Their games are designed to leech as much money out of people as possible. They're addictive, have free advertising and taunt people with the prospect of buying in-game stuff with micro-transactions. Not to mention people find it harder to keep track of micro-transactions by nature, and before they know it have wasted $100.plastic_window said:Farmville still ain't got shit on Venetian Blinds, as far as I'm concerned, so I can't pretend like I'm outraged by this news. In fact, I'm glad to see that Zynga has no interest in making games for my gaming systems, because the news doesn't affect me whatsoever.
It is interesting to note, though, that Zynga are not making games for the Xbox or Ps3 purely because they don't have a 'big enough' audience. Forget making games, Zynga makes money.
All of this and their games have pretty much no substance, not one speck of fun.