You can remake one game...


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Forbidden Forest. But a full AAA remake, not the nasty sequels they put out.

and without the stupid unskippable victory dance.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
I give you fair warning that all of my choices are going to be from the 16 bit era:

First of all, Zombies Ate My Neighbors. That game was just fantastic in it's day. Though the murderous difficulty wouldn't fly in todays market really. But still, even if they dumbed it down a tad, I'd still be there on day one.

Second, Chakan from the SEGA Genesis. A great action adventure title from the old days that never got to shine because of it's lack of a save function. But most games didn't have save options back then. Still, this one was particularly brutal without a checkpoint or save feature. I'd love to see a new version.

Lastly, Mutant League anything. Hockey was my favorite of the two that were released, but I'd take any sport they wanted to throw into the mutant league machine if they'd just bring it back.

And if I had to pick something from the last 10 years, I'd love to see a remake or perhaps just a sequel to Otogi and Otogi 2 from the PS2/Xbox. A couple of great games there and if they could bring it back I'd be ever so happy.

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
The original Half Life, but that's because I've never played it.

Otherwise, Resident Evil 2 built with the Resi 4 engine. That shit would ROCK!


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Fable: TLC (anyone who's ever seen me post before could have guessed that).

But this isn't just a bog standard remake, this is a remake after learning from 2 and 3. For instance, it will involve the Hero speaking a little, an expression wheel and the sanctuary along with the sound and graphics upgrade. Maybe even a dog, although I still can't get the image of the prince screwing his dog out of my mind.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
vault69 said:
well i don't know what you count as a "remake" but I would definitely remake the graphics in KoTOR
dont change the story, but make the interface a little more DA:O style

past that I'd make it PC only and crank up the difficulty(says the guy who has dumped a shit ton of hours into it.....)
this but... could it be KoTOR II pretty please!?!


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I'd remake DA 2, completely ignore any of your definitions of remaking - particularly that horrid notion of compulsory voice acting - re-write the story, the characters, redo the art design and tell Bioware to fuck off and stop ruining everything they touch.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
putowtin said:
vault69 said:
well i don't know what you count as a "remake" but I would definitely remake the graphics in KoTOR
dont change the story, but make the interface a little more DA:O style

past that I'd make it PC only and crank up the difficulty(says the guy who has dumped a shit ton of hours into it.....)
this but... could it be KoTOR II pretty please!?!
Well if you are going to remake KoTOR II you might as well have Bioware pen the script so that way it has a much better story

I personally did not care for it as much as the first, still dumped a good chunk of time into it though.

but how about both? can we do that?


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
vault69 said:
putowtin said:
vault69 said:
well i don't know what you count as a "remake" but I would definitely remake the graphics in KoTOR
dont change the story, but make the interface a little more DA:O style

past that I'd make it PC only and crank up the difficulty(says the guy who has dumped a shit ton of hours into it.....)
this but... could it be KoTOR II pretty please!?!
Well if you are going to remake KoTOR II you might as well have Bioware pen the script so that way it has a much better story

I personally did not care for it as much as the first, still dumped a good chunk of time into it though.

but how about both? can we do that?
but I love the story in KoTOR II, and Atton is in my top 5 gaming characters of all time!


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I was going to say The Neverhood, but then I realized I wouldn't want anything in that game to be changed (other than Windows 7 support).

In light of that, I'd choose Tie Fighter. What I wouldn't give to experience that game again with modern graphics and a fully orchestrated version of the original iMUSE soundtrack!
Kids these days don't know what they're missing.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
FF7 with online multiplayer in which you can control a character no-one else in the party is playing as, and with your stats. I WENT THERE. DEALWITHIT.

Not only that FF7 was classic. Current gen graphics would make it unforgettable. (Only minor gameplay changes too Square Enix, you fart knockers, breaking Chrono Trigger DS with your overpowered bonus weapons and new enemies... I have to admit though, the changes were fun while they lasted.)


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Um... all of my favorite games are pretty crisp graphically, because most of them use 2D sprites (which I honestly prefer). I'm trying to think of one that would REALLY benefit from an update.

Vagrant Story, probably. The addition of voice acting and a graphical overhaul would add a lot to the game, I think.