Will there ever be another World War?

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
Therumancer said:

At any rate all of my militant discussion aside, if I was in control of a major power right now I'd throw the match on the powder keg to get it going, instead of hoping it will go off on it's own and leave me blameless. "We must save paradise by introducing the serpent" so to speak. It doubtlessly makes most people here terribly happy that I will likely never wield any real power. On the other hand in a generation or two... well you likely won't see the result of nobody like me being in a position to step up to the plate and save the world.
Considering you just wrote a wall of text advocating the destruction of 90% of the human race, you're damn right nobody here is going to regret your lack of power.

Jesus Christ, you even had the balls to call that "saving the world." And no, putting the words "false" and "incorrectly" after hypothetical rebuttals does not constitute a defense.

Strazdas said:
dont undersestimate this parasite we call humans ability to survive.
Don't be a sore loser, Agent Smith. We beat you fair and square.
Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why do you keep fighting?


New member
Dec 17, 2012
In the present economic and diplomatic climate? No. A World War has a probability so low as to be impossible.

Nations "between" superpowers would get picked apart for resources before any would dare trying to invade the others.

Certainly the superpowers could bluff and boast how they will "intervene" should another super power attack a nation in their area of influence for resources but it'll only be a bluff. If the United States invaded Syria Russia wouldn't attack the United States. The cost is too high.

Maybe a Grand UAE could form in response but those nations hate each other as much as they hate the West. They would whine and complain about the West showing their true colours and disrespect for Arabs and Islam but they would also be thinking "Yeah, get those Iraqi/Afghani/Pakastani/Egyptian/Saudi/Iranian/Yemish bastards!"

Africa is also fragmented enough to be invaded in various areas before the superpowers would turn on each other. The world would first turn into a mad dash for colonies rather than a full-blown world war.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Auron225 said:
all it takes is one moron in power to do one stupid thing, like actually using nuclear weapons.
I read that as "one MORMON" in power... and had a bit of a chuckle.

Then I had to raise my eyebrow and think "Actually, that's also a posibility."


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I think that old man in The Avengers said it right, "there will always be men like you." I think it's only a matter of time before we get another Hitler (not saying he/she will want to kill the Jews or anything). History shows that we are a civilization built on conflict, it's only a matter of time before the next big one occurs.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
I feel right now, WWIII is impossible because no player on the world stage is at a point where they can say the entire world ending is the only alternative to them not controlling the world. After the top countries create a missile shield that would destroy any nuclear missile being launched at the country WWIII will be inevitable. As crazy as the world may seem, I don't think anyone actually wants to turn the world into a giant glowing rock.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
SirDeadly said:
I think that old man in The Avengers said it right, "there will always be men like you." I think it's only a matter of time before we get another Hitler (not saying he/she will want to kill the Jews or anything). History shows that we are a civilization built on conflict, it's only a matter of time before the next big one occurs.
That line holds so much truth and I doubt most people appreciate it as much as they should.

OT: At some point probably. Ever notice that in SciFi Earth is almost always under a single government? I think that eventually that will happen. I also think once that happens that we will begin to seriously crack down on the world's issues (poverty, starvation, intolerance, pollution). I don't think we are in a situation at the moment where a world war will happen, but if the EU ever fuses into one country (like the states merged from being much more independent early on) or if they expand influence, the resulting superpower could lead to one. As others have said, superpowers are necessary for a world war.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Growing population on a planet with less and less ressources, which we are fucking up cos we are too short sighted to see that in 100 years time, every ecological shortcut we took is going to bite us in the ass 10 fold.

Yeh i can totally see a ww3 happening allright, i just don't know how it would be fought due to to many countries having nukes...Or maybe thats how humanity ends, with some asshole leader deciding that if their country is going to be defeated/fucked over then s/he will take the entire human race with them.

Winthrop said:
Ever notice that in SciFi Earth is almost always under a single government? I think that eventually that will happen.
I think the last best chance of such a scenario happening died with Napoleon.

Could you imagine the average american (well could be any country really, but usa is the most patriotic gun wielding easy example i can think of+still currently the world superpower who teaches its citizens the manifest destiny doctrine from school age) accepting a goverment that rules over them that isnt american based?

Now nationalism is just too entrenched imo for a single world government to happen.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I am highly suspicious of those of the cloth. I fear religious fervor more than any ideology.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
gdv358 said:
1) The world powers have to be divided into two neatly divided camps

This was something that existed for the entirety of the Cold War. But since the fall of the Soviet Union there really aren't neat and even divisions between the world powers. Everyone has started to be either in it for themselves or in it for the "global community" and that isn't the kind of environment that sparks a "World War".
Not sure about that. WW2 ended up like that, yeah, but took a while to get to that point. Out of interest, would you say it'd count as a world war if the USSR, US and Japan had stayed out of it?

gdv358 said:
3) A major world power has to think they CAN WIN

When the World Wars started, both of them began on the idea that someone could effectively fight all of the other powers in the world and WIN. You look at Germany's progress in WW2 and you can see pretty clearly that they had a fair reason to think they could.
I'm not sure there. Germany flat out could not win against the UK and USSR. Japan could not win against the US. However, people in power would not accept this, they'd promised victory to their leaders. The Emperor had been promised victory, so victory had to be achievable. Likewise, to an extent, with Hitler.

gdv358 said:
For anyone who thinks differently about the balance of power right now, I leave you with this: I've been told by a couple people in the military (on both sides) that in the 90s we actually managed to lose a couple of war games against Canada - CANADA of all places. Think about that the next time you picture someone trying to rule the world.
A war game that pits the nation of Canada against the US, or a war game that pits a Canadian force against a US one?

Canadian is a small nation, with a small military and no nuclear capability of its own, but that doesn't mean it's forces are worse than comparable US forces. Notably, they use a lot of the exact same equipment.

DeadRise17 said:
I remember reading somewhere that humans are no less likely to start a war than we ever have been, but we no longer have large enough militaries to go to full scale war and lack the reserves in troops and equipment to support a war after it has started. North Korea, one of the most militarised places on the planet can wage total war for 100 days before running out of fuel and ammuniton. 100 DAYS!
At the beginning of WW2, many powers weren't ready. Chamberlain got a lot of flak for not declaring war on Germany sooner, but they weren't ready in 1938. He then quietly built up Britain's military but still wasn't ready in 1939. British troops used the Sten not because it was a great weapon, but because you could cheaply make one in a garage in a few hours. (As an aside, it'd be interesting if the UK ever needed to massively increase the size of it's military in a hurry, you can't make a L85A2 in a hurry, though I'd expect they keep a lot of older stuff in storage, I've heard that they've still got Lee-Enfield rifles sitting around)

The US after Pearl Harbour likewise. A lot of troops were issued with revolvers instead of 1911s because they couldn't build 1911s fast enough.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
That's not the way information works these days. Scientists don't write single formulas that can't be recreated on single pieces of paper. We have these things called computers. Not only are they routinely backed up, but when you "steal" information from one, it doesn't automatically destroy the original. This is why, you know, music piracy happens.

For an "Information War" to be credibly called anything remotely comparable to a World War, we'd need to see direct casualties clearly caused by information warfare. Things like nuclear powerplant control systems being sent into meltdown mode, or more likely shutting down water or power grids during the height of summer/winter.
i never implied thats how information works, merely assuemd you knew that hackers and viruses can do more than just copy information. Lets say a government designed virus infects a computer of one of the scientists. it quickly spread to other scientsits computers and backup drives during backup process, while remaining dorment, and keeping score of how many copies it has created. then it gets a signal to act, waits till it can relay all this signal to all of its own copies (backup drives are supposed to stay offline when not bkacuping), and then all drives get to delete all the info at once.
bam, no backups.
the virus would be complex, but such is informational warfare.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Therumancer said:
Overpopulation is a very great concern and I reckon it's something we should be more concerned about than a hypothetical World War 3, though the idea that 9 tenths of the human race should be exterminated in a global conflict for the apparent betterment of humanity is one of the most crazy things I've read in a long time. Aside from the idea of wiping out the majority of the human race (which would probably also include the majority of our best thinkers and workers whose talents would be needed to stabilize the world after such a catastrophe) a conflict that disastrous, that can actually result in that number of fatalities will irreversibly scar the entire planet, even if WMD's aren't used, and it would drag on for a very, very long time. We aren't gonna be building some great space exploring utopia if there's practically no materials left to build it with, not enough people to do it, no places where people can be educated on how to do it, not enough habitable areas and food sources left for reasonably sized populations to exist anymore and create it, etc. If you'd envision the world after something like that it'd be like a dead, grim stone age with the odd peace of modern technology no one can really do anything with lying around.
Yeah, we need to do something about overpopulation before it gets too severe, but it's not that great a concern that a war with the express purpose of wiping out most of humanity would make any kind of sense whatsoever. And those kind of space endeavors should only be undertaken if the profit is most definitely worth the insane investments that kind of thing would require.

Wars happen. Conflict, whether its among one individual and another or groups of some kind is a part of human nature and occurs for a ton of reasons. But the state of world now, the fact that as many have already said, warring with someone nowadays will hurt your country more than benefiting it in just about every possible outcome, means that a World War just won't happen, at least not as long as the current state of the world exists. Between world powers things like ideological or theological concerns just don't exist as a reason for great conflicts anymore (and even then these kinds of things rarely were an actual reason for wars, more of a motivator or justification) and many of these kind of ideas still left are dying with the older generations and being replaced by those of the younger ones who are overall much less concerned with whatever archaic, unreasonable ideals or prejudices their forebears may have had a long time ago. In short, nobody wants to go on a holy or nationalist crusade anymore. I'm not trying to say that newer generations are inherently smarter or better or anything, but on the whole people question more than they used to. They won't support a lot of hardship for little gain, and you can forgot ridiculous claims that WW3 will be started by some single tyrannical dictator with some kind of evil, genocidal agenda because noone will allow that kind of person to become a world leader in the first place, and even if they did noone would want to follow them.
Of course, all this applies to how things are now. Only last century Hitler, a dictator with an evil, genocidal agenda, came to power and effectively created the most destructive conflict of all time, but a number of things were going on and a number of factors existed which allowed him to become powerful enough to create it, things and factors which thankfully don't exist right now...

Kj Boyce

New member
Feb 25, 2013
There wont be another major global war unless someone develops a defense for nuclear weapons. The reason that we've only seen cold war and proxy wars and regional level conflict since VJ day is mutually assured destruction.

Old Father Eternity

New member
Aug 6, 2010
Credossuck said:
Old Father Eternity said:
Credossuck said:
no. there is literally nothing to gain. war is about getting stuff. always.
Materialism is not the only driving force behind conflict.
its always about getting stuff, while stuff is not closely defined it is the truth that noone ever went to war for shits and giggles.

nowadays you can get just about anything with means that do not run the risk of mowing down your country in the same process.
While not on the scale of WW, conflicts have erupted over insults, hate toward specific groups of people. There are bound to be other reasons but I am not a war historian. You see, you fail to take into account the entirety of what makes humans the way they are.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
IBlackKiteI said:
In short, nobody wants to go on a holy or nationalist crusade anymore. I'm not trying to say that newer generations are inherently smarter or better or anything, but on the whole people question more than they used to. They won't support a lot of hardship for little gain, and you can forgot ridiculous claims that WW3 will be started by some single tyrannical dictator with some kind of evil, genocidal agenda because noone will allow that kind of person to become a world leader in the first place, and even if they did noone would want to follow them.
Of course, all this applies to how things are now. Only last century Hitler, a dictator with an evil, genocidal agenda, came to power and effectively created the most destructive conflict of all time, but a number of things were going on and a number of factors existed which allowed him to become powerful enough to create it, things and factors which thankfully don't exist right now...
Yes and no. I don't think people are less likely to accept a dictator, or rather, that the conditions which lead to one couldn't happen.

But like you say, all sorts of things had to go on to allow Hitler to come to power, and they were mostly independent of what put Mussolini in power, and totally independent of the Japanese political situation.

If Japan hadn't been wanting to build itself an empire, or if it had decided just to opportunistically attack Germany like it did in WW1, things would have been very different.
Feb 28, 2008
If several things happened politically, it could happen. Probably the greatest upcoming threat to international peace would be if Iran decides to pursue nuclear weapons development, because it can be guaranteed that Israel will bomb them; whether or not that could escalate into a greater conflict I don't know. Otherwise the political landscape doesn't really lend itself to a global conflict anymore; none of the major industrialised nations has a political regime whose desire is expansion by conquest.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Strazdas said:
That's not the way information works these days. Scientists don't write single formulas that can't be recreated on single pieces of paper. We have these things called computers. Not only are they routinely backed up, but when you "steal" information from one, it doesn't automatically destroy the original. This is why, you know, music piracy happens.

For an "Information War" to be credibly called anything remotely comparable to a World War, we'd need to see direct casualties clearly caused by information warfare. Things like nuclear powerplant control systems being sent into meltdown mode, or more likely shutting down water or power grids during the height of summer/winter.
i never implied thats how information works, merely assuemd you knew that hackers and viruses can do more than just copy information. Lets say a government designed virus infects a computer of one of the scientists. it quickly spread to other scientsits computers and backup drives during backup process, while remaining dorment, and keeping score of how many copies it has created. then it gets a signal to act, waits till it can relay all this signal to all of its own copies (backup drives are supposed to stay offline when not bkacuping), and then all drives get to delete all the info at once.
bam, no backups.
the virus would be complex, but such is informational warfare.
And do you have evidence that such a virus exists? Because initially you asserted quite confidently that WWIII is already being fought through information, and suddenly you're now talking very theoretically about what could be possible.
if i had evidence, quite a few governments would be after me by now.
That being said had you forgotten the Iran created virus that devastated middle east this year?


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Strazdas said:
if i had evidence, quite a few governments would be after me by now.
So how exactly is this different from you just making stuff up and claiming it to be fact?

That being said had you forgotten the Iran created virus that devastated middle east this year?
Which virus exactly was that? I was unaware that the middle east was "devastated" by anything this year, let alone by a virus.
From the very begining i said this was an example of what could happen in information war, and not a fact. So you arguing i claim it to be a fact is moot.
Stuxnet and Flame are two names that spring to my mind for viruses lately.