Xbox One Includes a Headset After All


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Seeing this I again notice that the XO is not that big.
Kind of disappointing to see that the XO will again require an external power supply though.

And it look like a proper headset compared to the PS4 in ear plug. So kudos for that.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
RJ 17 said:
Yaaaaaaaaaaay-I still don't want it. Why? Because of the very first thing he pulled out of the frickin' box. :p
Same here. I don't want a 1080p infra-red camera always on in my living room or bedroom, and I don't even want to use it for gameplay or as an interface with the console itself. I'm happy enough with a controller, a headset and some damn games, but MS isn't making that an affordable option so I'll probably get a PS4 or at the very least, stick with my gaming PC that costs the same as an Xbox One but do oh-so-much more.

I still got my X360 of 7 years to play on anyway.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
I stopped being angry at Micro$oft as of late.

I kind of feel sorry for them now because of how hard they are trying to sell this thing.

Still not going to buy one though.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
I dont really see the problem. Microsoft are essentially saying "Heres what we're offering" then listening to the feedback and saying "Ok, we'll add this in/remove that/etc".

Sure, some things are common sense and they perhaps shouldnt need to go through that stage but ultimately they're a business first and they'll try to make money where possible. The fact that they readily backpedal to keep customers happy though speaks volumes.