Xbox Live Moves in With Windows 8


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Megacherv said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Oh fuck no.

Piss off Microsoft. Your operating systems are bad enough, and now you want everyone to use Xbox Live? This will be worse than GFWL, calling it now.
RhombusHatesYou said:
Ah yes, Microsoft showing their 'support and dedication for PC gaming' once more.
Guys, I'm just going to explain this to you: these will be Metro apps that will work in the same way like on Windows Phone and even on 360. You sign into your XBL account to get onto the Windows Store, then download them, and that's it. They're mostly gonna be for tablets I'm guessing, but I've seen examples of KBM/Controller ones as well (such as Pinball FX)
I am aware of that, can't speak for the other guy.

What I'm saying is Microsoft are once again pissing all over what would otherwise be a useful service. Countless games have been crippled with GFWL and Xbox Live is even worse.
I don't see why it's worse, I've been using it on my phone and there's no difference.

Scrumpmonkey said:
Microsoft seems to be moving windows 8 to be a more tightly controlled closed platform visa-vie iOS. This is complete bullshit on a desktop. I have a feeling Microsoft has a plan, a plan to squeeze out outside influence in the PC/Mobile space on windows making their store the only 'official' option.

The sneaky bastards want the 'Live' space to be integrated into how every game functions. In their warped minds this gives them and publishers a greater chance of fighting piracy but in practice i think this is a move towards a greater strangle-hold on content and use of content.

This news in its self does not disturb me. The further implications of folding an essentially closed space like XBL into windows as a front-line feature scares the shit out of me. Apple makes it hell for a developer not to pay them a cut to put something on the iPhone and i think that is appalling. Microsoft would seem to be positioning its self into the same place; content and financial dominance.
I've heard so many people saying this. This part is simply for the tablet side of the OS, they're still supporting the desktop side, Microsoft will be stupid to lock-down the OS and lose its userbase to Linux


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Let's hope not.

I don't know why I ever put up with Microsoft for so long. I think I'll give the 720 a miss.


New member
May 18, 2010
on one hand, Windows 8 seems to be building up to be a big pile of wank
on the other, maybe now us PC folks will be finally able to play sweet sweet XBLA vidya like Fez
Sep 14, 2009

-said no living being in existence. not even apple fanboys would be stupid enough to like this (pray they don't...)

for the xbox/tablet side, kinda cool, but still...i have a feeling this is microsoft trying to stranglehold and butt out anyone who doesn't run on their money/time.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
On one hand, I like the idea of playing Xbox Live games on my PC. There are a fair amount of exclusives that I would love to play on my comfy PC command chair while also not owning an Xbox 360.

However, on the other hand I am seeing Microsoft using this as a filter to try and weed out commercial PC games not sold through themselves and Microsoft making the feature extremely DRM-infested such as GFWL currently is. Until we get more info on this, I am staying cautious f this announcement.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
The trade off being that Windows 8 is design to turn your uber powerful P.C gaming rig in to an extremely heavy and immobile tablet.

Seriously, all the reviews I have read of Windows 8, none have liked the new tablet-centric configuration it uses.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
What the fuck is wrong with you, Microsoft?
GFWL failed because it doesn't exist IN COUNTRIES THAT DON'T HAVE XBOX LIVE.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
"40 titles will be initially available via the Windows 8 Xbox Live app, with more trickling in as time goes by."

Just like backwards compatibility, right? Still waiting on the last 5 levels of Panzer Dragoon Orta, and a pretty substantial amount of my game stash.

Even if this was an appealing idea, and not a blatant abuse of platform control, past examples lead me to believe this is a promise that isn't going to be well delivered on.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Ed130 said:
Evil Smurf said:
integration can be good, Just make it better then GFWL
But if you set the bar THAT low they may trip over it.
One of the reasons I use a MAC :D But hey. Do good Microsoft because nobody likes it when you suck.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
"With the failure of Games for Windows Live"

If only it was a completely gone, unfortunately it still lingers around offering redundant restrictive and often broken DRM - ON TOP OF the effective and manageable Steamworks DRM.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
you don't put a phone interface on a damn pc

btw, making a pc more like smartphones and tablets = more restrictions on what you can do with your PC and taking away control. The pc is still the only device you have total control over without a company making you use certain services or software.

The less control you have over your devices, the more money the companies make.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
Nurb said:
you don't put a phone interface on a damn pc

btw, making a pc more like smartphones and tablets = more restrictions on what you can do with your PC and taking away control. The pc is still the only device you have total control over without a company making you use certain services or software.

The less control you have over your devices, the more money the companies make.
You have total control over Windows 8 desktop. Programs don't have to use metro and you have full access to your system and have task manager and everything.

Danceofmasks said:
What the fuck is wrong with you, Microsoft?
GFWL failed because it doesn't exist IN COUNTRIES THAT DON'T HAVE XBOX LIVE.
Xbox Live on Windows and Xbox Live on Windows Phone is different to Xbox Live. Available in 200 countries:

Anyway Wordament is awesome and free.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
The more I read about Windows 8 the less I want it. It looks like I will stick with Windows 7 for 10 years like I did with XP.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
I can see this working on a tablet but for a desktop it may be rather annoying. The Xbox dashboard itself is just getting worse & worse.
Considering Microsoft's track record with its OS im just goning to continue to save up for 7 and then wait till 9 comes out (which is supposedley the OS that will be used for the 720).


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I'm a fucking PC gamer, I don't use an Xbox. Stop being a bunch of lazy twats. If one of the lesser-known OS's made a serious enough move to get into the gaming space I wouldn't think twice about changing.

SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Oh fuck no.

Piss off Microsoft. Your operating systems are bad enough, and now you want everyone to use Xbox Live? This will be worse than GFWL, calling it now.
Inevitably. Since the site merger hiding GfWL on it's already become more of a problem. Even developers can't be coaxed into using the bloody thing anymore and they still pull out the classic, "it's working as intended".

Don Reba

Bishop and Councilor of War
Jun 2, 2009
Getting to play some XBLA games on PC would actually be pretty awesome. (cautiously optimistic)