Despite the original's problems, it still did its own thing, despite people calling it "Asian Duke Nukem". The game has its own unique weapons, enemies, and creative level design. I can't speak too much of the original, as I only played it a couple of times at friend's house. The only thing that hasn't aged well is the original Lo Wang. Just watch Civvie's Pro Wang series, and see what the original series accomplished, even though it was another game on the Build Engine. You can do much worse than the original Shadow Warrior.IDK, even in its time the original original was just a bargain bin rip off of Doom in a sea of them (literally we'd just call it an asset flip nowadays and consign into the bowels of Steam somewhere)
Shadow Warrior 2 is another open world shooter trying and failing at copying Borderlands. The game is way longer than it needs to be, enemies are damage sponges, the co-op is barely better than the single player, the weapons become just a stat increase race to DPS, and the game is just not fun and reeks of trend jumping FWH did not need to do. The only praise I can give this game is the story, and Wang's interactions with Kamiko.
Shadow Warrior (2013) is okay, but focused way too much on the sword melee and didn't feel good to me. Shadow Warrior 3 has the right balance of fast paced shooting, platforming, and keeps the melee to a minimum, but still fun to use. The quality of the weapons are so much better than either previous game, and has the best upgrades for the 6 weapons. I consider SHDW3 the best in the franchise.
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