Would you pay to play Elder Scrolls MMO?


New member
Mar 16, 2012
Rumors are spreading in the internet that Elder Scrolls will have a MMO on it's hands. We know that The Elder Scrolls series is for die hard RPG fans that wanted a full experience on the land of Tamriel. Atleast to High Rock, Morrowind, Cyrodiil and Skyrim. But one thing is for certain that their will be a MMO game of the Elder Scrolls.

Well, thats the question. Will you pay just to play the Elder Scrolls MMO? Or you will just ignore that and continue playing Skyrim or Oblivion.. etc etc.

Two Bonus Questions:

Do you think Bethesda should make a Fallout MMO instead of Elder Scrolls?

Do you think the series will be destroyed if a MMO Elder Scrolls happen?



New member
Jul 29, 2011
Pancho Agdeppa said:
Do you think Bethesda should make a Fallout MMO instead of Elder Scrolls?
I'll answer that one first.

If Bathesda back off and leave Interplay to do their job we will have a Fallout MMO (it is currently being made by Interplay, they kept the rights to the MMO when they sold Fallout on).

Now back to the topic...

No. No I will not pay to play an Elder Scrolls MMO.

Far too many times now i've got a new MO just for it to turn out like every other MMO on the market. I am completely through with MMO's and shall never again waste my money on another one.

I will stick with Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim because I can make mods for them and they will last me for years. I'm still changing crap in Morrowind and that is years old.

I don't think an MMO will ruin the series as such but I can't see it doing much to improve it either.

The main reason (besides mods) that I enjoy the Elder Scrolls games is the adventure is mine. I am the "hero" of my story and I can bask in the glory of saving Tamriel time and again.

In an MMO you will be generic Warrior/Rogue/Mage number 3399887 and the story isn't about you at all, it's about making money for Bathesda as they cash in on the MMO market.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I would not play an Elder Scrolls MMO. I would consider such a project to be a massive waste of Bethesda's time and resources and I would consider it the death of the franchise. MMOs are where franchises go to die.
I also wouldn't be interested in a Fallout MMO, see above.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Why bother paying for an MMO when you have skyrim. All the fantasy goodness, none of the douchebags that make mmo's so depressing

Think about it the arrow to the knee jokes would be even more overused


New member
May 3, 2005
Didn't Interplay LOSE the rights to the Fallout MMO some way back? I'm pretty sure there was this huge legal debate and in the end the courts agreed that the rights would go to Bethesda?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
No, I don't like any of Bethesda's games so I doubt I'd like an MMO made by them considering I don't even like MMOs.

I also wouldn't want to play a Bethesda made Fallout MMO for basically the same reason with the added reason that [removed to avoid flame war].


New member
Jul 29, 2011
ThatSwedishGuy said:
Didn't Interplay LOSE the rights to the Fallout MMO some way back? I'm pretty sure there was this huge legal debate and in the end the courts agreed that the rights would go to Bethesda?
Edit -

Seems I was wrong, according to what i've just found Interplay have indeed lost the rights to the Fallout MMO.

Edit 2 - It seems the project has been killed by Bathesda and the Fallout MMO will no longer be produced.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
The rumours have said it will be set in the second era. So hopefully they can make this mmo and also continue to make singleplayer elderscrolls games.
Jul 22, 2009
I currently play no MMOs, I can't afford to play any MMOs and even if I could I'd most likely be playing The Old Republic, an Elder Scrolls MMO doesn't pique my interest.

Why can't they just stick at doing what they do best and make more singleplayer experiences?

I doubt an MMO would be that good, they'd probably blow a hell of a lot of money on it just for it to flop in front of bigger MMOs, then the Elder Scrolls series gets set a couple of years back.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Unless they make some major innovation to MMO genre I won't even touch it. What they have to do in order to make it successful is to make it in the entire Tamriel and make it seamless, or at least divided into provinces. If they make a classic MMO divided into smaller hubs it will fail, because the appeal of TES games lies in the seamless huge open world where you're free to do what pleases you.

Jitters Caffeine

New member
Sep 10, 2011
A Fallout MMO is actually on it's way since Bethesda finally got the rights from Interplay. And if they finally do make it, there's a good chance I'll be reported missing. TES games are impossibly boring to me, the worlds always feel so sterile and lifeless with cardboard cutout NPCs who only stand around to wait for the protagonist so they can give out their fetch quest.


New member
Mar 16, 2012
kman123 said:
I think INTERPLAY should make that Fallout MMO.

But no, I wouldn't play it. I just don't have time for an MMO. Also the internet services in Australia really blow.
Didn't like, Brian Fargo's new studio is currently making Wasteland 2? Spiritual successor to Fallout?

And Bethesda put Fallout on the map because of Fallout. I think they did a right decision on that. Interplay on that time is also facing bankrupt. So, in desperate of cash they sold the IP that can put them on the map.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
I'd rather they made either -

1) A 2, 4 or 8 player co-op Elder scrolls game because going on adventures with friends would be amazing, especially if they scaled up the battles with much, much more enemies and larger locations/cities/caves etc.

2) A multi player similar to Monster Hunter on a larger scale. Have your own, personal, single player world with a guild or city where other players can interact with each other, talk, discuss, show off their characters, go treasure hunting and take on uber hard contracts.

An MMO however wouldn't do it for me.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Doesn't matter if it's Fallout or TES I would play neither MMO version, much less pay anything, because it turns perfectly good games into laggy infinitum grinders.

And yes it would kill the franchises in their tracks because you can't release anything that would compete for your MMO market share, ergo those would become their last games under those franchises.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Would I play it? Hell yes. Do I think they're making one? Nope.

It wouldn't make sense. In the single-player RPG arena they are king with no real rivals. In the MMO arena they have to compete with a lot of well established games.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Nah I don't think I would. They should really focus on co op rather than anything else I think.


Jul 14, 2011
Rawne1980 said:
Pancho Agdeppa said:
Do you think Bethesda should make a Fallout MMO instead of Elder Scrolls?
I'll answer that one first.

If Bathesda back off and leave Interplay to do their job we will have a Fallout MMO (it is currently being made by Interplay, they kept the rights to the MMO when they sold Fallout on).
I'm afraid Fallout Online was cancelled in January and Bethesda reclaimed the right after Interplay was found in breach of its contract with Bethesda.