Wisdom teeth stories


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I'm lucky since mine haven't even poked heir heads out yet. I'm thinking that their planning some kind of stealth op to mess with me when I least expect it.

I've seen people lose lots of weight from not wanting to eat much of anything, and some have had horrible pain, but most of the time they seem perfectly normal. There is some crappy side effect in some cases, but thankfully medicine has come a long way.


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
All four of mine erupted fine and there have been no problems since.

The end.

Sorry, I'm quite smug about that.

In all seriousness, good luck OP, hope everything goes smoothly.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
I got two coming through.

Left one is fine at the moment but the =right is swollen in the gum and painful, and biting into my cheek a lot and hurting like hell. I'm going to my dentist tomorrow to get them poked with a metal stick and referred to have the taken out.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
I don't think I had them removed, but the ones behind them were. Yes my mouth is really weird.

That was under general aesthetic as well.


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
I have the good kind of wisdom teeth - no complications, just four extra teeth way at the back. None the less, I did get a cavity in one of them a few months ago (it's difficult to clean properly back there), and my dentist recommended pulling it because it's no point fixing a tooth that doesn't really have a function.

I got a few shots of local anesthetic, and after some prying and unpleasant cracking noises, the tooth was out. It had a tiny crown and a single (huge) root that was slightly hook-shaped. The damn thing looked as if it was designed for the sole purpose of being difficult to remove! Still, it proved no match for modern dentistry.

Not much of a hassle, and hence not much of a story, but there you go.

Oh, and best of luck to you!

EDIT: Oh yeah, one thing I definitely should have mentioned is that there were next to no after-effects whatsoever. No pain or anything. Just a weird hole in my gum. It got noticeably smaller every day, and was completely gone after a couple of weeks!

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I had all of my wisdom teeth removed roughly two years ago. I was way overdue, though. My dentist had been trying to get me to have them removed for like three or four years before that, but it just wasn't something I could find the time or money to do. I was travelling for school, trying to find work, trying to pay off school, trying to care for my mom after she had a stroke, etc. It was always a lower priority, because it didn't seem so immediate.

Eventually they started to actually grow in, and they were causing me a lot of jaw pain. It started out fairly low-key, and the worst part were all the people with their "lol, he's teething!" jokes. But as they started to grow in more they started to shift the rest of my teeth in order to fit, and that hurt like hell. Like a constant throbbing pain in the back of my jaw. The wisdom tooth on the lower left ended up actually cracking itself in half trying to shove its way into the rest of my teeth, and that's what prompted me to finally make the time open on my schedule to have it done.

I was pretty nervous about getting it done, because I'd heard nothing but horror stories from people about how much it hurts and how much the recovery sucks. But really, it was nothing. They put the mask to my face, asked me to breath in deep and count to three, and I don't actually remember counting to three. I woke up a while later with no pain and no wisdom teeth. I was able to speak coherently, didn't feel drowsy or anything from the anesthesia, the bleeding was pretty mild for an hour or two and then it was done, and that's about it. After a day or two I was back to normal, minus the jaw pain. Not even any swelling, because I was diligent about changing my ice packs.

So yeah... best of luck, and don't get too nervous about it. In my experience it really wasn't a big deal at all. The build-up was a lot worse than the actual procedure.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Eclipse Dragon said:
I got one of my wisdom teeth removed without anesthesia (Novocaine only), that was a mistake, I will never do that again.
I've had two wisdom teeth out with novacaine, and it went pretty smooth. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just amazed at the difference between our experiences.
Eamar said:
All four of mine erupted fine and there have been no problems since.

The end.

Sorry, I'm quite smug about that.

In all seriousness, good luck OP, hope everything goes smoothly.
Curse you!

But seriously, my big problem with the way my uppers grew in I couldn't really brush them well. They kept catching food and then they started getting infected. It's kind of screwed up because I had them for so long. I just literally couldn't take care of them.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
I've heard strange things about others and their wisdom teeth, but mine went totally fine.
Sat in the chair, put the needle in my air, breath through the nose mask.
Woke up some 45 minutes later with 4 less wisdom teeth, and I go sleep for the next 5 days. Having just come from a 6-week summer engineering school, it was pretty nice to just be able to lay around. I also didn't suffer much in terms of physical or mental ability--I could walk, talk, and think just fine.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Thanks for the stories guys I'm home now after surgery and everything went fine now I just have to get through eating soft foods and Ill be ok haha.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Let me give you a piece of advice, after you get your wisdom teeth out don't work out for about a week or so.

I was 17 and I got all my wisdom teeth removed at the same time. At the time I ran cross country in high school, and I had a race 2 days after I got my wisdom teeth pulled. About a mile into the race my increased heart rate and blood pressure started making my gums bleed profusely where the teeth had been cut out. I ended up finishing the race but I had to spit a bunch of blood up every couple hundred meters, which was incredibly unpleasant.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
It seems like an awful lot of people have had to get their wisdom teeth removed but my came in perfectly, I must be one of the lucky ones.

So yeah I don't really have a story, is it true you get to eat all the ice cream you want after? or is that tonsils...


New member
Jun 28, 2010
When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I never fell asleep during the procedure but I nevertheless woke up in a place I didn't recognize with no clue of where I was, why I was there, why I was tasting blood or whose teeth I was holding in my hand. Then I went home and played Borderlands for a few days. All I remember from those days is brown bunnyhopping and "pew pew" noises.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
My wisdom teeth story?

All four of my wisdom teeth came in something like 8-9 years ago now. They fit perfectly well and I honestly enjoy the use of the extra molars (I can't even imagine how annoying it would be to have to chew food without them now).

The end.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
I got all 4 of mine out several years ago, because they became impacted.

Two out on the one side, the the other side a few weeks later. Just your bog-standard Novocaine (though historically I need a lot of it, likely on account of me being a big fat bastard), and other than the disgusting taste whenever I had to wash my mouth out with salt water, I had no problems whatsoever.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
One of my wisdom teeth extracted itself from my mouth to fight off a dozen ninja while I was asleep. True story.

(Honestly though, they're just sort of taking their damn time half way out. Not sure if I should get them removed, the gum's sort of accomodated them).


New member
Nov 5, 2011
I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out over 10 years ago, as all of them were impacted. I don't think I've ever heard my mother laugh so hard when she was describing the amount of drugged nonsense that was coming out of my mouth when I was coming to.

My suggestion would be is to buy a pair of pantyhose, stick a ice pack in each leg, and then knot it so that the packs don't fall out the waist (not too tight). Position the ice packs where they can do the optimal good, and then tie the legs at the top of your head. Now you should be able to go hands free while having ice packs applied comfortably to your face. May not want to wear it hanging around other people, but chilling while playing video games it makes it pretty convenient. And with how you're probably feeling right now, you probably won't care how you look. I did this and it drastically cut down on the swelling and the bruising.

Like others have said previously, just keep up with your after care and you won't have any issues. Hope you feel better soon!


New member
Nov 5, 2011
Oh, and don't sweat it if you're not healing as quickly as other people. I know some people who needed at least two weeks to heal, while others were eating semi-solid food the next day.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
when i had mine removed i thought i was a wizard

in all seriousness i'm rocking the classic caveman jaw so i never had to have em removed. every few months one might get infected but usually the just sit there half way out and don't bother me.