WoW Player Claims Kicked from Guild for Being Deaf


New member
May 19, 2009
I know I will sound like an ass, but yes they should have kicked him.

Think about it guilds use vent to communicate quickly in raids, most fights can be ruined in seconds with one wrong move, and typing is far too slow.

So if he kept trying to raid with these people he would have caused them to be wiped over and over, wasting both their times. Does anyone really want their time wasted?

Maybe he shouldn't have been kicked but, he definitely can't be raiding in a guild that uses vent.


New member
May 19, 2009
obscurumlux01 said:
@ shreedder:
Vent/Voice chat is a crutch for a guild that doesn't know the encounters by heart yet. A good guild is able to not require vent once they have an encounter on weekly-farm rotation. The Deaf player could have very easily been put on either healing or DPS duty, either in a guaranteed raid spot or (more likely) being able to fill in when someone doesn't show up for a raid.

Booting someone from a guild because they can't use Vent is amateurish and childish. Its WRONG. There is no excuse for it, and MMOs in particular are designed to work around such issues particularly due to the sheer variety of race/class/gear combinations available that make raiding easier or harder.
Maybe I think Vent is needed because I haven't done much raiding sense vanilla 40's. But I have a friend who raided hard core back then.(he was 98th healer in America, I still make fun of him for that)This kid raided hard every night, and he and his guild needed vent. Ya they knew the fights, but things don't run smoothly every time, people mess up, a boss hits a bit harder than usual, placements of buffs/debuffs. You need vent for things like this, no amount of mods, or knowing the fight can help when fast decisions must be made.

again they should have not kicked him, but I agree with not letting him raid.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
0 Too have too suffer something like this is awful, and then for the world to basically leave

I feel bad for the guy. he should start his own Deaf only guild.


New member
May 19, 2009
obscurumlux01 said:
shreedder said:
Booting someone from a guild because they can't use Vent is amateurish and childish. Its WRONG. There is no excuse for it, and MMOs in particular are designed to work around such issues particularly due to the sheer variety of race/class/gear combinations available that make raiding easier or harder.
Maybe I think Vent is needed because I haven't done much raiding sense vanilla 40's. But I have a friend who raided hard core back then.(he was 98th healer in America, I still make fun of him for that)This kid raided hard every night, and he and his guild needed vent. Ya they knew the fights, but things don't run smoothly every time, people mess up, a boss hits a bit harder than usual, placements of buffs/debuffs. You need vent for things like this, no amount of mods, or knowing the fight can help when fast decisions must be made.
again they should have not kicked him, but I agree with not letting him raid.
I agree that raiding has some degree of unpredictability, however a good player is able to adapt to things without outside input (voice chat). A healer has almost entirely-visual information on everyone in the raid, who needs healing and so on. The raid leader assigns the healers their roles and they do their thing. Tanking is undoubtedly the most difficult, hence having OTs and such that can take over if the MT falls. DPS is dps, you do the best you can, and even in 'pro' guilds with vent, DPS is often the first to fall.

Buffs last for 30 minutes to an hour now, for the most part. For everyone else they have mods that can remind them when to redo a buff or dispell a debuff (I believe it was 'Decurse' or whatever the newer version of that mod is). There's even a WoW built-in UI option to 'only show dispellable debuffs' as well as specific talents (at least for Holy Pallies) that enhance debuffing abilities. You plan debuffing in advance.

For bosses that hit a bit harder then usual, pally and warrior tanks both have a 'last stand' type of ability that lets them recover from a near-death by cheating death and having 35% (or possibly less) health afterwards.

WoW is a LOT easier than the old days of 40-person raids. Its even easier than the crazy-hard heroic-70 dungeons of TBC. Even a lot of fully-geared 5-man parties of 80s who didn't know the TBC heroic dungeons would get roflstomped by the bosses if they didn't know the encounters. WoW's easier than it used to be, and Cata only served to make things even more streamlined.

Voice chat isn't necessary, putting the guy in a DPS or even a healing role (to heal the melee dps for instance) wouldn't have negatively impacted the raids as long as he knew the encounter well enough.

Please give me some more specific examples of Cata-heroics or raids that require voice chat specifically.
again i haven't raided in some time, so giving specifics from cata is very hard. I must also point out good players can adapt, but you also need to let the 9+ other people what the new plan is. Calling out who got the random undispellable debuff timer bomb is critacle.

When I healed way way back I would have to announce mana levels, always be checking for things going wrong, when certain spells would be cast, who was picking siliencing at which time and the works. I always needed to talk on vent, and if i had to type we would have died.

Hell maybe all raiding has been nerfed to the point where a guild does not need to talk and continue to startigise during a fight, and if it is it makes me sad.


New member
May 19, 2009
obscurumlux01 said:
shreedder said:
Hell maybe all raiding has been nerfed to the point where a guild does not need to talk and continue to startigise during a fight, and if it is it makes me sad.
Bingo. :)
I'm thinking you missed out on the heavy-casualized-nerfing of LK dungeons in the last expansion, but yeah. Its easy-mode now, no voice chat really needed. You're thinking 40-man pre-TBC raids as well as any TBC heroics/raids. THOSE were damn tough, but its easy-mode now.

I blame all the damn DKs for the nerfs :p
They specifically redid tanking and everything purely to allow DKs to tank with a 2H weapon (in and of itself a pretty absurd idea, given that parrying isn't exactly something a tank wants to do since if a boss is parried, its next strike on you has a lower CD and you get hit more often).

I will save my theorycrafting for more appropriate sections but suffice it to say, I know tanking and healing pretty well :)
Ya a ran a few dungeons in Wrath, and they were piss easy. I've only run a few heroics in Cata, but I heard it got a little harder.