Worst achievements / trophies


New member
May 18, 2011
I think it was NHL 2010 that had an achievement for reaching the top 100 on the leader board or something similar to that. I always hate the pointless achievements (beat level 1, beat level 2, beat the game).

or a game that has achievements for multi-player when you can tell they just threw it together


New member
Nov 7, 2008
Mile High Club - that was awesome! Yeah, sure, it's skill through repetition, but that's not the point - when you finally do it, dropping terrorists left, right and centre, scything through them, rescuing the hostage and leaping from the plane - in 1 min - well, it's awesome.
It's even better when you do all that on expert, or whatever the hardest difficulty was called (although it occurs to me that the time limit was only 1 minute for the hardest one)


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Some that spring to mind: The Battle Trophy achievements in Star Ocean 4 owe to the fact some of the requirements are just insane.

Eternal Sonata's EZI Collector and Score Piece Collector for the insane amount of backtraing between three very long( annoying to navigate) dungeons just to first get the pieces/items that are only unlocked once chapter 7 starts.ONe of the score pieces is only obtained by listeing to a woman's story in Chapter 4 then talking to a man in a few chapters later in a completely different town and if you don't do it in chapter 4 she will sleeping the rest of the game.The game gives no indication of having to do this and then you have to trek back through the two previous dungeons to get the last EZI item in the final town. Admittedly the collective 421 GS makes up for it, a little bit.

Vesperaia Master for Tales of Vesperia also deserves mention as it involves completing all other achievements(many of which involve easily miss able sdequests) and is worth 0g

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
The first one that came to mind when I read the title is the one Steam achievment for Torchlight. "The Adventure Begins - Find the entrance to the mine."
Wow, I feel special. Special in the need to be carted around by an aid worker special.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
I'd go for those ones on some of the FIFAs where you have to quit out of five online games whilst losing. Granted it gives 0 points on Xbox, but you're going to have completionists going out of their way to screw other players over just to get the game showing as completed (and I'm guessing a platinum trophy on PS3). I'm an achievement whore and even I haven't gone as far as to get that one.

crimsongamer said:
just cause 2 achievement Perfectionist reach 75% completion in normal or mercenary mode

anyone who has played the game knows how hard it is, for those who don't you have to collect a hell lot of collectibles (over 1000 in total) , 49 faction missions (it doesn't sound bad but try doing them).

i could go on but i have lost interest and memory
At least most of it was reasonably fun, rather than just grinding out a whole ton of collectibles given that you can skip a lot of them and concentrate on completing all the blowing shit up in each village, plus you'll probably have gotten the majority of them by the games end anyway, but can you even imagine if the achievement had been for 100% of the game? I bet the developers were tempted too.

Knight Captain Kerr

New member
May 27, 2011
I don't own it but I heard of World Champion in Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter. You have to be at the top of the universal multiplayer leaderboard. It is also only 40g.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
sushix said:
Any achievement/trophy that is awarded playing the campaign. Is it so hard to think that I can play the single-player just to play it? Do I need some sort of meta-reward for doing what I was already going to do? Seriously.
This. Even more so is any achievement given for playing the tutorial. It's like, "If you need our help this bad, here's a trophy just for sucking!"


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Christemo said:
Guitar Hero 3: deny a boss battle. 0g. why, just y u exist?
Got that one by accident...

Any achievement for watching the credits. I appreciate that you want us to see all the work you put into the game, but realistically, I'm gonna start the credits, go online for half an hour, then come back. Total waste of power.
Any online achievements for games that know they can't compete with the bigger online names out there, who use them as a feeble way to prolong their multiplayer lifespans.
Hell, any achievement at all. Whilst I like the idea of extra little challenges within games, few trophies actually do that, and are just there to artificially lengthen games or because everyone else has them.
Here's an idea - make all achievements secret. All of them. Award them only for discovering easter eggs, or playing through the game in a specific but unusual way (play a left 4 dead level and kill no zombies, for example), put random ones in for completing the 3rd level of the 3rd world with a system clock time that's divisible by 3 whilst jumping on the heads of 3 enemies and dying 3 times.

Or, assume that we have enough of a drive to play the game because we want to play the game, and remove the simple rewards system that proves a massive draw to obsessive completionists and a frustration to everyone else. It's a socially irresponsible idea based on the urge for reward in all things. (Yes, this is me projecting my own annoyance at the lack of time I have to go and get all the achievements in all the games I own onto the various games companies. It's fun!)