Yoko Ono "Gave Harmonix Hell" Over The Beatles: Rock Band


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Criticism of the graphics? Yeah, she may have a point about that. But seriously, I wish people would get over The Beatles.
And Ono was actually a driving force for Lennon's best solo work, with the Plastic Ono Band, not the putrid and infantile "Imagine", which is wholly Lennon's self-indulgent and facile view of the world.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
benbenthegamerman said:
silentsentinel said:
AboveUp said:
oliveira8 said:
Who in Cthulhu name told Ono she could leave the land of Oz? Yoko Ono is the source of all Evil in the world. She is a black hole of misery sucking everything good into it.

She ruined The Beatles!!

She probably only did this so she can claim she worked along with Harmonix and deserves to get a bigger cut of the sales.
Forgive my young-ness and extreme ignorance, but what was it that Yoko did that caused the Beatles to be ruined? It was long before my time...
its perfectly ok silent, not many people understand either.

what she did was put
john lennon under the impression that the beatles were her idea, and so he would only go by HER suggestions, which really pissed off richard starky, paul mccartney, and george harrison.
They decided that since john was doing his own solo career for yoko that each of the beatles should break off and find something better to do then listen to what john wants what yoko wants to hear. their final concert was played on a roof in liverpool, and yes, it was a very windy day. that is how she broke up the beatles.
Or in reality the beetles had come to an end as a band but fans could not accept this. Instead they needed some one to blame so they went for the easy target Yoko Ono and made her the target of their hate rather than face the facts the beetles had just had their day.

Really people how long has it been since the beetles broke up? All this pointless hate over Yoko Ono got old a long time ago.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
The Infamous Scamola said:
Fuck Ono. Nobody gave a crap about her when John Lennon was still alive (except Lennon), why should we now that he's dead?
What he said.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'll be less vitriolic than most, but I would say, the trailer I saw a while ago looked fine, and I'm sure they have the sense to keep it respectful, and I doubt Yoko Ono has any experience of video games.

I'm sure her visit was like every time I visit my mum and have to explain something about the computer, why it can do this and can't do that.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Alphavillain said:
Criticism of the graphics? Yeah, she may have a point about that. But seriously, I wish people would get over The Beatles.
And Ono was actually a driving force for Lennon's best solo work, with the Plastic Ono Band, not the putrid and infantile "Imagine", which is wholly Lennon's self-indulgent and facile view of the world.
I assume that by "get over" you mean get over the idea of blaming Yoko Ono. If not, then I have to assume you don't care about Rock and Roll or Pop Music at all, since their arrival in the states drove Rock from being just another form of music for kids, to the well loved and popular music it is today. And if Imagine is facile and self-indulgent, then that means you can't possibly like most music besides classical, since it's all based on people's perceptions of the world, be it politics, love, hate, war...etc.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Wow, wtf. I don't see any of the actual living Beatles or their families sticking their noses in this why does Yoko have to?

Also as an artist (or student of such) I consider calling Yoko an artist as almost an insult to the rest of us.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Alphavillain said:
Criticism of the graphics? Yeah, she may have a point about that. But seriously, I wish people would get over The Beatles.
And Ono was actually a driving force for Lennon's best solo work, with the Plastic Ono Band, not the putrid and infantile "Imagine", which is wholly Lennon's self-indulgent and facile view of the world.
That's kind of the point of Imagine. What, did you expect him to write a song about how much he loved capitalism? I mean, he was never vocal about loving Marx, amirite?


New member
Jun 25, 2009
God I hate Yoko Ono. She broke up the Beatles, is deluded out of her mind thinking she was important in their band despite not writing recording or playing in it, and is fuckin' ugly too.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Lissa-QUON said:
Wow, wtf. I don't see any of the actual living Beatles or their families sticking their noses in this why does Yoko have to?
Or their families? Really what do you call some ones wife these days if it is not their family? Really now can we please just accept the fact the beetles would have split up with our without Yoko Ono there, maybe they would have produced an other album or two without here but the band would have come to an end without her that is just how it goes.


New member
May 28, 2008
Great, first she breaks up The Beatles, and now she's breaking up Harmonix?

Oh well, as long as we don't have to play as a nude John Lennon, she can criticize them all she wants.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Worsle said:
Lissa-QUON said:
Wow, wtf. I don't see any of the actual living Beatles or their families sticking their noses in this why does Yoko have to?
Or their families? Really what do you call some ones wife these days if it is not their family? Really now can we please just accept the fact the beetles would have split up with our without Yoko Ono there, maybe they would have produced an other album or two without here but the band would have come to an end without her that is just how it goes.
You misquote me. I never meant that Yoko is not family to John, in fact if you wanted to nit pick my sentence one could easily argue I said John wasn't an actual Beatle.

But the point I was observing that there are no other reports of the rest of the band and the band's loved ones (excluding Yoko cause shes clearly taking an interest) getting involved with Harmonix.

I have no opinion one way or another of Yoko breaking up the band. John was apparently overbearing and as such it was only a matter of time before they broke up. Never did I say she broke them up, never did I EVEN MENTION the band breaking up. I only mentioned that I do not like her as an artist.

I do not appreciate people putting words in my mouth.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Lissa-QUON said:
Worsle said:
Lissa-QUON said:
Wow, wtf. I don't see any of the actual living Beatles or their families sticking their noses in this why does Yoko have to?
Or their families? Really what do you call some ones wife these days if it is not their family? Really now can we please just accept the fact the beetles would have split up with our without Yoko Ono there, maybe they would have produced an other album or two without here but the band would have come to an end without her that is just how it goes.
You misquote me. I never meant that Yoko is not family to John, in fact if you wanted to nit pick my sentence one could easily argue I said John wasn't an actual Beatle.

But the point I was observing that there are no other reports of the rest of the band and the band's loved ones (excluding Yoko cause shes clearly taking an interest) getting involved with Harmonix.

I have no opinion one way or another of Yoko breaking up the band. John was apparently overbearing and as such it was only a matter of time before they broke up. Never did I say she broke them up, never did I EVEN MENTION the band breaking up. I only mentioned that I do not like her as an artist.

I do not appreciate people putting words in my mouth.
Not really you did heavily imply that Yoko was not family. "I don't see any of the actual living Beatles or their families sticking their noses in" No beetles or their families, now unless Yoko is not family then yes family members are getting involved though none of the living beetles. So if you are going to snap like that you need to work on your wording and also given it is a direct quote I could not have misquoted you I can get the meaning wrong but the quote its self is fine.

Now as to the splitting thing that is a mistaken assumption, so it is my bad. However it is not a surprising one given the average posts here and the fact you had taken a stance against Yoko. Now given you don't blame her for the beetles splitting up what is your objection to her having her say? This game does heavily feature her dead husband after all, it does not seem that strange for her to want to get involved... really I would say it is stranger that the others do not want to be involved.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Worsle said:
Dude, he said the living beatle's families... I'm not sure how alive you think John is but I think you should take a minute and look him up on wikipedia or something before getting so uptight.

Wait, what else is going on in this thread...

*looks around*

Oh some ignorant comments based on knee jerk reactions? I'll just step out quietly if you don't mind...



Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
I think people are going a little overboard with blaming Yoko Ono for breaking up The Beatles. They all went on to have successful careers as solo artist (at least before bullets and cancer took out half of them) so they were all greater then the sum of the parts as individuals and perhaps Yoko accentuated John Lennon's own mannerisms but they were all in one way or another getting tired of being The Beatles and not individual artists. Talk to anyone in a band; high school or superstar and they will tell you how hard it can be stay together and share the limelight.

John Lennon may have been a pussy ( if your wife picks your mistress [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Pang] for you than you are a pussy and that's Man Law) but he wouldn't have broken up the band because his wife told him too but because he no longer wanted to be a Beatle.