the enjoyment of the elites. Shooters have been "lowbrow entertainment" since their inception, there is nothing to save. FPSs have "evolved" to be more effective it is all.
LOL no. dumbing down genre is not evolve.
And the run and gun gameplay from Doom is very clever and intelligent?
I put forth a mild defense of that kind of thing in my last post.

Put enough enemies on the screen and even the dumbest AI requires some tactical expertise. How to use the given weapons and terrain to your advantage is essential and decisions have to be made extremely quickly.

It's far more involving than say the tactics of Mass Effect 1 which amount to "level up on repetitive and simple side missions, then use your godlike abilities on your opponents". RPGs, which are so often held up as "intelligent" are often just a front-loaded difficulty curve, where if you can survive the early encounters, then you simply need to grind your way to invincibility.

The thing I continue to enjoy about shooters is a well-made one is just as challenging at the end as it is in the beginning, but for completely different reasons. This has been lost somewhat with modern shooters which limit the amount of ammo super-weapons get so even something as remarkable as Far Cry 3 is largely shoot the same enemies with the same weapons for 20 hours. Something like Doom made you wet your pants with your first boss, then gave you the tools to deal with 8 of them later in the game, forcing you to become better and better at fighting them.

Mind you, id hasn't pulled this trick off since Doom 2, so I have no confidence that Doom 4 will remember how to do it.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2008
I wasn't aware that FPS genre needs saving.

Yes there is a lack of totally old school shooters like Doom and Doom2 were with ammo count placement of health packs gave you more heart skips than monsters themselves. Recently I played Brutal Doom 19 and it was pure awesomeness.

But, that said, FPS is a huge genre now. And while we don't have games with quite the scare factor of Doom or the depth of System Shock 2/Deus Ex (please, Bioshock and Deus Ex Human revolution are great games, but they are streamlined to a fault compared to originals) we still have plethora of awesome games. From uber popular military shooters like COD and Battlefield, through fun romps with some RPG elements like Borderlands to truly old school rogue-lite games like Tower of Guns. Genre is there to stay and as healthy as it ever was.

That said, while Doom (4) looked great it's nothing like first two games. What I saw are bunch of good ideas how to hide modern sensibilities behind passably old school looking mechanics. Like enemies that drop health which probably will be adjusted to act close to how health regen works, but it will feel different etc...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Diesel- said:
I think so.

lets face it. lets face it. there are Lot of FPS games bieng dumbed down due to fit on consoles but i think from what i have read and heard from Quackcon. its returning to old school roots. something FPS genre badly need.

No regen health

Cover system

iron sight


it has fast paced gameplay too. I love Doom 3 but from the look of it. it looks like it this is what Doom 3 should have been.

what do you think? discuss
Firstly, are you saying it has a cover system and Iron sights? Cause I havent seen anything (more I just dont care that much) about it, but I think those are the byproduct of "Modern" shooters.

Secondly, are you saying this is going to save the FPS industry as a whole, or just your own personal feelings towards it?

Cause from where Im standing, The FPS genre doesnt really need saving.


Sep 4, 2008
Zhukov said:
I predict the Doom 4 will be a stale game that attempts to cruise by on the nostalgia value of its name, only to arrive with a squelch and be quietly forgotten within four months.
Yep. They're really going to play into that whole nostalgia thing. It has the potential to be a great game, but the odds are not in its favor.

Diesel- said:
not saying FPS genre is completely dying but there are some games which harm FPS genre like COD, halo, BF etc
I don't see why the FPS genre needs saving when it is clearly not dying. Just because some of the games that are selling really well and getting great reviews don't agree with you - just don't play those.

Perhaps it's your love of the FPS genre that is dying and needs saving? By which, I mean to say, there are a LOT of other genres out there that you might find enjoyment in.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Il_Exile_lI said:
Why are you making this same ridiculous thread on multiple gaming sites?


If you're simply going to post this same misguided topic without any sort of backing to your claims, could you at least clean up the horrid grammar?
Now that you mention that I do vaguely remember his avatar and username from some terrible flamebait threads that he used to make. Maybe the threads themselfs werent exactly flamebait material but for some reason it always ended on him making some terrible accusations and statements that would rustle everyones jimmies

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
I doubt it. The only way I see the FPS genre being saved (it needed to be saved in the first place?) are shooters that do their own thing. Whether they be silly or gritty, modern or future, shooters that do something new, unique and different will save the genre.

But seriously, since when did the FPS genre needed saving? It seems to be doing fine to me.


New member
Oct 6, 2013
I bet a whole bunch of people will snort derisively at this, but Halo saved the FPS genre for me.

And yes, I've played Doom, Heretic, Duke 3D, etc. and none of them interest me. Halo strikes the perfect balance between insane FPSs of yore and the modern shooter. Interesting weapons, great enemy variety, still is decently fast, and requires a good amount of skill.

P.S. - A quick question to the people saying regenerating health killed the FPS (genuine question here, not trying to insult anyone for their choices) - how often was quick load / quick save used in a difficult encounter? How is that different from regenerating health, besides the obvious distinction that you're manually doing it?

And of course, if that isn't the main reason why you dislike regen systems, please elaborate. Because having played both types of FPSs, I genuinely don't miss shooters that had medkits / health packs.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Not the original team; big budget game published by big publisher.

Those aren't points, those are coffin nails for an old property, unless you're going to significantly change it a la XCOM.

Doom is just too enshrined in gaming history to be succeeded, even by its own IP.

And I don't even particularly like Doom.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
When did FPS's get on the endangered species list? Seriously I don't recall that at all. Some of the most successful and critically acclaimed games in the past few years have been FPS's. Bioshock Infinite, Deus Ex: Human Revolution are the first two to come to mind. Dishonored is another.

Username Redacted

New member
Dec 29, 2010
Netrigan said:
Will the inventors of the Brown Shooter save the genre?


If we're being insanely charitable, these guys haven't released a decent single player game since the first Quake, the game which brought the brown.

If we're being really uncharitable, they were already starting to show signs of serious complacency. While other companies were expanding upon what the FPS could do, they were focused on better brown graphics and multi-player.
Agreed. At this point, and I seriously doubt that I'm alone in this, I view the tag 'From the makers of Doom and Quake' as more of a warning than an endorsement. I would also say that I have enjoyed a ton of first person shooter-ish games in the last ~year or so in Bioshock: Infinite, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Farcry 3, Farcry 3: Blood Dragon and Spec Ops: The Line to name a few. Now I realize that I was a bit late to the party of a few of those titles but there are still good FPS games being made. Hell, I might even toss Dishonored on that list. I think what the OP is talking about is that the particular sub-genre of FPS games that they like has been rather barren of late and on that they're probably right. I'm actually, now thinking about this, wishing that in addition to co-op multiplayer that Borderlands 2 had competitive multiplayer as well.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Just because the dumbest FPS games are also the most expensive to make and therefore most heavily marketed, doesn't mean FPS needs saving. Look at Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior. Then there's CS: Global Offensive, "saving" the multiplayer scene as well as revitalizing the e-sports. You should have watched the ESL One Cologne tournament. It was amazing.

And there's also the upcoming Toxxik

There are good FPS games out there. They're not even that hard to find.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Will thread have the grammar?

OT: Nope. In my opinion, it's beyond saving. We just gotta look for the colourful FPS games in the mud, not swap out the mud. That won't happen unless something makes brown and grey shooters a bad investment option


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Rozalia1 said:
Save? The FPS genre? I have no idea why old shooter fans believe FPS's used to be some sort of high art for the enjoyment of the elites. Shooters have been "lowbrow entertainment" since their inception, there is nothing to save. FPSs have "evolved" to be more effective it is all.
Dude only on the facade, the strafe shoot and explore mechanics had a better rhythm than a lot of games that claim to be smart, and play like a mechanical snorefest. People need to stop being ashamed of simplicity and arcadiness. If it works it works. especially if its fun and challenging. If the monsters talked and formed coherent thought like the old Edge magazine review suggested it would ruin the gameplay.

I don't think players literally crashed university servers with download requests for the first episode because of a desire for the low brow, it was because nothing released at the time compared to what they were exposed to since Wolfenstein 3D.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Team Fortress 2
Serious Sam 3
Rise of The Triad
Payday 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Farcry 3 / Blood Dragon
Fallout New Vegas
Deus Ex: HR
Metro 2033
Metro Last Light
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Painkiller: Hell and Damnation
Wolfenstein: New Order
Bioshock Infinite

When you say save, you imply something that's in need of help or is doing poorly.
Just not seeing anything that needs saving here, though I don't think Doom 4 is going to be doing anything wildly great.

id hasn't been doing anything impressive lately, last game from them that I really enjoyed was Doom3, which seems to be a highly debatable game in terms of awesome/crap. Rage didn't do anything to impress despite it's super powerful engine it flopped on it's face due to repetitive gameplay, no conclusion and no final boss. I'm not saying DOOM4 won't be good, I'm just not holding my breath when their last few games have been underwhelming to say the least.