X-Men Actor Kelsey Grammar Would "Love" to Play Beast Again


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
X-Men Actor Kelsey Grammar Would "Love" to Play Beast Again

Actor Kelsey Grammar has said that playing Beast in X-Men: The Last Stand was a "joy" and that he'd love to return the role.

At this point it's pretty much accepted that X-Men: The Last Stand was so terrible that it took a complete reboot to get things working properly again. That being the case, the film did have some arguable positives with one of them easily being Kelsey Grammar's casting as Beast. He simply brought a natural intellectualism to the character that was pitch perfect and very much deserving of a better film.

That in mind, Grammar, speaking recently about his brief cameo in <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/9253-X-Men-Days-of-Future-Past>X-Men: Days of Future Past, expressed that he'd happily take part in another X-Men movie if given the chance. "I would love to do another X-Men," he said. "I loved playing Beast! I call him the blue guy and it was just a joy for me to be involved in that franchise."

He would go on to describe how he wound up being in the production of Days of Future Past which featured the actor in a cameo toward its end. "When I heard they were making another one...It was Hugh [Jackman] that I was talking to and he said, 'You're going to be in the next one aren't ya, mate!?!' I said I didn't even know about it. So I called Bryan and said, 'Look I understand that you're in a different timeline now and it's the younger Beast, but there's that little coda at the end. So I volunteered my services for it, because I really like being a part of that franchise."

Discussing X-Men: The Last Stand, in turn, Grammar affirmed his belief that director Brett Ratner "did a good job" and blamed the film's troubles on "political nonsense between studios." Nonetheless, he acknowledged that the franchise is perhaps better off in the hands of Bryan Singer and that he "was happy to see him return to it."

Source: <a href=http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/06/23/x-men-kelsey-grammer-wants-to-reprise-beast-for-bryan-singer-plus-thoughts-on-brett-ratner>IGN



For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...

Yeah it wasn't the first two films but I don't think it's that terrible


Nov 5, 2013
I would love to see him as beast again, I've associated him with the character ever since I saw it. For all its faults, the xmen movies have done a great job casting some of its most iconic characters.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
TimeLord said:
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...

Yeah it wasn't the first two films but I don't think it's that terrible
We're in the minority I think. Sure the story brought in elements from about fifty different comic storylines, but you can't tell me the last fifteen minutes or so weren't some of the most awesome moments with Bobby actually becoming Iceman and beating the shit out of Pyro and the greatest line in the entire series featuring a certain unstoppable mutant...

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
I've loved Kelsey Grammar a lot less since discovering he's an elitist, homophobic right-wing nut (he's basically exactly as he portrayed Sideshow Bob in Sideshow Bob Roberts, save for the whole "rigging an election using pet cemetery as voters" schtick). I do like him as an actor though; I like him as Beast, I'm looking forward to see how he does in Age of Extinction, and his voice hasn't lost any appeal so I happily dig him up when he finds his way back to The Simpsons. I just... I wish his ideologies weren't quite so... diametrically opposed to my own. I feel the same about Robert Downey, Jr.


New member
May 2, 2011
TimeLord said:
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...

Yeah it wasn't the first two films but I don't think it's that terrible
I certainly found some enjoyable elements from X3 but that plot, and the force-fed dialogue....oh god, it makes me shudder. The only thing that keeps it above prequel levels of awfulness is the fact that Wolverine doesn't go on a monologue about how much he hates sand. I'm looking at you, Anakin.

Would love to see Kelsey come back again for sure. He didn't get nearly enough screentime.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
TimeLord said:
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...

Yeah it wasn't the first two films but I don't think it's that terrible
Redryhno said:
We're in the minority I think. Sure the story brought in elements from about fifty different comic storylines, but you can't tell me the last fifteen minutes or so weren't some of the most awesome moments with Bobby actually becoming Iceman and beating the shit out of Pyro and the greatest line in the entire series featuring a certain unstoppable mutant...
I'm with you guys, it gets shit on more than it deserves, probably in part because everyone seems to hate Brett Rattner, which makes it an easy target. Maybe in 20 years, old Jim Sterling will make a Movie Defense Force episode about it. People seem to forget some of the goold elements the movie had, like Cyclops dying, and as this article says, the character of Beast, and some pretty fun action scenes.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
idarkphoenixi said:
TimeLord said:
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...

Yeah it wasn't the first two films but I don't think it's that terrible
I certainly found some enjoyable elements from X3 but that plot, and the force-fed dialogue....oh god, it makes me shudder. The only thing that keeps it above prequel levels of awfulness is the fact that Wolverine doesn't go on a monologue about how much he hates sand. I'm looking at you, Anakin.
"I hate sand. It's rough, it's coarse, it gets everywhere." Hardly what I would call a monologue, it's only ten words. Don't over-exaggerate, it makes you seem whiny.

OT: I get why people don't 'like' X3, but I personally don't get why they 'hate' X3. It had a few too many underdeveloped plot threads taken from several famous story lines, I get that, but I also get that I thought the action choreography felt more kinetic and entertaining that the previous two movies, so I can say I enjoyed that, as well as some fun performances by certain members of the cast, like Kelsey. X-Men has had a kind of rough path through films, but its always nice to see fun elements in each new installment.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Andy of Comix Inc said:
I've loved Kelsey Grammar a lot less since discovering he's an elitist, homophobic right-wing nut
You just described half of the acting community with that one. Good on you.
Fat_Hippo said:
I'm with you guys, it gets shit on more than it deserves, probably in part because everyone seems to hate Brett Rattner, which makes it an easy target. Maybe in 20 years, old Jim Sterling will make a Movie Defense Force episode about it. People seem to forget some of the goold elements the movie had, like Cyclops dying, and as this article says, the character of Beast, and some pretty fun action scenes.
....I completely forgot about Cyclops...he deserved slightly more screen time than he got in the series(Alot of mutants did, but he's one of the iconic...6 or 7), or maybe just more than just being the Grey Love Wall of Logan. And this is honestly the first time I've heard about the Brett Ratner hate...

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
TimeLord said:
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...

Yeah it wasn't the first two films but I don't think it's that terrible
Hey man, I'm about to go one step futher... I liked Last Stand a heck of a lot more than First Class. It was a dumb movie for sure, but atleast it was entertaining.

OT: So wait, Grammar has a cameo as Beast in Future Past? Does that mean the Grammar Beast has the regular human nose, while the Hoult Beast still has the stupid furry nose?

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Redryhno said:
....I completely forgot about Cyclops...he deserved slightly more screen time than he got in the series(Alot of mutants did, but he's one of the iconic...6 or 7), or maybe just more than just being the Grey Love Wall of Logan. And this is honestly the first time I've heard about the Brett Ratner hate...
Yeah, I'm guessing Cyclops is more interesting in the comics than in the movies, not that he could have been less interesting.

As for Brett Rattner hate, I'm pretty sure MovieBob goes on a slight tangent about how terrible he is every time something related to him shows up, and he's hardly the only movie critic. Not sure why exactly. He apparently isn't very likable as a person, but that goes for a lot of actors and directors, and they don't get as much bile directed at them.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
ShogunGino said:
"I hate sand. It's rough, it's coarse, it gets everywhere." Hardly what I would call a monologue, it's only ten words. Don't over-exaggerate, it makes you seem whiny.
I don't think it's exaggeration so much as hyperbole.

That quote is kind of indicative of bad Lucas writing, because what Anakin actually means is "This place is a lot nicer than Tatooine". That's what an ordinary person would say because the purpose of spoken communication is generally to communicate efficiently. He could then go on and explain all the nasty attributes about sand and it would make sense.

Just opening with something seemingly off the wall and then suddenly bringing it back to a point is not really something people do in spoken conversation because it would be awkward, and guess what.. it sounds awkward.

I dunno.. there's some pretty cheesy lines in the original star wars trilogy too and we gloss over them, but it still strikes me that all the prequels desperately needed someone with the balls to tell George Lucas that this is not how real people talk.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Redryhno said:
Andy of Comix Inc said:
I've loved Kelsey Grammar a lot less since discovering he's an elitist, homophobic right-wing nut
You just described half of the acting community with that one. Good on you.
Yeah, except I don't have an affinity for the talent of half the acting community. I certainly didn't watch half of them through ten seasons of Frasier. Really, I love Kelsey Grammar when he's on-screen, when he's singing, voice acting... he is an actor I admire with beliefs I don't. I disagree with a lot of people, I don't often respect them simultaneously.


New member
May 10, 2011
X-men: The Last Stand had a lot of problems.

Kelsey Grammar as Beast was not one of them.

For that matter, even X-men: The Last Stand was not as bad as people claim. Rewatching it, yes, it has some serious problems. So do the first two and even First Class. It has a LOT of padding and aborted story arcs, but it also has some really great performances and story moments as well (personal highlight being Magneto verbally pimp-slapping Pyro into place and paying his respects to Charles, really showing that despite their differences he respected the hell out of him and considered him a friend on the other side).

So, yeah, bring Kelsey Grammar back.

But is it too much to hope for more Nightcrawler in the future?


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Cameo in Days of Future Past? Beast is in it for half the film.

Type type type.

Oh, okay then, he's the older Beast.


Well I'd be happy to see him as Beast in a future film, so there's that.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Andy of Comix Inc said:
Redryhno said:
Andy of Comix Inc said:
I've loved Kelsey Grammar a lot less since discovering he's an elitist, homophobic right-wing nut
You just described half of the acting community with that one. Good on you.
Yeah, except I don't have an affinity for the talent of half the acting community. I certainly didn't watch half of them through ten seasons of Frasier. Really, I love Kelsey Grammar when he's on-screen, when he's singing, voice acting... he is an actor I admire with beliefs I don't. I disagree with a lot of people, I don't often respect them simultaneously.
Hit the nail on the head. At least Downey Jr has an excuse, ish. Also, as his view has flip flopped over the years, I'll give him that he's a man still trying to work stuff out. Grammar is just not a nice person, which is a shame as otherwise I'd be a huge fan. Same with Gibson tbh, I love the work, even the Passion, but it's hard to reconcile those kinds of actions.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
TimeLord said:
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...

Yeah it wasn't the first two films but I don't think it's that terrible
It's not terrible. It's not even particularly bad, per se. It's just not particularly good either, and nowhere near as good as it likely could have been. It lacked focus, I think. It had a lot of "and then THIS happened" as opposed to significant plot development, perhaps trying to capture the feel of an episodic comic book with overarching continuity. Instead, it felt like a TV show, as if they had spliced several (otherwise unrelated) episodes of Power Rangers back-to-back and wanted us to assume the events were sequential and relevant to each other. That isn't to say it was bad, especially if you like Power Rangers, but that doesn't make it very good either. Perhaps it would have been better presented as a miniseries, instead of a feature film. There, events can be self-contained episodes and contribute very little to the overarching story, if anything at all, but still have build-up and the big payoff at the end.

OT: Grammar is an absolutely magnificent Henry "Beast" McCoy, and easily a standout of The Last Stand, alongside McKellan and Stewart. I'd be positively thrilled to see him reprise his role in future X-Men films.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I can't think of a better choice really.

TimeLord said:
But... But... I really like Xmen: Last Stand...
You are DEAD to me! Go stand in the corner until you've regenerated!

Actually, I don't really hate X3. I just wanted to make the comment.

Andy of Comix Inc said:
I've loved Kelsey Grammar a lot less since discovering he's an elitist, homophobic right-wing nut
I really wish I didn't know that.

But now, at least, I have the internal amusement of him playing not only a key player in what has been one of the big "gay analogies" for the last couple of decades, but also for being the same character that was the actual gay metaphor in First Class. "You didn't ask. I didn't tell."

TristanBelmont said:
You know I completely forgot Grammar played Beast.
I still only know him as Frasier Crane.
It would be awesome if Hank McCoy was a radio psychiatrist.


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
Wow, no one has pointed out his name is Grammer? I guess that makes me the grammer nazi :)

I love the dude's voice and he has chops, but I am not too sure about on-screen presence. CGI can do wonders, though