Working in an office environment is not cool because......


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Artina89 said:
Where groups of people stand around criticizing another person behind their backs, but when that person approaches, they act as though they are best friends. That happens quite a lot where I work, and it irritates me no end.
Thats the one! I probably heard every single person in my workplace talking shit about everyone else. Even today one guy managed to piss off the whole department, they even came up with some elaborate pranks to make fun of him.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I haven't worked in an office environment since this was relevant:
...and I'm quite happy with that.

For me it was the monotony of the work involved and the stupidity of bureaucracy. Completely intolerable.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Chemical Alia said:
Up until recently I did work in an office. The only thing awesome about being one of only like five women in the company (which is still higher than I'm used too) is that I basically had a private, spotless perfect bathroom. Except for the cockroaches that would appear at night. Oh, and that one coworker who would occasionally be in the stall before I went in the restroom and still in there when I left. D:
Some of us just take really slow and satisfying dumps, OK!?

OT: The only issue I have with office workplaces is that I have a hard time gauging how well doing against everyone else. When I'm a cashier, I can clearly see the pace being set so I can work towards surpassing it.

(Don't tell me "just work as hard as you can". "As hard as I can" would make my limbs fall off after a while.)


New member
Oct 27, 2008
SckizoBoy said:
Artina89 said:
I still work in a laboratory as a biochemist, but I am moving into the microbiology department in the New Year where the people are a lot more laid back and forthright as you put it, but the department I currently work all the knives come out when someone leaves the room. It's just that the whole "backstabbing" thing tends to happen wherever you work, whether it be an office, a laboratory, a supermarket, basically anywhere where there are a lot of people. It just really grinds my gears when people who clearly have a problem just don't confront the person so that there is a chance of some resolution, but instead just ***** about them to a third party instead. [/end rant] ...
How many people work at your place that social politics gets that bad? o_O

Suddenly reminds me... both at school, and now at work, I'm in that ever so slightly uncomfortable position of being directly between staff/management and students/grunts. A difficult juggle... :/

I sort of went off on one there didn't I?
Did it help?! :D

I am looking forward to the microbiology job though, I did a couple of modules in microbiology at university so I am looking forward to building up that knowledge alongside my Chemistry and Biochemistry knowledge.
Cool... still thinking of moving on to post-grad research?

That's a fair point, though... what project are you actually working on atm?
Yes I did find my rant rather cathartic. There isn't that many people at my lab, but there are a few people that are very vocal, and if they decide that they don't like you, then they will try and make life difficult. I am quite a neutral person so they don't really mind me, it just bothers me they way they will single out a person for scorn. Having said that, I do enjoy my job, as I am currently working in the veterinary sector where I specialize in dealing with exotic animals,so you name it, I have done diagnostic testing on it, from elephants and sharks, to shrews and mice and liasing with wildlife reserves and zoos is actually quite rewarding. I am making quite a bit of money at the moment, and I am learning a lot of new things courtesy of the vets and the clinical pathologists that work with me, so I have no desire to move onto post grad research, at least not at the moment.

It does sound like you are in between a rock and a hard place at your place though. I would hate to be between the management and the students. It sounds like there would be a lot of clashes there.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
kasperbbs said:
Artina89 said:
Where groups of people stand around criticizing another person behind their backs, but when that person approaches, they act as though they are best friends. That happens quite a lot where I work, and it irritates me no end.
Thats the one! I probably heard every single person in my workplace talking shit about everyone else. Even today one guy managed to piss off the whole department, they even came up with some elaborate pranks to make fun of him.
Yeah, it does seem to be quite commonplace, so I just keep my mouth shut and my head down. I find it easier to get through the day that way.


Oct 28, 2013
Years ago, I worked at a place that I shall not name because it was crap. While I was there, I got talking to a few of my co-workers and heard stories of a mythical figure who once walked the halls doing mischief for months before he was finally fired. On one occasion, he got drunk and crashed the delivery van into the lake. On another, he was carrying a wide plastic box of glasses down the stairs while a co-worker was waiting at the bottom to go up. The co-worker greeted our hero, who naturally replied by snapping both fingers in the air and shouting "Bo!" (the traditional greeting of the legendary Craig David). In order to do so, he dropped the plastic tray he was carrying, causing an almighty smashing of crockery and an avalanche of broken glass down the staircase.

People like that can really make the working day hellishly difficult for everyone, but they can also provide hours of entertainment when you'd normally be bored to tears. I almost always find myself missing them when they're gone.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Artina89 said:
Yes I did find my rant rather cathartic. There isn't that many people at my lab, but there are a few people that are very vocal, and if they decide that they don't like you, then they will try and make life difficult. I am quite a neutral person so they don't really mind me, it just bothers me they way they will single out a person for scorn. Having said that, I do enjoy my job, as I am currently working in the veterinary sector where I specialize in dealing with exotic animals,so you name it, I have done diagnostic testing on it, from elephants and sharks, to shrews and mice and liasing with wildlife reserves and zoos is actually quite rewarding. I am making quite a bit of money at the moment, and I am learning a lot of new things courtesy of the vets and the clinical pathologists that work with me, so I have no desire to move onto post grad research, at least not at the moment.
Cool... much by way of publications, or not really your thing?

It does sound like you are in between a rock and a hard place at your place though. I would hate to be between the management and the students. It sounds like there would be a lot of clashes there.
Not really... I'm a better listener than speaker, thankfully... so words are chosen veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery carefully...

Frothy Gibblets

New member
Dec 15, 2013
Professor Idle said:
I'm curious, why would your co-workers be shallow just because they worked in an office? Goodness knows there are plenty of people who can't be picky about where they work...
I'll hold my hands up and say my opinion is formed purely from my own experiences and of course there are many exceptions. It depends very much on the size of the office and who they work more closely with in the business. When I worked on a warehouse floor I got on quite well with the office that directly dealt with us, the people inside were quite pleasant and I assume because they worked with us they got to see us more as people, and vice versa.

The office across the other side, who dealt more with sales, the kind who's work-wear involves a shirt and tie, were a very tight clique and often seemed to have a sense of superiority about themselves. They were still bottom rung of their respective ladder, but the white collar over the blue collar seemed to make them more dismissive of us.

I've seen this type of behaviour in a few other office environments aswell. It could be I'm wrong, that I'm seeing something that isn't there. I personally try and treat everybody the same, I'm not the friendliest guy in the world or the guy with all the jokes, but I always try and treat those either above or below me with the same respect and civility as I do everyone else. I've known office staff who would make a rock seem intelligent and I've known forkies and cleaners with decent educations who just want a simpler life or are winding down in their later years.

I'll admit that I've met some office based workers pretty high up their respective food chains who were incredibly nice to talk to, who speak to you as if you are a human being, try and have a conversation with you instead of looking at you like you're just some box shifting monkey. Sadly they seem, at least in my opinion, to be a rarity whereas the aforementioned behaviour seems far more common.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Working in an office isn't cool, because as a developer I often see a google groups page that seems to have discussion relevant to a problem I'm having, then I click and the draconian proxy treats me to the "This category is blocked: Social Networking". All the rage!!!!

Guy from the 80's

New member
Mar 7, 2012
chikusho said:
Wait.. Working in an office sucks because you have to share a bathroom with people?

I came back to reply to your post becauase the urinal was covered with pubic hairs today, the cleaning lady is sick or something. Totally gross. Do you know how disgusting black hairs look on a milky white surface at 6.30am? I hadnt even had my first cup of coffee yet.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Guy from the 80 said:
chikusho said:
Wait.. Working in an office sucks because you have to share a bathroom with people?

I came back to reply to your post becauase the urinal was covered with pubic hairs today, the cleaning lady is sick or something. Totally gross. Do you know how disgusting black hairs look on a milky white surface at 6.30am? I hadnt even had my first cup of coffee yet.
My point is that this has nothing to do with working in an office. This is associated with being outside of your house. You have to share a bathroom wherever you go regardless of where you work.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
SckizoBoy said:
Artina89 said:
Yes I did find my rant rather cathartic. There isn't that many people at my lab, but there are a few people that are very vocal, and if they decide that they don't like you, then they will try and make life difficult. I am quite a neutral person so they don't really mind me, it just bothers me they way they will single out a person for scorn. Having said that, I do enjoy my job, as I am currently working in the veterinary sector where I specialize in dealing with exotic animals,so you name it, I have done diagnostic testing on it, from elephants and sharks, to shrews and mice and liasing with wildlife reserves and zoos is actually quite rewarding. I am making quite a bit of money at the moment, and I am learning a lot of new things courtesy of the vets and the clinical pathologists that work with me, so I have no desire to move onto post grad research, at least not at the moment.
Cool... much by way of publications, or not really your thing?

It does sound like you are in between a rock and a hard place at your place though. I would hate to be between the management and the students. It sounds like there would be a lot of clashes there.
Not really... I'm a better listener than speaker, thankfully... so words are chosen veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery carefully...
Nah, publications aren't really my thing, I just want to learn as much as possible really. We occasionally do things like validation studies for various other companies and universities, and we have to submit a list of people that took part in the study so we can get extra pay, and so forth, as well as to set up traceability, just in case if some results are a bit strange, we know who to blame :p

I can imagine that it is better to listen, sometimes that is the best way to get through a day at work at my end. It is very different in microbiology as they are more laid back, but in my department and some of the others people tend to take things more personally. Still, I can imagine it gets a bit awkward around your workplace from time to time.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
What office do you work in where the employees have to clean the toilet? Don't you have someone for that? In the office I used to work in, the toilets weren't bad.

What I'm wondering is if it's even appropriate to call it an "office environment" anymore? People don't have offices anymore, they have cubicles... if they're lucky. A lot of places now just have everyone at long tables. I guess they really want to reach the limit the fire dept prescribes.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I wish I worked in an office enviroment. Then I could go "Oh you're new here? I was just going to get a cup of coffee, do you want a cup of coffee? I like my women like I like my coffee - in a plastic cup".
And so on.


Oct 28, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
I wish I worked in an office enviroment. Then I could go "Oh you're new here? I was just going to get a cup of coffee, do you want a cup of coffee? I like my women like I like my coffee - in a plastic cup".
And so on.
Um...that doesn't quite, uh.....keep practising it, though, you're getting there!

OT: Keeping a clean office break room is important to me, because at the end of a shift somebody has to come in and collapse in a chair after cleaning the place up. I like the place to be neat and stocked up with tea and coffee for them, because that encourages them to do the same for me and I make more friends that way. I can't stand it when people leave the break room in a terrible state. Most likely, some other poor staff member will have to clean it up after them.


New member
Aug 6, 2013
...Because people suck. I mean it! I work in the Ministry of Justice (of candyland) and here the jokes go like this " X thing is as fake as the love going on around the ministry". We even have a picture of Homer saying "Lisa when you don't like your work you don't go on a strike you just go there everyday and do everything poorly" (or something of the sort)
The upside is, of course, the payment.