Will rare ever do a new conker game? :(

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010
E3 has been a crushing day. There was rumors and even a website i remember back in the day where somone from rare said somthing like "Don't worry children we love conker and he'll be returning for e3" I've been playing Conkers live and reloaded for 3 years it has the best multiplayer n a game. Its just great. Well starcrafts better but besides the point.

Any conker fans out there? Any info? Rare seems to have turned into a shovel ware company. I have a feeling were doomed and with the shut down of original xbox live support. What are we supposto to do? Remember how depressing the ending is! we have to see conker get back on his feat!

Remember the ongoing teddy war multiplayer story we need more of that!.

I'd embed the live and reloaded theme but sadley i forget how to embed on this forum gahh.

Your thoughts?


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I loved Conker Live and Reloaded, cause when Bad Fur Day was out, I was just a young'n and mommy would let me play cause it had bad words and shit so i never got to play it. Very rarely does a game get me to laugh so hard. And the multiplayer was great! sadly i could only ever play against the AI cause i had no XBL at the time. They really should make another Conker game. Rare needs to get back to their roots.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
It's unlikely.

The Rare of today isn't the same as the Rare of the N64 era.

Remember what happened to Banjo Kazooie? That happened because alot of the development staff from the N64 era had left the company and they just didn't have the ability to do a proper Banjo game again. I imagine the same scenario would play out for Conker.

It would be nice to see Conker again, but its unlikely that the previous magic would remain.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
What people don't understand is that Rare isn't the same company as it was in the N64 era. Most of the people who made them good have jumped ship and gone on to other things. The only similarity to the old Rare is the logo.

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010
Souplex said:
What people don't understand is that Rare isn't the same company as it was in the N64 era. Most of the people who made them good have jumped ship and gone on to other things. The only similarity to the old Rare is the logo.
Even thats changed.... look it up.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I would love for a new Conker game, but judging from Banjo Kazooie, even if it does happen it won't be the same.
It's kind of disappointing, I used to have a lot of faith in Rare.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
(bringing this thread back to life lol)
Rare had plans for another Conker game, "Conker's Other Bad Day," after they released Bar Fur Day, but the company got bought by Microsoft before they can work on it. Then they tried again to make it, even had an idea of what it's about and how it started, but Microsoft cancelled that in 2008. More on it here: http://mundorare.com/news/2008/09/conker-commands-and-conquers/

So now it's Microsoft's call if Rare will ever make that game. So far, it doesn't look like it. There have been many petitions for Microsoft to allow the game to be made. I'm more surprised that there are making Halo 4-6 without Bungie, but cancelled "Other Bad Day" from being made (and you can't really say that Microsoft is a money hungry business, otherwise the company would of known of how popular Conker is nowadays and allowed Rare to make the game by now). And I find it odd for people to have low faith just because of Nuts and Bolts (even though the game was originally gonna [or could of] be more or less a remake of the first Banjo-Kazooie, but due to the reception of Live and Reloaded, they made it into what it is). Really, the fans need to tell Microsoft that we don't want more shooters or Kinect gimmicky crap (no offense to those who like it), but for Conker's Other Bad Day to be made and released. Hopefully, it might be announced at E3 2012, that would be more of a surprise for everyone.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
TerraRising said:
I'd like to see Rare make a new Battletoads or Killer Instinct before a new Conker...
Can't we have all three? There hasn't been a Battletoads since what, Super Nintendo? It's been too long really. Killer Instinct has enough of a cult following to have warranted at least a port on PSN or XBL but nothing!

As for Conker, I haven't played the original on the N64 but I had Live and Reloaded. Great game: loved every bit of it. It would be nice to see a new, comedic, action-platformer be released on the 360. Especially a funny one like Conker!

miscelaneous said:
God, I loved that game so much. On topic, it's a shame that Rare isn't the Rare of the 90's.
It really is. It would be really refreshing to see a Goldeneye style shooter again.

Thomas Hanson

New member
Jun 22, 2012
Hey everyone who reads this go to http://www.petitiononline.com/78952632/petition.html and sign the petition for the other conker game, with enough hopefully we can get Microsoft to create a new one