worst movie


New member
Jan 31, 2009
I can't even start here, there are far too many crap movies... more and more come out every week. Excellent films are becoming harder and harder to come by


New member
Sep 19, 2008
dukethepcdr said:
That's a tough one. So many bad movies.... One that jumps immediately to mind is "Manos: the Hand of Fate". That has to be the worst movie ever made. Everything is bad about it: lighting, sound, acting, sets, plot, music. The only way to survive watching it is to get the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version as the jokes they make of it are pretty funny.
I'm pretty sure this comment would make Torgo cry.

In recent history; Dragon Wars. Holy mother of snot that movie was terrible. And they made it a big deal that it was the most expensive movie funded or filmed in south korea or something. Even the special effects were weak.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Doctor Zhivago kind of made me die inside. Grapes of Wrath was the only movie to actually put me to sleep though. It's always a bad sign if Mom makes me put my DS down to watch a "tear-jerker" with her. Twilight was seriously bad, but bad in the entertaining-to-mock-with-friends kind of way.

I know there's one movie I absolutely hate, but I seem to have blocked it from my memory.

EDIT: OH, I REMEMBER! 2001: A Space Odyssey. What the HELL was with that last part?


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Date Movie. I generally try to stay away from crappy movies or atleast watch them online/on TV is I feel like it. I gave it a chance cause Scary movie is awsome, Never again will I see _________ Movie's


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Disaster Movie, didn't get a single laugh out of me. It was actually disgusting

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
dwightsteel said:
Again, I'm so waiting for somebody to bring up how bad Dragonball Evolution is. So I'll just wait.....

*whistles and twiddling my thumbs*
I'll do it. Drangonball Evolution was F***ING HORRIBLE!!!!!!! I knew the movie was going to suck some major dick as soon as they said it was Dragonball! I didn't even go see the movie because I'd be too ashamed of myself if I did! Other people have seen the movie and have confirmed what I already knew what was going to happen and I'm glad I was right! Someone on the Escapist said that Goku fantasises about Chichi eating fruit! Really, eating fruit?!? That makes no F***ING SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, next time they should make a Dragonball Z movie just to show Gohan and Vedel get it on and fall in love and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I needed that.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
dwightsteel said:
Again, I'm so waiting for somebody to bring up how bad Dragonball Evolution is. So I'll just wait.....

*whistles and twiddling my thumbs*
OOOH OOOH pick me pick me

That movie made me stop believing in god, because no god would allow something like that to exist.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Open Water.
Was some epic fail of a drama, where a couple go on holiday and decide to go scuba diving, there's a mix up becuase there's two extra people than there are scuba suits, however two random people aren't feeling well so they don't dive and the couple do, so the couple are happily swimming around, whilst the boat fucks off because they think they've got everyone.
The rest of the film is basically the couple sitting in the water crying at each other and getting eaten by fish.

And to try and redeem themselves there's an utterly pointless scene earlier on where the couple are going to sleep, and the wife is naked. I could so tell that someone said, "Yea this scene would be so much better if it involved tits" And they actually listened.

Epic FAIL of a film.


New member
Feb 7, 2007
ssgt splatter said:
dwightsteel said:
Again, I'm so waiting for somebody to bring up how bad Dragonball Evolution is. So I'll just wait.....

*whistles and twiddling my thumbs*
I'll do it. Drangonball Evolution was F***ING HORRIBLE!!!!!!! I knew the movie was going to suck some major dick as soon as they said it was Dragonball! I didn't even go see the movie because I'd be too ashamed of myself if I did! Other people have seen the movie and have confirmed what I already knew what was going to happen and I'm glad I was right! Someone on the Escapist said that Goku fantasises about Chichi eating fruit! Really, eating fruit?!? That makes no F***ING SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, next time they should make a Dragonball Z movie just to show Gohan and Vedel get it on and fall in love and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I needed that.
Ok, you are a jackass. You have absolutely no reason to hate this movie, other than to (trendily) claim to not having paid to see it. You can't. You admitted to not watching it. You can't know for a FACT that the movie sucks, because you have not seen it as to form an OPINION of said movie. I mean seriously. You straight up SAY the movie was bad (oh, and thanks for putting little *'s to bleep out the word "fucking", as if to what? assume we didn't know exactly what word you were using?). You've succeeded in making yourself look like a total tool. Congratulations. You clearly have no opinion of your own, if you don't even have to watch a movie to declare it's quality. I'm glad you can pick out scenes in said movies that you claim makes no sense, yet you have no idea of the context.

I'm not even defending the movie, I'm just picking on you. Learn to do your bahhhhh's, because you sir, are a sheep.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
(enter monosyllabic phrase of arrogance here)...I got all of you beat.

The live action Devilman movie. Look it up......if you dare.........


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
ellie91 said:
deathsong17 said:
slevin8989 said:
Romeo and juliet the new version came out like in 1999
Isn't that the one with guns but everyone speaks in old english for no discernable reason?

Mine would be The Birds.

My advice to the director would be:

If your going to put love stories in films, make sure we know who the hell the characters are, or end up being unlikeable.

Make sure that the birds aren't able to OHK you individualy one moment and then be reduced to slowly pecking you to death en masse.

isn't that by alfred hitchcock?

but anyway epic movie and the fountain. Epic movie is the only film i have ever walked out of and the fountain was so boring, wierd and all over the place i turned over very quickly. Also i found there will be blood so boring i just couldn't bear to watch anymore.
Barry93 said:
Disaster Movie, didn't get a single laugh out of me. It was actually disgusting
The problem with these films is that after the success of the Scary Movie films, some of the directors just kept on milking it as a franchise. Another one you didn't mention was Date Movie, which was absolutely terrible.

As for me (I know people will probably hate me for this), I would have to say the new Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street, and my reason wasn't that it was a musical and I didn't expect. I knew it was a musical, I even listened to the soundtrack of the original bradway production before seeing it. My reason was that it didn't stand up anywhere to the movie's potential, and anywhere to the musical's potential. I now have a copy of the original production on broadway on DVD, and THAT is much better. Problems with the film included quite a few things, such as the fact that they over-gorified the movie to a point where it wasn't logical, they cut out about half of the lyrics and just had instrumentals, and also, some of the actors just couldn't sing like the original cast could. Johnny Depp's voice is much higher than George Hearn's, for example, some of the actors just didn't pronounce or convey their voice as powerfully as before, and the only decent singer (Or singer similar to the originals) was the person who played Joanna, the others were just useless singers.


New member
Feb 7, 2007
Vrex360 said:
dwightsteel said:
Again, I'm so waiting for somebody to bring up how bad Dragonball Evolution is. So I'll just wait.....

*whistles and twiddling my thumbs*
OOOH OOOH pick me pick me

That movie made me stop believing in god, because no god would allow something like that to exist.
...ok, that statement was mostly made in jest to the fact that people seem to be throwing that movie in every "shitty movie" thread that's come around recently. Almost to the point, where it's almost trendy to hate it.

Don't worry, I blame myself. I kind of, literally, asked for it.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
I really liked the art style of Romeo + Juliet. Didn't have any trouble understanding it and personally I think it would have been bad if they talked like real 13-18 year olds (and worse if they talked like 35 year old harvard grads Juno esk). I just think the base story of romeo and juliet is boring...

The worst movie ever was Hitchhike!(1974) None of it really makes sence. It has what I call "dream logic". You know how when your dreaming and your like "I had to keep running or my feet would fall off and then I could never ride the train so there would be no rice for the dog." It just never makes sence. This guy who is an adult(25-30) lives with his milf step mom and she is some how making him have sex with her and he dosen't want to so he kills her instead of say just leaving or... saying no. She had no way of making him so it dosen't really make sence... o well...Then some lady picks him up hitchhiking and none of there conversations make sence really. The guy gets a bit aggressive so the lady takes him shopping and buys him an ugly hat and then they go on a picnic with only bread wine and cheese. Then the drive more with more shitty conversation and he gets out of the car and get arrested for killing his step mom. The end.... yep...