Would you want to record your dreams?


Dec 1, 2011
Caramel Frappe said:
Yes, I would so want that. Not for every dream I have mind you- some are bland and boring, if not confusing. Some are like a school project gone wrong with skipping scenes and someone left the tape on in a boring situation.

Now with that said, there are dreams i've had that are very worthy of tape recording. I remember them, but if I could just watch them exactly as they played out I would be one happy person. Only one dream I ever had I remember completely but it was so horrifying and traumatizing that I literally woke up having an anxiety attack. Was not fun, and it haunts me to remember it.
The only dream that I can really remember in great detail was one from when I was like eight or nine and it was just weird.

Something else I just thought of, I imagine that if we had this kind of technology that a lot of people would start putting some of they're dreams up on YouTube. I'm not sure whether that would be awesome, scary, or just plain weird.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I think it'd be pretty cool. My dreams seem to be pretty interesting but I can only ever remember tiny bits and pieces of them. For example, I know that last night my dream involved the television show Full House and a robot army. I'm drawing a blank on any other details. If anything, I'd sign up for a dream recorder just to learn what happened in that dream.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Yes, because I really would like to know what the dude in my dreams looks like. He's always there and I can never remember what he looks like.

And the one's I remember are highly adorable and make me envious of whatever my dream self is doing.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Over the last 10 years of my life(prior to that it was mainly nightmares), dreams have been the one reason that I hate sleeping, they're either so good that by comparison I feel suicidal uppon awakening, knowing that never will I have that life, or they've been so terrible, not so much scary but, just so sad, and the worst thing is when they're like that it's sad in the fact that I can see it as being a realistic future for me.
Then I get the odd haven't slept for over 30 hours sweatfest psycho dreams, usually involving me in the moment of breaking going mental with a baseball bat, or a hammer or something, and realizing that I've just bludgeonned someone I care about to death, then everything just breaks down.
Of course about 11 years ago I was kinda trapped in a dream, I kept waking up into another dream over and over and over, think the movie groundhog day, but with time standing still(leaves don't move, there's no wind, no movement, no noise, and nobody exists anymore, like nothing was ever touched, there are buildings but no people, no photos of people, nothing to remind you of anything, it felt like centuries, I didn't sleep for days after I finally found reality(at least I hope this is reality)...

So no, unless it was for studying the effects of a seriously bent subconscious, combined with a broken personality, in a man who feels like he's 5-6 different people but not in the multiple personalities sense, just that many of my former selves have died, but they still exist... it's like having a head full of the ghosts of yourself, they don't speak to me or anything, it's just this feeling, and it's like having layers of emotion that fight eachother, and memories that don't feel familiar in the slightest but I know they happened and I was there, I get this emotionally drifting deadness combined with a lust for adventure and the energy of new exploration, I love to party but not so much for mingling as for the energy of unrestrained enjoyment of music/some kind of entertainment in a group setting, the energy of others... hard to explain... I dunno what's wrong with me, but I'd put it down as, A LOT.
But hey, I know a ton of shit from my random studies, and my observations of behavioural patterns in others has led to being able to lead a relatively normal life.
Hell it's pretty fair to say it's a given that it will pretty much rock bottom kill any respect anyone reading this might have for my opinion, because "crazy people" are obviously stupid and can't think straight... But hey whatever, it's not like I can "shit can" my life any more than it already has been, short of ending up in prison somehow...

So yeah, I remember a few dreams vividly, and the rest by the time I'm clear headed enough to sit up, all I have is a strong emotion caused by the contents of the dream, and I'd rather personally not remember any of them... though there was this one time that I woke up and the phrase "My pancake tower has HINGES!" stuck in my head, only time I ever woke up and had a smile on my face because it was hilarious... Only other time's I've woken up with a smile, there's either been a damn fine reason in bed with me, or something to look forward that day and no recognizance of any dreams.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Fiz_The_Toaster said:

My subconscious is one sick puppy and I don't want to be exposed to more of it than I should.
I hear you, dude. I rarely dream as it is and the ones that I do have are flat out cryptic and scary.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Hell yes. Most nights it's as if I don't dream at all, and I hate that. I know that technically I do, but my mind doesn't bother making me aware of that.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I tried doing that for awhile after watching a dream-related documentary in the Inception DVD, but I stopped when I started having some...interesting dreams.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Hell to the yes!

I've had some pretty incredible dreams, some that play out like awesome fantasy movies.

Sometimes with a horror slant, sometimes with an action slant.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Yes please.

That would have come in handy this morning when I spent 10 minutes trying to remember that dream that I actually had immediately forgotten almost everything about.

Now I only remember how the main character (it played out like a movie) suddenly turned into a human-like animatronic robot (that looked nothing like him) at the end and started to have a monologue where said stuff about kings and memories, you know, deep stuff.
This had happened because the girl he had loved since he met her 20 minutes ago while climbing down a wall covered in vines, which just a few moments before had been stairs, said they should just be friends.

It was rather plain but I wish I could remember the whole thing. So yes I would love to be able to record my dreams.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I've had plenty of dreams where, although I'm not actually dreaming lucidly, I manage to think to myself that it would make an awesome story. And then it's all gone the moment I wake up.

Usually, I don't really have the problem of forgetting stuff that happens. My dreams just really like to constantly shift and change and so when I try to talk myself back through it (I've learned that speaking dream info aloud commits things to memory more easily) I just get horribly confused because none of it makes any logical sense. As dreams typically are, I suppose.

So yeah, it'd be neat to be able to record and replay exactly what my brain comes up with.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
I have a sneaking suspicion that i die in most of my dreams.

....so no. wait, does this mean that my subconscious is an A#$hole?


Dec 1, 2011
Ryotknife said:
I have a sneaking suspicion that i die in most of my dreams.

....so no. wait, does this mean that my subconscious is an A#$hole?
Or suicidal. Or both. Hard to tell though.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Fijiman said:
Most of us have a dream or two every now and then as we sleep, and many of us (myself included) have dreams much more often then that. However, most of us tend to forget almost everything about most of our dreams within minutes of waking up. I personally hate it when I know I had a really cool or interesting dream but can't remember a damn thing about it. So my question to my fellow Escapists is that, if someone were to develop technology that would basically be like putting video camera to your brain and record your dreams as you sleep for viewing when you're awake, would you want to do it?
Absolutely! I have had many dreams that have inspired me to write creatively and also ones that have foreshadowed future events that actually occur. When that kind of thing happens I'd love to have some kind of proof, and a machine like that would come in handy if you ever tried to prove it without sounding like a madman.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
Only if i could control what dreams are recorded.
Most of my dreams make no sense,but sometimes i have really epic dreams.

Though in retrospect,one of the things i like best about my dreams is experiencing them.Probably won't be as fun to watch.


Dec 1, 2011
Bullfrog1983 said:
Absolutely! I have had many dreams that have inspired me to write creatively and also ones that have foreshadowed future events that actually occur. When that kind of thing happens I'd love to have some kind of proof, and a machine like that would come in handy if you ever tried to prove it without sounding like a madman.
That reminded me of something I saw a while back where some guy has had dreams about certain crimes or attacks a good bit before they happened. I don't remember too many of the details because I saw this years ago, but I know that the authorities know to not blow it off as a prank when the guy calls.