Will shooters ever be anything else other than just military again?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Poor, poor Red Faction. Poor THQ :( I never seen Halo as a serious military game, to me it just always seemed silly science fiction. Not that thats a bad thing.


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Soxafloppin said:
I don't like Shooters all that much to be honest, but that Planet side 2 looks pretty interesting. Its definitely a Beautiful game anyway.
You should play, its a lot like Battlefield 2142 except on a much more massive scale. Once you fight in a massive battle you just want more of it. Oh yeah before I forget, join the Terran Republic.

But there really aren't that many spunk gargle wee wee games. There battlefield and modern warefare everything else changes that recipe up a little. Everyone else has already mentioned those so I won't repeat them.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
-Metro 2033
-Gears of War
-Mass Efffect

All series with recent iterations, all shooters to one degree or another, none of them military shooters. Non-military shooters are actually more common than military shooters at this point.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
rhizhim said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
The military have always been involved in games.

The very first games were designed using military technology.

At their core, games are about offense and defense. Some studios even produced military training aids (RIP Pandemic). It only seems natural that games should be so tightly bound to military themes. I have no qualms with it. And like other posters are saying, they're not even close to dominating the market.
can you please post some examples?

because the only early shooters i know are:
- castle wolfenstein.
- marathon
- quake
- doom.

and they dont really have something to do with the military.

or are you talking about video games in general when you could play a pong/tennis game on a oscilloscope?
Yes, I was making a reference to how early video game prototypes were developed on military cathode tube ray technology. Or how Sega more or less had its genesis in American military bases all around Japan. However, there are some historical examples of old FPS games not only featuring the military but actually being designed by the military themselves. Out of the top I can think of this one:

Panther, 1975 - actually it's a tank sim, but it's in first person... and you still shoot... and you're stuck with tank controls. Literally and figuratively. The military modded it into a game called "Panzer" later on. Here's a link:


And don't Wolfenstein and Doom involve soldiers and space marines, respectively? I realize this is far from the gritty realism developers are going for nowadays, but the semantics have more or less always been there.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
There are plenty of non-military shooters. Just as many, if not more than the military ones even. You just don't look in the right places I guess? I mean, BF, CoD, MoH, Arma, spec ops... What other mainstream military shooters are there? At the same time you have bulletstorm, borderlands, far cry, deux ex, rage, FEAR 3, Planetside 2, Max Payne 3, Darkness 2...

And that's just some of the more recent 1st person shooters. Not even counting ones from 3~4 years ago or 3rd person ones.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Considering some of the best games of the year are Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, and Halo 4, I'm going to say no, we will never get anything but military shooters ever again.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Windcaler said:
Two that come to mind are Blacklight: Retribution and Planetside 2. Both games have a futuristic feel but the former is more cyber punk as you play an agent in a kind of post apocolyptic setting where you work for various companies and the latter more science fiction based though I cant speak to its lore
I don't think Planetside 2 has much in the way of lore.

Been playing and all i've found is if you shoot things, they will die. They will come back though so shoot them again.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite, PS2

etc etc.

Hawken which is a cross between mechwarrior and counterstrike.

I don't know if the grey brown shooter will completely die out, but its safe to say that anything at its zenith will eventually fall and become irrelevant.


Feb 9, 2010
Vault101 said:
no because trends do not come and go and things stay the same ALWAYS/sarcasm

there has been talk that we may be seeing the end of brown militairy shooters what with borderlands 2, facr cry 3 and spec ops (and the upcoming bioshock infinate)

Spec Ops looks pretty brown and military if you ask me;)

King Billi

New member
Jul 11, 2012
Firstly - Military shooters aren't bad for the most part.

Secondly - Military shooters certainly are not as prevelant as people seem to believe.

There is more than enough variety out there for there if you'd care to look.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
MetalDooley said:
Vault101 said:
no because trends do not come and go and things stay the same ALWAYS/sarcasm

there has been talk that we may be seeing the end of brown militairy shooters what with borderlands 2, facr cry 3 and spec ops (and the upcoming bioshock infinate)

Spec Ops looks pretty brown and military if you ask me;)
I think the point was that Spec Ops isn't: "AMERICA FUCK YEAH!" or "War is fun, pew pew!" like lots of other brown military shooters tend to be in glorifying war. Spec Ops is quite the opposite actually.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Oh yay. More wailing and gnashing of teeth about the 'state of gaming'.

*goes back to Far Cry 3*


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Mojo_22 said:
MetalDooley said:
Vault101 said:
no because trends do not come and go and things stay the same ALWAYS/sarcasm

there has been talk that we may be seeing the end of brown militairy shooters what with borderlands 2, facr cry 3 and spec ops (and the upcoming bioshock infinate)

Spec Ops looks pretty brown and military if you ask me;)
I think the point was that Spec Ops isn't: "AMERICA FUCK YEAH!" or "War is fun, pew pew!" like lots of other brown military shooters tend to be in glorifying war. Spec Ops is quite the opposite actually.
In fact, Spec Ops did realistic military shooters justice. It wasn't just another shooter, this was a game with a story. A mind twisting, moral warping story.

But then, when I want to have some fun, I unload a Tediore gun in a bandit's face only to finish him off by throwing the gun I just unloaded right at his face. Ka-Boom! =D


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Zhukov said:
I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you over the noise of Borderlands 2. Max Payne 3, Bioshock Infinite and Farcry 3

And that's all within a single year.
And that's not even taking into account games like Halo, Crysis (which are militaristic but are more focused on Stargate-style Sci-Fi), the Transformers: Cybertron franchise, Serious Sam, Bulletstorm (which is a lot more old-school than people gave it credit for, simply because it still has cover, limited weapon slots, and regenerating health), Dishonored, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Darkness and its sequel, Tribes: Ascend, Mass Effect, the Syndicate FPS, Portal, Mirror's Edge, F.E.A.R., S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro 2033, Resistance (in a similar boat to Halo in my eyes), Hard Reset, Just Cause 2, Fallout 3/New Vegas, and Uncharted.

So... yeah. I'll have to agree with everyone else. Looks like we're never going to get anything except military shooters ever again.


Feb 9, 2010
Mojo_22 said:
MetalDooley said:
Vault101 said:
no because trends do not come and go and things stay the same ALWAYS/sarcasm

there has been talk that we may be seeing the end of brown militairy shooters what with borderlands 2, facr cry 3 and spec ops (and the upcoming bioshock infinate)

Spec Ops looks pretty brown and military if you ask me;)
I think the point was that Spec Ops isn't: "AMERICA FUCK YEAH!" or "War is fun, pew pew!" like lots of other brown military shooters tend to be in glorifying war. Spec Ops is quite the opposite actually.

Oh I know.I was just jokingly referring to the fact that on looks alone Spec Ops is probably the brownest military shooter released this year.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
MetalDooley said:
Mojo_22 said:
MetalDooley said:
Vault101 said:
no because trends do not come and go and things stay the same ALWAYS/sarcasm

there has been talk that we may be seeing the end of brown militairy shooters what with borderlands 2, facr cry 3 and spec ops (and the upcoming bioshock infinate)

Spec Ops looks pretty brown and military if you ask me;)
I think the point was that Spec Ops isn't: "AMERICA FUCK YEAH!" or "War is fun, pew pew!" like lots of other brown military shooters tend to be in glorifying war. Spec Ops is quite the opposite actually.

Oh I know.I was just jokingly referring to the fact that on looks alone Spec Ops is probably the brownest military shooter released this year.
Ah, the winking smiley face. So obvious yet somehow so deceiving.
Sry, guess I went full retard there. Never go full retard.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I don't think it's so much about "why are all shooters military" (they aren't) than about why all military shooter campaigns are so brown, boring, linear and scripted. There's an abundance of great shooters to play out there but if you want something military-themed and GOOD, you're shit outta luck. I guess someone could bring up Spec Ops, but I heard that outside the story it repeats all the bullshit of other military games and is gameplay-wise pretty awful.