Will people ever just say it JUST once for once?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
With the recent news of the royal wedding, then Osama Bin Ladens 'apparent death'. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's not had any peace and quiet recently.

Now I respect the news, they got to make money and keep people interested but I must ask you lot - by god am I the only one who's tired of hearing something so many times no matter how amazing, important and useful to know it was the first time, by the 20th time it's start to get rather boring.
I mean i hate to blabber on but on Friday, half my friends on steam weren't playing games because they were too busy COMPLAINING about the royal wedding. Yes fine, your view - enjoy it! Go tell someone who cares! - wait there is no one anymore because you've already told me and everyone else 5 times already?!

Then same applies to this latest one, I go downstairs to get a drink after a long nights of gaming, and find my separate steam groups and friends have announced to me - i do not exaggerate - 20 times over within less than 15minutes that Osama Bin Laden is dead. A lot of the groups having to spam it 4 times over to make sure that I get the point.
If it wasn't for the fact he was a complete dick and I was glad to hear he was dead, I'd probably go nuts! It's a rumour from what I could find, probably just one the Media exaggerated. Even if it is true, I only need to hear it once... I don't need to see my friends names changed to 'Osama is dead hooray!' to get the picture, I understood the first time - now in all politeness, shut up about it so I can continue with my game.

What I DO find interesting, is how there's been other going on around the world, a lot more devastating and impacting to the world than this rubbish. A friend of mine in America was telling me of how a Tornado or something hit his area (although he got lucky and hasn't been personally effected to badly). He's the first guy I've heard this from and that's something much more damn important!
But with all the other 'unique special news' clogging it up I didn't hear of it until then, my point is - what's more important? Some bearded guy in a cave (OK yes an evil one but you get my point) who probably can't do much anymore anywhere getting killed, a posh couple of royals getting married - or Tornadoes in America?

This is the reason I don't keep up with the news anymore - it's not news, it's just useless insignificant events I'll hear about 6 or 7 times over anyway.

So with my Rant over I'd like you to tell me of something similar that's happened to you - have you had something terrible effect your area/country while everyone else isn't shutting up about something completely useless? What has the so called 'news' come to?

(on a side note this is my first topic so sorry if I missed anything)


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Um, your asking whether the death of a man who majorly contributed to 9/11, which affected ALOT of people, or a tornado(the kind you get everyday) is more important?
Well to be honest I don't care too much about either. What I do know is that Osama dying is more interesting then reporting on another tornado. Plus its an international event vs a small, insignificant(in the eyes of everyone not there) natural disaster.
Sorry for your friend guy, but Sensationalism beats practicality any day in the world of journalism.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Media competes for attention because whichever one you watch is the one that gets the money.
It's about informing people, but more than that like many things, it's about money.
That's the reason why they'll reiterate and retell the story-of-the-day for such a long time, a lot like how they will play the same song on the radio over and over. It's a highly prevalent trope of modern media, so you might as well get used to it and stop complaining, unless you're going to make a concerted effort to put an end to it.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
My question is whether or not this event will manage to surpass the Michael Jackson death coverage...
I'm serious. That whole thing lasted for months in the media.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Argh, yes. Stupid media.

What annoys me is when there is something they could say, but don't.

Why tell us over and over that there has been a tsunami in Japan? For several days, that was the "news". There was almost nothing about what the people of Japan were doing about it, what nations were sending aid, or anything like that. We were told that the tsunami hadn't magically unhappened yet.

It was only when they started to pretend their was going to be a major nuclear disaster that they started saying anything new.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
thaluikhain said:
Argh, yes. Stupid media.

What annoys me is when there is something they could say, but don't.

Why tell us over and over that there has been a tsunami in Japan? For several days, that was the "news". There was almost nothing about what the people of Japan were doing about it, what nations were sending aid, or anything like that. We were told that the tsunami hadn't magically unhappened yet.

It was only when they started to pretend their was going to be a major nuclear disaster that they started saying anything new.
Another great example and you know I never saw one other bit of news on the other little islands and other places affected - Japans a big country, they were hit hard yes, and need help definitely but nobody seems to care about the other affected places... the media really bug me some times.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Erana said:
My question is whether or not this event will manage to surpass the Michael Jackson death coverage...
I'm serious. That whole thing lasted for months in the media.
True. I'm sure Americas media will find some way of making it last that long and avoiding all other useful subjects.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Anarchemitis said:
Media competes for attention because whichever one you watch is the one that gets the money.
It's about informing people, but more than that like many things, it's about money.
That's the reason why they'll reiterate and retell the story-of-the-day for such a long time, a lot like how they will play the same song on the radio over and over. It's a highly prevalent trope of modern media, so you might as well get used to it and stop complaining, unless you're going to make a concerted effort to put an end to it.
It's still pretty terrible that news and information spreading has become so damned corrupt, there should be some kind of damn law where they're actually made to - you know - give out information which helps people, news has the word 'new' in for a damn good reason!
Besides I put this up because I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been bothered by this and nobody ever seems to notice or discuss it - hence this topic.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
thaluikhain said:
Argh, yes. Stupid media.

What annoys me is when there is something they could say, but don't.

Why tell us over and over that there has been a tsunami in Japan? For several days, that was the "news". There was almost nothing about what the people of Japan were doing about it, what nations were sending aid, or anything like that. We were told that the tsunami hadn't magically unhappened yet.

It was only when they started to pretend their was going to be a major nuclear disaster that they started saying anything new.
The thing I hated about the tsunami itself was the fact that even the local papers were going on about it. local. I get why the news is going on about it but when I want to look at the local paper I want to hear about farmers winning trophies and stuff (I live in the countryside) not something happening on the other side of the world. That's not local.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
The Royal Wedding is ridiculous. Friday was really funny at first, but by now is only chuckle worthy.

Bin Laden dying though? It's history being made. It's the death of one of the few men who ever lived whose face can be associated with the emotion of true fear, and with death. It's a man who orchestrated the deaths of thousands.

So yeah... it's gonna be over played, quite a bit. I suggest you get used to it and find media outlets that aren't talking about it as much if you want different news.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Lullabye said:
Um, your asking whether the death of a man who majorly contributed to 9/11, which affected ALOT of people, or a tornado(the kind you get everyday) is more important?
Well to be honest I don't care too much about either. What I do know is that Osama dying is more interesting then reporting on another tornado. Plus its an international event vs a small, insignificant(in the eyes of everyone not there) natural disaster.
Sorry for your friend guy, but Sensationalism beats practicality any day in the world of journalism.
Every day tornadoes? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the death tolls hit something like 350 people - just google it, it's caused some serious damage and has been some of the worse we've seen in a long time.
my main point is though that this is something people NEED to know about, they might have relatives who've been affected or if it's going to happen again - if people don't know about it they could get hit by a tornado and have never seen it coming.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
GraveeKing said:
thaluikhain said:
Argh, yes. Stupid media.

What annoys me is when there is something they could say, but don't.

Why tell us over and over that there has been a tsunami in Japan? For several days, that was the "news". There was almost nothing about what the people of Japan were doing about it, what nations were sending aid, or anything like that. We were told that the tsunami hadn't magically unhappened yet.

It was only when they started to pretend their was going to be a major nuclear disaster that they started saying anything new.
Another great example and you know I never saw one other bit of news on the other little islands and other places affected - Japans a big country, they were hit hard yes, and need help definitely but nobody seems to care about the other affected places... the media really bug me some times.

GraveeKing said:
It's still pretty terrible that news and information spreading has become so damned corrupt, there should be some kind of damn law where they're actually made to - you know - give out information which helps people, news has the word 'new' in for a damn good reason!
Besides I put this up because I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been bothered by this and nobody ever seems to notice or discuss it - hence this topic.
Well, that's the problem with allowing the press to be free, you can't regulate it.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
The Royal Wedding is ridiculous. Friday was really funny at first, but by now is only chuckle worthy.

Bin Laden dying though? It's history being made. It's the death of one of the few men who ever lived whose face can be associated with the emotion of true fear, and with death. It's a man who orchestrated the deaths of thousands.

So yeah... it's gonna be over played, quite a bit. I suggest you get used to it and find media outlets that aren't talking about it as much if you want different news.
I can't even go on a game without hearing different news - and I mean that literally, 3 tf2 servers and a couple of L4d2 servers i tried - everyone there was like 'did you hear the news' in the end I just gave up and the above rant is the result.

Still, you get where I'm going - yes it is good he's dead, he wasn't the best chap out there, but I already know he's dead! Now that's out of the way we should celebrate this and move on - it's not like we've stopped every terrorist out there with this.

Derf Llennod

New member
Oct 1, 2010
as graveeking states. It's a big and important wedding, the worst man that should of been dead years ago is dead, but in the end, those two are finished. Now let's get back to fixing problems that still need to be fixed....I mean if those two made all debt from all the countries gone and al-quida is disbanded (ooooo, did you really think they are going to stop cuz of 1 man is dead, no matter how big and important he was?), etc. etc., then I would be cheering out the news for all my life because all the problems out there is fixed......but it diddn't, so big woop and back to work, or shut up and play some games.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
But people don't know that you know! They're only looking out for you in the long run OP...

But on the Bin Laden front if i hear the words "justice" and "done" in the same sentence again i will have to rant online at how justice can only be truly done after being tried and convicted, which is something very difficult to do to a dead guy... Oh look i already am ranting, what a shame.
Apr 24, 2008
Welcome to 24 hour rolling news...we've actually had it for a while.

I'm on board with being sick to death of the royal wedding coverage, it's a non-starter of a news story. But I can't say the death of Osama is in the same ball-park, hell...ain't even the same fuckin' sport.

The man was complicit in the single most fucked up thing most of us will have witnessed. He was politically important in life, and could be enormously important in death too...he wasn't a freakin' pop-star or a relic for British-traditionalists to get teary eyed over.