One that does not accept video quality loss as compromise for game streaming.Antigonius said:What kind of a mentally challenged person do you have to be to stream uncompressed video feed? Of course compressed one is going to be expensive but it vastly reduces the size. Next, 600mbs connection already exists - my provider gives 1GB connection and I live in a fucking third world country, compared to USA or EU.
Of course - if the the whole game is on a server and the player receives only video feed - than yea - the server will have a hard time.
The next issue: PING IS NOT FASTER THAT THE SPEED OF LIGHT!!111 Well good for him - it never stopped me from playing MMO's you know. Australia is fucked because no one gives a damn about them, but European/USA server is not that bad. Played Wow on US server - 200 ping - A OK.
tl,dr: We code the video and place servers closer to us and no problem. Although I have to agree - it's not gonna be cheap. However, if the hardware will grow exponentially in power, the modern coding algorithms of video coding will work a lot faster.
Yes, 1GB connections exist, but only for a very small public. and thats only assuming minimum resolution and framerate here. for people gaming on 1440 or even 4k resolutions or those with 144hz monitors that 1gb isnt even going to be enough.
Ping does not have a speed. its a measure of response time. in order for it to be so low in order to not affect the gameplay you will have to transfer the data at the speed of light or have a streaming server very close to your house. I dont think you understand how close it has to be. EU cant have a single server. if the server is anywhere but inside your city you wont have a good experience. 200 ping is OK when all the calculations are done locally on your client. this is not going to be anywhere close to ok for streaming. 20 ping is going to be way too big, let alone 200.
No, we dont code the video. if we code the video it defeats the entire purpose of having servers stronger than local machines. and we dont have servers close enough and having them close enough is completely unreasonable solution since you will have to have literally millions of servers in every town city and village.
the problem is you not understanding the requirements for this to work and assuming that its the same as movie streaming. its nowhere even close.This is just amusing to read. Yes - servers are a problem for implementing videogame streaming today. The internet-problem however is BS - unless you live in some kind of Zimbabwe you will have a decent bandwidth (and if you DO live in Zimbabwe - you probably have better things to do that sitting here anyway).