X Rebirth Is Finally (Almost) Ready


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I'm very excited about this. I fall into and out of love with the X games on a regular basis. But every time I go back... it's like playing it for the first time again with the complex controls. I'm looking forward to that bit the most. The game is looking incredible though. Also, all the comparisons to Star Citizen should probably stop. I mean, Star Citizen is the huge thing right now, but that game is still so far out, people probably shouldn't care that much. X has been around for a long time now and it deserves more respect than to be compared to a game that is not even in alpha yet.


Blue Blaze Irregular 1st Class
Aug 18, 2012
I spent $70+ dollars on a linux copy of X2 back in the day. I usually did homework or read a book while I slowly, slowly piloted a POS ship around for hours. Eventually I realized that it would be best to just write it off as sunk cost and go play something else. So much regret...


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Trasch17 said:
I think I just wet my pants...
The last time I played a good space sim was ages ago and I was always interested in the X series so sign my ass up, I'm gonna buy it on day one.
Yeah, no kidding. I remember back when 3D graphics were first getting started and it seemed like space sims were the thing to do. Heck, I remember when it was nearly required to have a good flight stick for any gaming rig because they were just that common. Then they just kinda vanished into thin air. I miss the old X-Wing/TIE Fighter games the most, though. The Rogue Squadron series didn't even bring to scratch the surface of that legacy.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Only one player ship that doesnt change visibly throughout the whole campaign.. no alternate starting points like in prior games because of this (player ship is unique in the setting). All other "flyable" ships are just remote controlled little drones wich you will never pilot yourselfe because if you do your main ship is a sitting duck. More streamlined game because we have a linear story again. Oh and upgrading your ship is also completly linear so in the end everyones ship will be the same.. no meaningfull choices there.

They took out so much freedom from the previous games that i just cant see me getting this at launch. In previous X games you could fly a measily underarmed scoutship to a huge hulking carriership... both werent very rewarding but still you could if you liked.

I just hope the modders will find solutions because the rest of the game seems pretty good.


Tentacle God
Feb 28, 2012
viranimus said:
Sadly, with some of the changes in direction this presents (such as simplfied gamepad controls) and more grandios scale it really gets my hopes up for finally being able to really get into this franchise, Only to have those hopes sadly dashed by "Rebirth comes out in Europe on November 15 and hits North American shores on November 19, exclusively for the PC." (not that I am asking for a console release) and knowing that if history serves as an example that means it might as well have said "Exclusively for Steam"

If it is that regrettably puts this title well outside of my range of purchasing or playing.
While the X3 games did come out initially on steam egosoft did eventually release their own cracked executables for them, and they have all been available in boxed versions, and if you can find them will probably be quite cheap (I picked up X2 for £1). Some features are only for the steam versions though, specifically the dead is dead hardcore mode.

OT: So exited for this. I played all the way through X3TC- only the hub plot eventually defeated me- and was flying round the galaxy in my Boreas nuking anything which looked at me funny, meaning mainly paranid ships.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
while it may be hard for veterans of the series to believe (and also a touch sacrilegious), the whole thing can be played with just a gamepad.
I can beilieve that. Gamepad support was added to Albion Prelude in its 3.2 patch.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
I've been waiting for this, but I thought Rebirth would just be a slightly less shitty enhancement of the previous version - as always with the X series. But I must say the trailer looks unexpectedly awesome. Looks like they really made an actually new game this time.


New member
May 13, 2010
If this is a lot more easier to understand and use than X3 then I'll buy it for sure. I really tried to get into X3, but then again seeing as the first space sim I ever played was Freelancer, it was a long lost battle.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
Karadalis said:
Only one player ship that doesnt change visibly throughout the whole campaign.. no alternate starting points like in prior games because of this (player ship is unique in the setting). All other "flyable" ships are just remote controlled little drones wich you will never pilot yourselfe because if you do your main ship is a sitting duck. More streamlined game because we have a linear story again. Oh and upgrading your ship is also completly linear so in the end everyones ship will be the same.. no meaningfull choices there.

They took out so much freedom from the previous games that i just cant see me getting this at launch. In previous X games you could fly a measily underarmed scoutship to a huge hulking carriership... both werent very rewarding but still you could if you liked.

I just hope the modders will find solutions because the rest of the game seems pretty good.
How do you feel about the way their handling capital ships?

From my understanding while you won't be able to control them directly you will be able to physically be on the bridge and command the crew, presumably from a captain's chair (not confirmed)as well as giving remote orders for your ship.

From what I heard, the massive capital ships operate on a completely different physics engine than smaller ships to make them preform more like a giant space hulk would preform in space, meaning that it would take a very specialized bridge crew to operate, not just one person.

It has some interesting possibilities; upgrade a capital ship or the Albion with a holodeck commander center and command a large fleet from there while your ship captain/co-pilot (they promise they will be competent this time) commands the ship.

It plays to what I always wanted to be in the X series, a fleet admiral/space tycoon commanding large fleet of trade and warships and hopefully the improve the interface and methods for dealing with such things. I do understand, however, how people are bummed about not being able to change to fighters or freighters for role plying as a freelance mercenary or traders, but like you said their will probably be mods and even more likely free DLC updates fro Egosoft.


Reportable Offender
Sep 3, 2008
I'll wait until after release to see if they still have the severe AI problems with path finding before buying.

Because honestly, where Bumper Cars In Space is entertaining at first, it gets really infuriating having your ships die for no reason other than operator error. Where the operator is a computer.