Wtf did I just do.

Haunted Serenity

New member
Jul 18, 2009
Pacifism is a pip dream. Everyone has a limit that needs to be reached before violence ensues. Sorta like everyone has a price. Kudos for defending yourself though.

The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
... You managed to break the arms of three attackers while you were running away?

Well it was "self defense", if it actually happened.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
What really probably happened: Some kid got taunted for looking weird or being a loner, walked away without conflict, and had a power fantasy and posted it on a forum to validate it.


Edit: Ok its a little harsh but a story like that is hardly ever true, especially the way its written

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
ffkiller82 said:
...but I got hit I got so pissed i broke their arms...
Do you have some place safe you can stay. 'Cus you're probably wanted for assualt.

In all seriousness, although you can claim self-defence; you did kinda BREAK THEIR ARMS after they hit you. That could be hard to explain.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
"I broke their arms."

A. No, you did not.

B. You are not a pacifist.

C. Run, because the police are now after you.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
If you really did that, grats.

If not, there is a special place in gamer hell for you.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
sennius said:
First of all, it's summer, what kind of evil school would force you to learn during this part of the year?
Also, sucks that you had to go against your beliefs, but I guess it's just somethin' you had to do.
It's summer in half of the world.

My little sister is finishing a day of school as we speak.

EDIT: Also, do not run if the police are after you. What the fuck kind of advice is that. Innocent people don't run.

I turned myself in after a fight at school where I crossed the line and it all worked out in the end. I didn't break the arms of three people (I'm not sure you did either) but even so, hiding and running is a bad idea.

Perhaps I've just been lucky but cops seem to like it when you make their life easy and willingly tell them the entire, truthful, story.

I don't have a criminal record due to my age, the fact that no one was seriously harmed, and that I co-operated


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Good...let the rage within slowly build...then go on a killing spree.

Oh, where is the discussion value here?

StBishop said:
sennius said:
First of all, it's summer, what kind of evil school would force you to learn during this part of the year?
Also, sucks that you had to go against your beliefs, but I guess it's just somethin' you had to do.
It's summer in half of the world.

My little sister is finishing a day of school as we speak.

EDIT: Also, do not run if the police are after you. What the fuck kind of advice is that. Innocent people don't run.

I turned myself in after a fight at school where I crossed the line and it all worked out in the end. I didn't break the arms of three people (I'm not sure you did either) but even so, hiding and running is a bad idea.

Perhaps I've just been lucky but cops seem to like it when you make their life easy and willingly tell them the entire, truthful, story.

I don't have a criminal record due to my age, the fact that no one was seriously harmed, and that I co-operated
Where do you live? Where I live, the police hate the truth if it doesn't go along with their theories.


New member
May 5, 2010
Haunted Serenity said:
Pacifism is a pip dream. Everyone has a limit that needs to be reached before violence ensues. Sorta like everyone has a price. Kudos for defending yourself though.
Agreed. Humans can prevent the primitive violence reactions for lifetime. But sometimes that doesn't work, so you get angry. And the primitive feelings are most likely stronger when the "I need to protect myself" feelings kick in.

OT: I consider myself as a capitalist hippy. No trolling, I do. So I think you can still be pacifist if you want it. Most people here says many Aristoteles kind of thoughts (sorry for throwing lame names). I really don't think that one act (if not that bad like this one) would define someone's nature for the rest of his/her life.


New member
May 15, 2010
Ok to all the people who say im lying im not I go to the gym every day before dinner I lift 100 pounds a day for two hours and personally I hate fighting but if I have to for Defense I will so there dammit. -note- If you lift 100 pounds a day I think you can break somebody's arm.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Well, if anything, your lack of intelligence certainly attests to your brawn versus brains.

Otherwise...I think that your story is just about as believable as it would be if you told everyone that you were ten feet tall. If you're a pacifist, you're a pretty crappy one; real pacifists would try to use their words and not their fists, no matter what is thrown at them, whether it be verbal assault or physical assault.

Stop bragging about your muscles and go away.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
DeadlyYellow said:
Not much of a pacifist if you react with violence.

I'm tempted to make fun of your grammar, but fear you'll break my typing fingers.
He was assaulted and in the fray he broke their arm. That's not reacting with violence, thats being broken down to base instinct.


What to do? Nothing. They deserved what you delivered. As a pacifist I'm sure you feel bad about hurting them, but don't. You didn't mean to, and they were assholes.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Pacifism's all well and good, but if you'd stood there and let them beat the crap out of you it would have crossed the line between admirable life philosophy and near-suicidal refusal to react by a long shot. And it's not exactly a fine line. You did the right thing. Don't feel bad about having self-preservation instincts.

Hurray Forums

New member
Jun 4, 2008
If this is true: Technically self defense but you'll have a hard time convincing anyone of that when you broke the arms of all of them.

If this isn't true: I was walking home from school when I see the school a**hole with three friend they provoked me and then attacked me for no reason I tried to run but I got hit I got so pissed i ripped one of there arm off and ***** slapped him with it than turned to the other guy and pressed ↓, ↘, →, punch and he flyed into a wall but their was still two guys left so I force throwed one into a garbage can and the other guy turned to run so I took a grenade out of my pocket(i'm a pacifist btw) and threw it at him so hard he fell over with the grenade on top of him and i turned around and put my sunglasses on and didnt watch the explosion.