Yes I smoke.. So I'm the devil now?


New member
Nov 14, 2010
there is nothing wrong with smokeing, if people dont like it, dont try it, no one is breathing it down your neck.

Smoke away like a steam powered train buddy!


New member
Jun 16, 2011
I've never been really worried about the shortened "life-span" smoking gives you, honestly. It's the pain and misery of cancer and chemotherapy that keep me off tobacco.

People do get confused about life style choices and moral choices, however. If you like to smoke, no one should think you a bad person for it. But you do have to expect a lot of people will think you an unwise person.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Ireland doesn't seem to have a problem with Smoking, as long as you don't do it around Children. I've actually seen non-smokers who will at random whip out a cigarette because their Smoking friends and family have run out, or whip out a cigarette lighter because they forgot their own. Best one was when I saw someone actually pull out a can of propane to refill a run-down lighter. The only reason I could think of was that they were Airsofters on their way to a skirmish, who used Propane instead of regular Green Gas or 134a Gas.

The only people I've seen who have problems with smoking are my parents, but then its only if I smell of smoke, because they're worried for my already rather frail health, or if they see someone in a public area going through an entire pack in the time it takes down down a can of Coke. I'm actually not bothered by the smell either. I live in a Rural area. you get used to bad smells damn quick. And atop that I've never actually seen why people detest stenches so much. If it's not making me puke, it's fine.

Ever lit a Sweetie Cigarette? One of those wee sugar sticks that look somewhat like a cigarette? I did it for a Laugh once. Well, I tried too. All I succeeded in doing was getting soot all over it. Turns out it has a rather high melting point and if I can't get it up to around 186 degrees it just gets covered in soot and tastes like crap. =|


New member
Apr 29, 2009
nbamaniac said:
manic_depressive13 said:
nbamaniac said:
Cigs have this eloquent taste, and because of this I smoke if I'm doing nothing just to remove my boredom (Nothing like a good ole Marlboro to liven up my day).
What does eloquent taste like? Is it a bit like pretentiousness? My cigarettes just taste like chemicals and defeat.
If I taste such 'defeat' in my smokes, then I wouldn't have any reason to continue now would I? Is it because you have a superior sense of taste than me that you choose to tell me how it really tastes like?

Screw your absolutes.
I don't smoke, but I've inhaled a couple of puffs of cigarette smoke unintentionally, and I have to agree with the guy you're apparently arguing with.

Cigarette smoke tastes like shit covered in shit with a gooey shit filled center. If that's what eloquence tastes like, then I'd really hate to know what unsophisticated illiteracy tastes like.

OT: I don't see the point of smoking cigarettes, they're incredibly bad for you, they give you a mild buzz (if that) as opposed to being actually high, and at the prices for cigarettes as they are, you'd be better off just mixing random chemicals and dried up plant matter in your kitchen and smoking that.

I'd much rather smoke weed than cigarettes.

And before somebody inevitably quotes me to tell me that marijuana is "bad for you"; it's not. [Here's my proof]


New member
Oct 8, 2007
smoking isnt evil your free to do it as you please your lungs an all.



New member
Feb 12, 2009
Just stop while you still can, it's so dumb... Also it hurts people around you and that's perhaps why people (like myself) consider it douche-y


New member
Jul 10, 2011
Here's my two cents: You walk into a room (or general area, whatever) to smoke and I'm there. I'm gonna prefer that you find somewhere else to smoke because I (this'll probably sound juvenile, but whatever) was there first. Of course, the reverse applies. I'll leave a room you're smoking in, or just deal with it, because you were there first.

And yes, I do cough around smokers, but it's because it honestly irritates my lungs.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
TriGGeR_HaPPy said:
Eh. See, you seem like you're an okay guy, trying not to smoke around people, and you're doing it while you're aware of the risks (not sure why you'd continue while aware, mind, but that's up to you).

I only really care about those people who smoke in crowded areas or other such places, the ones who seem determined to smoke in ways that are sure to annoy others.

As for the "eloquent taste", I had 1 or 2 cigarettes with a few friends (well, okay, it was a "punishment" for a game we were playing, and I happened to lose epicly that round :p ), and I have no idea where you get the idea that they taste good... To me, it just tasted like smoke. I generally have a pretty good taste for most foods, wines etc, and yet I never got (nor will ever get) how some people could say that cigarettes taste good.

But hey, maybe that's just me. As for you, if you really don't care that you're putting yourself at risk for no reason, and don't annoy others with your smoking, then I say go for it.
Everyone has favorite flavors.
Some people LOVE the taste of mushrooms. Others, sweeter things catch their eye. Cigarettes are just something that people either like to begin with, or grow into liking.

And for the guy that went snooty about the flavoring of cigarettes. Get over it. even to cigarette smokers, certain things catch their eye on it. You seem far more pretentious than the OP.


New member
Jul 14, 2011
Yes. You smoke so you're inconsiderate, unhealthy, ignorant, untidy, you hate children, you hate old people, you hate the environment, you have bad hygiene...


I understand people's grief with inconsiderate smokers. I understand that it's unhealthy, but so is drinking (and before you say drinking only effects yourself, it doesn't. NHS costs, drink driving, drunk people breaking stuff... etc) and far fewer people villianise that to quite the same extent.

It stinks to a non-smoker and I think it should be perfectly okay to ask someone who is smoking close to you to move away, or someone who is ignoring non-smoking signs to stop. But for someone who is a considerate person, I don't see why people have issues if they happen to smoke.

The only person I let lecture me about my smoking is my mum, and even she's accepted that I'm a big girl now and can make my own decisions.

I'm going for a cigarette now :D


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I don't "like" smokers because cigarette smoke makes me gag (seriously, so many times I've been close to vomiting because of it), but honestly it's their decision whether to smoke or not, just wish some smokers could be a bit more aware of the people around them while smoking sometimes...
Edit: And before some smartass comments on my avatar, first best funny picture I found on a random search. Go be clever somewhere else.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Smoking around me can cause my poor, horrible lungs to seize.

I only dislike people who notice that I stop breathing as I walk past them smoking and get all in my face about it. You have a half-decent chance of killing me, so let me get past you!


New member
Nov 19, 2008
My dad's been smoking for a long time and I can really see it showing in his health sometimes. That plus the ever-present smell are the main reasons i don't smoke, and never will.

As for others: i'm not judgmental or anything, but if you smoke near me in-doors, i either find a clear spot or ask you to do it outside/put it out. It's just the smell, man. I hate it.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
nbamaniac said:
Cigs have this eloquent taste
When my street is being repaved it has a funny smell like that too, I'm just not sure if everyone else would call it "eloquent". The problem is that the same way those guys were infringing on your rights, you were also infringing of their right to not smell the awful stench of big corporations killing people for profit with their pesticides.

And come on, if you are going to smoke 4 a day, at least make your own. It's not very time consuming if you smoke 4 a day in average, is cheaper and you won't be spreading the scent of tarmac. In fact, it doesn't bother me to be near smokers who roll their own.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
I strongly dislike smokers because the smoke causes me headaches near instantaneously. So I try to stay away, or at least upwind of smokers. Not that I have a problem with the person themselves. Just the smoke.

Kurai Angelo

New member
Oct 12, 2009
nbamaniac said:
Cigs have this eloquent taste
I couldn't give two shits that you smoke... I'm probably one of the minority that is both bewildered and confused by this painfully bad phrase. Please use more appropriate description if you insist on being so pretentious.

Kurai Angelo

New member
Oct 12, 2009
gambler778 said:
Why? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Does anybody here give a shit if I jump in front of a train? No. So they shouldn't give a shit that I smoke.
You jumping in front of a train doesn't affect me. You smoking around me does affect me. See the difference?
I'm sure you'd change your tune if you were a passenger on the train that hit him and your journey was delayed. I hate it when people like you use this argument, don't pretend you care if the only reason you give a shit is because you're being inconvenienced.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
your a horrible horrible person for smoking.... NOT its your life do as you wish i personally dont care if you do