Would they just tell us already? Both Microsoft and Sony. It would take one quick press release to explain everything that has us worried. Are they trying to lure us in with "Cawl ov Dootie" and "Heighloe Phive" just to get everyone excited then say "Oh, yeah, you gotta pay full price for used games , the kinect is sentient and records your every action plus fear, and xbone phones home every 24hrs so EA isn't frothing at the mouth about used games while still closing down decent developers."
If they expect this news to last a long time at E3 then I am worried that they don't have anything more interesting in store for us when E3 does come around. It is just gonna be "We care about our consumers, bla, bla, bla, That is why we are gouging their wallets bla, bla and making them sign on every 24 hours." What could be said in 2 minutes will take 30, and we won't know as much about these exclusives as we could have.
More importantly, they are already loosing sales to this DRM travesty because they have not been clear and even made contradicting statements about it. When E3 comes about there may be large potential of customers that have already sided with Nintendo or Sony, or switched to PC. Just look at the Wii U sales jump after Xbone's announcement.