You are the last person on Earth

Oct 10, 2011
You are the last person on Earth. All people vanished from existance, but all other animals and everything besisdes the actual people are still here. What would you do?

Since It's only me left, I don't need to worry about a renewable food supply, so I would just eat canned stuff and other non-perishable food. Also, I could have free diesel that I could use in a generator to power my house. I would then spend all my time playing video games, reading, watching movies, and talking to my cats and thinking that they are talking back.

Captcha:" The opposite of heavy is Abe Lincoln". I think the captcha lost it's intelligence.
Dec 14, 2009
Last person?

But who will I breed with?

I was notified that there would be breeding.

Hot, sexy, post-apocalyptic breeding.

[sub]There isn't any breeding is there.[/sub]

*shakes fist* I blame Kross!


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I would go forth and collect ALL OF THE CATS!

The "Cat King" they shall call me... well, that's what future generations of nu-men will call me. Men that evolve from cats!



New member
May 5, 2011
Attempt to make a clone of myself and find a surrogate mother in a chimpanzee? Or possibly start a new race of hyper-intelligent monkey men, with the brain of a genius and the brute strength of a gorilla.

I'd probably get really drunk, travel the earth, and just enjoy life until I died naturally or by my own hand through sheer boredom. I'd also travel to SETI headquarters or something and put out a distress call as a long shot.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
Run around the streets singing at the top of my lungs. Which incidentally is also what I'd do in a zombie apocalypse (I don't intend to live long).

I'd also probably grab a car and try and teach myself how to drive, that way I can explore the country without worrying about affording hotels and food. :D


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Well that would be kinda boring, but probably just explore, get into other people's houses, I'm always curious as to what may be inside, probably start a journal cataloguing my every move, just to be able to remember things, really it'd be boring, probably try to train myself to fly, that would probably be a useful skill, though I don't think I'd need to learn how to land... hooray for skydiving.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I always find it funny with these threads that so many people don't realize that gasoline does expire surprisingly quickly too. After about half a year you would run out of electricity, gas and most food if not before that point and forget about the internet that would be long gone.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Kind of screwed since there no one to monitor the power generator which sooner or later will go bust. So overall I probably going to end up like a caveman. Oh also I probably raid everyone houses to see what useable stuff they have for me to use.

Also depending how long the internet will last without anyone monitoring the elecricity, with no mods in the forum about, I will make alot of rule breaking stuff!


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
*evil laugh* MUAAAHAAHAHAA!! No rules, baby. Forget that any other humans ever existed... oh yeah, I'll be so decadent. Necrophilia time... oh no, there won't be any corpses.

For the first few days it's going to be plain sailing, there will still be fresh food and power. However, things will rapidly decline and only food that's meant to last will be of any use. Well, in the first month or so I'll probably sit in a catatonic depression, coming to terms with what happened. Being a nosy bugger, I'll probably rifle through peoples' houses - neighbours, friends, complete strangers, looking at all their secrets. Then taking as much as I can load, I'll acquire a motorhome - I should be able to drive ok without concern for other traffic - and drive south along the dead motorways which will probably be strewn with abandoned vehicles. I want to explore, probably stopping in London first. Given there are no zombies or monsters to run from, there's no point setting up a fortress. After a few months to a year I'll become extremely paranoid and wonder how I am going to cope in the long run. I might get my butt in gear and find something to do, I might not. But I don't think I have much chance of survival beyond a decade, not with the combined decay of civilisation and ensuing craziness.

aba1 said:
I always find it funny with these threads that so many people don't realize that gasoline does expire surprisingly quickly too. After about half a year you would run out of electricity, gas and most food if not before that point and forget about the internet that would be long gone.
Yeah, I thought so. Is it the same for propane gas?


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Probably spend my days searching for another survivor, since realistically there'd be no way of knowing for sure if every human had disappeared or whether it was just 99.99%. If by some hypothetical method I knew that I was the last person, I'd probably go and explore the world: even without people there would be some pretty awesome sights to see :)


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Probably just fuck about and do all the stuff that I could never do, get a really fast car, blow some shit up swim in a pool full of money you know the usual, then I would travel around for a bit get a nice boat that I could use to sail around the world. Then assuming I hadn't killed my self doing something stupid I would try to make some sort of human history/culture record of humanity and the "last man" to leave for any potential aliens that would come to visit earth after I die.


New member
Oct 29, 2012
I know what I will do.

First thing I do is I'm going to ride over to the local air force base, and I'm going to prep a C-130 for takeoff and roll a few Humvees equipped with the appropriate parachutes into the C-130 since while I know how to takeoff and fly, I've yet to really master the landing portion, so I can just lower the pad enough to roll a humvee out. Then I'm flying to Groom Lake, Nevada, to see about cloning technology.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I'd probably mostly eat. And read some books. It's all I could truly do.

No one to run the networks for TV. Or theaters for the movies I wanna watch. Maybe steal a bicycle. Best way to get around. Can't drive yet. No one to teach me now.

With no people to run most of the good stuff, I wouldn't be getting to have much fun, I imagine.

A Satanic Panda

New member
Nov 5, 2009
There's this huge radio tower near my house I want to climb. On a highway overpass about 4 miles away you can clearly see it. It's the tallest thing for miles and miles.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Daystar Clarion said:
Last person?

But who will I breed with?

I was notified that there would be breeding.

Hot, sexy, post-apocalyptic breeding.

[sub]There isn't any breeding is there.[/sub]

*shakes fist* I blame Kross!
Well animals are still there.
In some desperate attempt you can at least try :)

SmashLovesTitanQuest said:

Cry some more.

Kill myself.
Yeah. Something along these lines
But instead of crying I would be laughing
(suicide is is still happening)