Without Health Insurance for 30 days...


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Hello my fellow escapists,

My job recently pulled the rug out from under me and dismissed me (without cause, I live in a 'right to work' state so they can do that) thankfully I was already interning for another job (read: on my off days I was at my uncle's computer shop where I could ask questions about a topic I was teaching myself) and they hired me on. The kicker is that because of insurance waiting periods my wife and I are looking at a 30 day gap in coverage. My question is will this hurt us (assuming we remain health for a month) in the long run on our premiums and such?

we could go COBRA and stick with our current insurance, at a stupidly high price, but we could, if necessary, I'd rather go without than pay ~500 just for 1 month of insurance.