Writers Guild 2012 Best Game Writing Nominees Disappoint


New member
Jul 9, 2011
Did Brink even had a history?

Seriosly, do this people even understand the concept of a good writing? why the hell Portal 2, Bastion, The Witcher 2, Driver: San Francisco or Catherine here? Hell even things like Crysis 2, Skyrim and Infamous 2 which have standard action movie, fantasy book and comic book stories(for the most part)have better writing then the nominees(except Assassins Creed, that game's writing is fine)

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Paul Dini is an amazing writer the others are a bit boggle worthy though. It's like they just kind of googled 2011 releases and picked a few names :/


New member
Nov 23, 2011
If they nominate Katawa Shoujo (don't be discouraged when you google. Play. It. Thank me later, after you are capable of speaking again), all will be forgiven.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Brink ? I believe they got the wrang B there : surely they meant Bastion. I mean, did they even read the scripts, or were the nominees the ONLY ones that ran ?

Seriously, I can get behind AC and Batman but just look at the others : you have Brink, a game whose singleplayer consited of a few maps and bots, while the multiplayer was basically "red vs blue", only with everyone looking the same. Next, you have Uncharted 3, a game for which the devs themselves acknowleged that the story had only been imagined afterwards, in order to connect the cool looking pieces of scenery between each other. And last but by no means least, you have Mortal Kombat, whose "plot" consists of friends ripping each-others throats off for fun, spontaneously regrowing spines and a bit of time-travel thrown in for good mesure. Time-travel : the one thing that is absolutely bound to have your plot make no sense at all, unless for a few RARE exceptions.

By the way, anyone else thinking that the very idea that it took five people to write Mortal Kombat's story is hilarious ?


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I think Revelations deserves the spot.

No one else is talking about it, though. No love for the AssCreed, guys?


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Okay coming from a person who loved the Story in the newest Mortal Kombat, I don't think it was the best story of the year. But what I am here to ask is how the hell did Brink get on that list? From what I know there was no story. Also I feel that Assassin's Creed shouldn't be on the list. It was good, but it was weaker than the others. And as everyone has said, Portal 2, Bastion, and Catherine should have been on this list over those three.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
TheKasp said:
It took 3 writers for Mortal Kombat. It took 8 writers for Assassins Creed. WHY?
The amount of dialogue that has to be written for a story driven open world game is mind boggling, for instance look up the physical size of the Grand Theft Auto IV script. It was in Brockaway's most recent article on Cracked.

I'm guessing a good half of those guys just focused on random NPC dialogue, or minor character dialogue. That still makes them writers for the game though.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Sandor [The Hound said:
Aeonknight said:
Sandor [The Hound said:
Clegane]The clue is really in the name.

The Writer's Guild of America...

Yeah there definitely the experts on the subject....
Says the fellow who can't use the appropriate their/there/they're for the given context.

Don't throw rocks in glass houses bro.
Its the fucking internet, if you proof read every fucking sentence then youve far too much time on your hand.

Spot the deliberate errors if that sorta thing turns you on bro
It was more the fact that you were slamming an entire country's literary knowledge while displaying your lack of grammatical knowledge.

But I suppose something like 'irony' would also escape you.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Now, really, award guys, you can't expect to get into the niche pockets as well unless you put Bastion on that list...


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Sandor [The Hound said:
Frostbite3789 said:
Sandor [The Hound said:
Aeonknight said:
Sandor [The Hound said:
Clegane]The clue is really in the name.

The Writer's Guild of America...

Yeah there definitely the experts on the subject....
Says the fellow who can't use the appropriate their/there/they're for the given context.

Don't throw rocks in glass houses bro.
Its the fucking internet, if you proof read every fucking sentence then youve far too much time on your hand.

Spot the deliberate errors if that sorta thing turns you on bro
It was more the fact that you were slamming an entire country's literary knowledge while displaying your lack of grammatical knowledge.

But I suppose something like 'irony' would also escape you.
Yes I've heard the phrase not feeding the trolls, but people like you just rile me up. If you weren't so blinded by you're own idiocy then you would realise that I wasn't slamming an entire country's literary knowledge, merely questioning (tongue in cheek) the competence of one institution. Furthermore one typo doesn't allude to any lack of grammatical knowledge (did you even read the posts?) - Finally you're lack of social skills and understanding is no reason for me not to understand the concept of irony.

People like you need to grow up and realise that you live in the real world.
Around the time you were italicizing 'America' and not 'Writer's Guild' it was about the country, not the institution. I'm not an idiot, don't treat me like one.

People like you need to calm down.


New member
Nov 30, 2010
BrotherRool said:
The writing in Uncharted 3 was the weakest part of the game and much worse than in 1 and 2. => The award show is invalid

Aeonknight said:
Sandor [The Hound said:
Clegane]The clue is really in the name.

The Writer's Guild of America...

Yeah there definitely the experts on the subject....
Says the fellow who can't use the appropriate their/there/they're for the given context.

Don't throw rocks in glass houses bro.
On the other hand when your house has produced Shakespeare, Dickens, Conan-Doyle, Jane Austen, Agathie Christie, HG Wells ...
And on the OTHER hand, when the other house has produced Steinbeck, Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Poe, Melville, Thoreau, Jack London...


New member
May 27, 2010
Reading comprehension...I'm not seeing it here.

Greg Tito said:
No, the real problem, is that game publishers just don't feel bothered to submit scripts to the WGA for review. BioWare is a notable example, as is Rockstar, for their Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Grand Theft Auto franchises that are not eligible for a Writers Guild award because they simply do not bother. If you'd like to see games like Red Dead Redemption recognized for excellent writing, then please let these companies know that you'd like them to submit their scripts for review.
This part is important, people! Read this part!


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Smiles said:
Mr.Tea said:
Smiles said:
columbianbacon said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
That is a travesty. Seeing games like Portal 2, Catherine, and The Witcher 2 (haven't played it, but I've heard excellent things about the writing) get passed up completely in favor of games like Brink? Maybe they should just look over every game by themselves (like everyone else does), that way they aren't a laughing stock.
The Witcher could be disqualified since it is based off of a book.
I thought the book was based off the game...

I might be mixed up though, but the book reads a lot like a game...
The game's credits clearly state "The Witcher game is based on the prose of Andrzej Sapkowski".

And Wikipedia says [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Witcher#The_books] he wrote the series of books set in that universe in the 90's.
thanks! I don't know why anyone would make a game out of such a mediocre book though...
A) As stated earlier, its not the same story. Its the characters and setting that have been used.
B) Your opinion, like all opinions, is subjective, mediocre to you could be great to others.

And most importantly...

C) The books were originally written in Polish (I believe), and I've heard that its English translation left a bit to be desired.

Regardless, I'm glad they did make the games, since the story of the games is great even if the books are not.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Smiles said:
thanks! I don't know why anyone would make a game out of such a mediocre book though...
Just a little addendum.

Sapkowski wrote "Saga of Witcher" (Saga o Wiedźminie), a few novels and short stories depicting adventures of Big G. In Saga, G is mostly boring, dull, querulous character while in other works he is more amiable guy with very specific sense of humor. Plenty of people around here think that while Saga is simply sh*t, the novels and stories are really awesome.

The scenario of "Witcher" is based on the events portrayed in the saga, but the gameplay stays very true to short stories. Game developers took the best from both worlds so to speak. That's the secret. :)

If i may, i'd encourage you to read shorter stories of AS. They aren't that bad.


New member
Sep 28, 2008
Once again I say Dragon Age 2 had horrible writing and if the script was submitted it would be thrown in the bin when they get to the "I want to be a dragon" line.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Aeonknight said:
Completely irrelevant.

I know how much everyone loves to poke fun at American stupidity (and articles like this don't help), but if you're going to call someone out when the subject is writing, it'd be best to make sure you have your T's crossed and I's dotted yourself.
To be fair, good writing has nothing to do with spelling. But Stephen Fry explains it better than me, so I'll let him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7E-aoXLZGY


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Unnamedenemy said:
BrotherRool said:
The writing in Uncharted 3 was the weakest part of the game and much worse than in 1 and 2. => The award show is invalid

Aeonknight said:
Sandor [The Hound said:
Clegane]The clue is really in the name.

The Writer's Guild of America...

Yeah there definitely the experts on the subject....
Says the fellow who can't use the appropriate their/there/they're for the given context.

Don't throw rocks in glass houses bro.
On the other hand when your house has produced Shakespeare, Dickens, Conan-Doyle, Jane Austen, Agathie Christie, HG Wells ...
And on the OTHER hand, when the other house has produced Steinbeck, Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Poe, Melville, Thoreau, Jack London...
I'll give you the first four :D Incidentally I left off Tolkien, Kipling and CS Lewis, or if we want more modern writers JK Rowling, Neil Gaiman (but he lives over there right? :D ), Terry Pratchett, Alan Moore...

(Btw I hope I'm not giving offence, this is more a bit of fun than a die hard grudge match :D)

This guy
Aeonknight said:
BrotherRool said:
The writing in Uncharted 3 was the weakest part of the game and much worse than in 1 and 2. => The award show is invalid

Aeonknight said:
Sandor [The Hound said:
Clegane]The clue is really in the name.

The Writer's Guild of America...

Yeah there definitely the experts on the subject....
Says the fellow who can't use the appropriate their/there/they're for the given context.

Don't throw rocks in glass houses bro.
On the other hand when your house has produced Shakespeare, Dickens, Conan-Doyle, Jane Austen, Agathie Christie, HG Wells ...
Completely irrelevant.
EDIT: Dude, you forgot Mark Twain?!
I know how much everyone loves to poke fun at American stupidity (and articles like this don't help), but if you're going to call someone out when the subject is writing, it'd be best to make sure you have your T's crossed and I's dotted yourself.
maybe made it a little less light hearted. This sort of thing tends to make my i's cross.

I don't enjoy to poke fun at American stupidity, because it doesn't exist. I will become angry and fight against the American public where an advert suggested that a politician adopting chinese and indian children, is not in fact completely awesome, but unamerican (if that's American, then most of you are too good to be american) and it's pretty disheartening that this is the same culture that produces such awesome faith in some people.

But not against stupidity, saying that, I think Britain has got a very strong writing tradition, and it nothing bad if the younger country can't match it. You don't have to be the best at everything :D

However grammar and spelling are irrelevant to something judging writing. That's an editors role and when you judge writing, it should be on the content and composition of those words. Some of the best authors in the world wrote in a time when there wasn't even a standardised form of spelling and it has not held back their works one bit. Someone criticising a country for not being in a good place to hand out writing awards, isn't weakened by poor spelling.

Ultimately writing is about communication, I'm sure you know the human brain doesn't even look at letter order in a word, or properly read the less important words in a sentence. We should aim to understand and have that as our highest goal, and since you were in the place to correct him, you clearly understood his intentions. I know there is no malice meant and we were having a jibe at your country and that you wanted to defend that is admirable (maybe, I hate nationalism, despite being very nationalistic myself, it's a way to justify killing people and to avoid caring about the deaths of people you don't know), I hope you don't mind, but I feel that it's important we have the right priorities. It's good to have good spelling but it shouldn't be a pivotal part of any well reasoned debate.