Will Wright Says Wii is Part of the "Toy Market"

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Will Wright Says Wii is Part of the "Toy Market"

Nintendo Wii [http://thesims.ea.com/] has been so successful because it's managed to differentiate itself from the PS3 and 360 as a "toy," a design choice he describes as being "very good for the industry."

Wright certainly isn't the first person to describe the Wii as a toy, but he may be one of the few to do it without any underlying sneer. "I think the Wii is a very unique platform, and that's kind of its core value. That's why it's been so successful - because it's pretty clearly different than the GamesIndustry [http://www.xbox.com].

"I think the Wii provides very fun experiences for the most part, but it's kind of a different level of experience; it's not like these 40-hour involved RPG games as much as it is like these fun toys to pick up and start playing in five minutes," he continued. "And it's really fun with a group of people sitting around... It really is more into what I would call the toy market, because most of the Wii games I've enjoyed felt more like toys than like games."

Wright, of course, knows something about the relationship between games and toys. His most famous projects feature plenty of both and his new venture, Stupid Fun Club [http://www.stupidfunclub.com/], looks set to advance that integration even further. So when he talks about Nintendo consciously focusing on that market, you know he's not being dismissive.

"Nintendo decided to lean younger and they took the industry in a really interesting direction, where we have games appearing on the Wii that people never would have dreamed of five years ago," he said. "And that broadened the market in really interesting ways. I think it's kind of cool that they decided to go off and find a different sandbox to play in; I think it's been very good for the industry."



New member
May 21, 2008
Yeah! You see that trolls? The Nintendo Wii is a toy! No, not a toy, but a toy! This reminds me of all the arguments that more games should be "kiddy" and stop taking themselves seriously. An argument I completely agree with by the way.

Now I just wonder if he sees the difference between games and The Sims.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
He's right, although in the context he speaks of, I'm glad that there are some exceptions, like the upcoming Metroid, Zelda and Mario games.


New member
May 19, 2009
The Game Overthinker (Moviebob in his element) stated this about two years ago. All consoles are intrinsically toys.

As to Nintendo's direction, if the Playstation (1) can look to a demographic other than classic gamer, why can't Nintendo. I'd rather grandma game than any given ass on X-Box Live.

This latest console generation can be boiled-down as such: Microsoft and Sony each tried to make a rounder wheel. Sony's was rounder but too limited. Microsoft's was good enough and could do a lot more. Nintendo made developed a wing.

Heart of Darkness

The final days of His Trolliness
Jul 1, 2009
Freebird. said:
Meanwhile, Freebird says that all consoles are toys. Stop judging the Wii like it's not a console or the 360 and PS3 like they're not toys. There's really no point.
Ninja'd by the first post. You guys work fast, that's for sure.

OT: Other than what Freebird says, at least Will Wright isn't being condescending about it. It's still only going to provide more gasoline for the fire, though. *moves a safe distance away*

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
I'm, sorry, but everytime someone from the industry (other than Nintendo) tries to classify the Wii, it always smacks of post-time hand-wringing to the tune of "DAMN IT! How the hell do they keep coming up with these things?! Why isn't our "Insert Item/System here" a license to print money and snort mushrooms off of cosplayers?!"

Even Will Wright.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Since when we're making people like Will Wright and Peter Molyneux as authorities in gaming?

Last time I checked, they haven't made anything that wasn't meet with overwhelming criticism.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
All your kids are going to be Nintendo fanboys. Mark my words. It is either that or let your kids play your games with all that blood, sex, and profanity. Seriously, is there any other console really trying to tap into the kiddie market right now besides Nintendo?


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Populus89 said:
Since when we're making people like Will Wright and Peter Molyneux as authorities in gaming?

Last time I checked, they haven't made anything that wasn't meet with overwhelming criticism.
No way! Syndicate was awesome. I'm sure PM's made some other games too.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Jeronus said:
All your kids are going to be Nintendo fanboys. Mark my words. It is either that or let your kids play your games with all that blood, sex, and profanity. Seriously, is there any other console really trying to tap into the kiddie market right now besides Nintendo?
Well you can't exactly have "David Jaffe's Kratos Babies"...as hilarious as that idea sounds on paper. But yeah, Nintendo I feel is the only one of the big three console makers trying to actively market to all sectors of the possible gaming customer base. The PS3 and 360 may have games oriented for the younger audience but they aren't pushed as much.

tcurt said:
Populus89 said:
Since when we're making people like Will Wright and Peter Molyneux as authorities in gaming?

Last time I checked, they haven't made anything that wasn't meet with overwhelming criticism.
No way! Syndicate was awesome. I'm sure PM's made some other games too.
Populous, Black and White...i'm sure there's more than that. And Will Wright has all the "Sim ____" titles except for Sim Copter and Streets of Sim City to have a reputation built on. Though reasonably both of them have faced challenges in this current generation in terms of getting a critically acclaimed and well-selling game out there.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
They're all toys. Even a PC can be used as a toy, when you play games with it. Toy isn't a derogatory word for entertainment.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Populus89 said:
Since when we're making people like Will Wright and Peter Molyneux as authorities in gaming?

Last time I checked, they haven't made anything that wasn't meet with overwhelming criticism.
It's the same with Uwe Boll, only vice versa (heh). He is finally starting to make decent (partly even good!) movies, but still, he will never lose his reputation of "worst direct0r evarrrr!". Especially with people who haven't even seen a single one of his movies.

Now WW and PM feed on their old reputation. It won't change. If you did something right in your pastime, you'll always be able to prey on that success.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Booze Zombie said:
The only problem I find with toys is they eventually stop being used and gather dust.
And such is the case with the Wii. Or my Wii anyway.

The Wii is most certainly more a toy than a game console. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, of course, and it has served Nintendo very well, but I don't think Mr. Wright is shocking anyone with his statements. The PS3 and 360, however, are not really toys.


New member
Dec 21, 2008
All video games are fundamentally toys, but so far the Wii is the only one that seems to be willing to admit that, and to be honest that's probably one of the reasons is doing so well. The 360 and PS3 are still stepping around the subject without outright admitting it, and it seems that that might be only detrimental in the long run. There is a sense of appealing "purity" about the Wii in that regard, like how Madworld's use of ludicrously over the top violence and dick joke commentary were the game admitting that it was trying to be a guilty pleasure, as opposed to say, Gears of War trying to pretend that through all the chainsawing and manliness is something more important, when in reality, not too many people cared about any of that. They just wanna shoot somebody and saw them in half.