Psh everyone knows its gonna be a Lost Vikings MMO.
It won't be a Diablo MMO, because they are releasing Diablo III. It won't be a starcraft MMO, because they are releasing Starcraft II.
One must think it is an MMOrpg, because of whom the lead is on it. I doubt he'd make a MMOFPS(which if they did I hope it would be Starcraft Ghost MMO style.)
So one must assume it will either be another franchise from them, such as lost vikings, or they are making a new franchise all together. My bet is on the latter.
It won't be a Diablo MMO, because they are releasing Diablo III. It won't be a starcraft MMO, because they are releasing Starcraft II.
One must think it is an MMOrpg, because of whom the lead is on it. I doubt he'd make a MMOFPS(which if they did I hope it would be Starcraft Ghost MMO style.)
So one must assume it will either be another franchise from them, such as lost vikings, or they are making a new franchise all together. My bet is on the latter.