You have won $100 million. What would you do?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Lotteries around here are getting to some crazy numbers.

One thing I would advise: do not have arguments about what you would do with a huge win fall if you won. I've heard of couples actually breaking up when they discuss such a thing and don't agree! NOTE: You're not actually supposed to ever jackpot this sort of thing.

But if you did? What would your priorities be? What would you do with this kind of money?

Me? Give a bunch to my kids and their cousins. Ensure my retirement account is set up well.

For fun, upgrade my surround sound system. Buy new furniture (my daughter, who is living with us to save money for a place, has a dog that has ripped the crap out of our stuff). Complete a Nintendo Switch collection. (I have one game so far. Tears of the Kingdom. $70. I kid you not).

Plan a vacation at the Maldives.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I'd buy a modest house, a grand piano, and a pool table. Then I'd probably splurge and spend a Formula 1 season following the sport to every race around the world with VIP paddock access. And with the $12.76 I'd have left after that, a Chipotle burrito, add guacamole.

But seriously, I'd take care of my family first and foremost, then I'd just like to travel. I've never been anywhere, and there are SO many places I want to see. I was serious about the piano and pool table, but other than that, there's no real luxuries I could see myself indulging in without instant regret. As much as I'd like an expensive car or massive mansion, I know I don't need those things, and I've been through enough financial struggle, that my prudence with a sudden fortune would prohibit me from going crazy. I'd rest most comfortably knowing my current house was paid off, any necessary repairs would be minor inconvenience, and I'd still have substantial money in the bank.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I'd probably buy a modest house too, probably some other minor stuff I'd always wanted. But that would still eat only like 500k, 750k at most. The remaining 99 mil I'd probably invest. The dividends of that would be more than enough to live off, so whatever is left over I'd probably donate somewhere.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Get a cool condo. Noting hugely extravagant but something decent sized in a cool city. And get a subaru outback, I think they look cool. Then invest most of it to just live on. Give some away too, no way I need it all.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I'd give like all my close family and friends like a million or maybe 500K (depending on how many people that ends up being). I'd, of course, quit my job. I'd by a decent house or really nice condo (probably a really nice maintenance free condo). I'd probably hire a full time cook, though they'd only have to make like 1 meal a day really because I really just want soup and some fruit for the other meal so they can make like 1 or 2 soups for the whole week; it would probably be like a dream job for a cook and I'd pay enough so they didn't need another job. I'd upgrade a few things but I like most of what I got. For example, I have a $150 phone and it does everything I need and I wouldn't even care to get an expensive phone. I'd probably get a new car since mine is now 12 years old (wow, I didn't realize it was that old until doing the math). I'd probably travel around the world quite a bit. I'd put most the money in like a CD to earn like 5% or whatever, and that's more than enough to live on.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Similar to most people already mentioned... Support my family and friends, get a modest house, invest most of it, buy things I'd like to have, and travel. It's basic, it's an uninteresting answer, but it's all I really want right now
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Ok, support family and all that boring stuff, that's important.

But after that, I'm donating to a lot of people's patreons. And...I want to make a low budget movie. Not an ego piece starring me, but a weird vanity project.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Buy a small but comfortable property on the Shetland Islands, hook it up with the best internet I can afford and go live there once my kids no longer need me.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I see people would quit their jobs, which granted, so would I. My current one, that is.

I would still get a job tho, but with my new financial independence, I could do whatever I want. Or maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen or animal shelter.

Something to pass the time with and feel like I'm contributing.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Ok, support family and all that boring stuff, that's important.

But after that, I'm donating to a lot of people's patreons. And...I want to make a low budget movie. Not an ego piece starring me, but a weird vanity project.
Those are terrific ideas. When I retire (I'm old, so, that isn't that far off) I may give that (make a movie) a whirl anyway. Nowadays your cell phone can function better than a 1970s film camera. A computer purchased on Amazon can be used to edit and add a sound track using freeware.

This movie was filmed by a guy that used 3 Iphone 5s some 8 years ago:

Buy a small but comfortable property on the Shetland Islands, hook it up with the best internet I can afford and go live there once my kids no longer need me.
Wow! You're kids will always need you but this reminds me of something a woman from Ireland said to me. "It's a nice place to visit but I'd rather live there."



Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I would quit my job and get back into art and animation. I'm doing fine money wise, a million would be more than and enough to set me up for life.

The other 99 million I would spend on subsidizing low-income housing and helping restore struggling neighborhoods where I live in co-ordination with volunteer groups and grant management. You can't help everybody, but it doesn't hurt to try.
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Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I usually dream about having less money than that. (One of the few direct wastes of money i allow myself is playing the lottery sometimes - It "allows" myself to dream of freedom for a few days - Not really healthy but eh, i am fucked either way)

Apparently many of us have the same "base": Providing stability for us and family/friends. After that still similar but in different exppressions.

I have calculated my needs thusly:
i need about 30.000-40.000 to be "Technically financially free". It would pay my apartment off, give me the possibilty to renew a few things (Heating, fixing the roof etc., having money for a 10 year old car (and not my 35 year old))

With about 150-200K i could get a cheap piece of land, solar, water facilities for myself, and invest and lock in the pay for my social and health-insurance, So i would be able to be technically "free", only needing to work and getting money to eat and repair - Technically i could "retire", only working part-time, doing some free stuff. Some Gardening, Bushcraft, trying to get my mind under control.

With a bit more money i could help my nephews getting their shit together. Opening up a better future for my family.

After that: Sudden influx of money: Say a million: I will have no worries ever anymore, and so could try to fix things i find unfair, also doing things for old ambitions (Some creative projects i never got out of planning phase). For example: I had a few gaming ideas, i could open a tiny game-studio, have some rookies train and work "in the industry" for a good wage - not expecting to make money at the end and concentrating on the art. Also on the side with small amounts you can do a lot of individual good: Supporting causes, artists, helping poor people over a few weeks/months. That is cheap to do.

Now with 100 million it gets harder. Now the point is, you are morally obligated to find uses for it. So seeing where greed and economy fucks the society and trying to effectively going against it. All while not enabling the further exploitation.
(For example if you just straight up get money to people getting exploited with hunger wages, the signal might just become: "It's fine that we pay bad, someone else will fix it, we can stay greedy assholes", or getting "security" for exploited civilians could heat things up and leads to revenge.)

The temptation is there to go to... extreme measures with that much money. One could get a pretty big lever with that money.

Now, if you had given me that money 20 years ago, my use would be slightly different. Back then, while i still would have used a bit for society i would have used more for my "own projects", i think i have outgrown that, i am not that person anymore, interesting.
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Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Hoard more. Start stealing stuff. I didn't get rich spending money, did I?

edit. I actually do like summerstorm a couple of comments back and sometimes buy a lottery ticket (when the jackpot gets big). I just won 2 € this Saturday (after spending 3...). Anyway, 100 mil... You can actually occasionally hit that from Eurojackpot (up to 120 mil). Either way it's too much money. Like, I could no longer get a woman that's not only in it for the money. I dunno. Travel sometimes and become some sort of a goblin for the rest of it. I'm a habitual cheapskate. Even now when I have money I don't usually buy what I "want", I just look for stuff on sale. Consumer prices is my favorite topic to talk about, and I normally visit multiple supermarkets for groceries, because I look for deals and get the best bargains from each. With a gazillion bucks I could maybe unlearn that habit, because I'm told (by my dad, coincidentally the person whom I got the habit from) that I take it too far.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Plan a vacation at the Maldives.
$100 million is... a lot. I estimated that my entire lifetime earnings would be under £2 million in today's money. I'm over halfway through my working life (albeit with the lower earning half done), so I reckon I'd need only a little more than £1 million to consider retirement. Although I think people need something to do, so I might go down to 2 days a week, or something.

It has the ability to absolutely wreck your relationships with relatives and friends. I doubt I could hide having won something, but I think I would certainly conceal such a huge amount.

I don't have expensive tastes and I think I would mostly spend it on holidays and charity. I think my wife would have rather more grandiose ideas, and if I don't have many plans, she may as well carry out hers. Although what might be awkward is if she then buys property in places like London or NY and wants to live there. I hate London, and for the same sorts of reasons I hate London, I'd almost certainly hate NY too.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
big party for everyone here with various custom biomes to cover any mood or solitary needs anyone may have. then whatever I guess, hold for a rainy day like if yous need to lend a fiver t' pop t' shop
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Two chicks at the same time.
I think it was this:

2 girls tease David Spade: accomplish a list of tasks and he gets them. When it doesn't happen, people that tried to help him give him a slow, "Rudy" clap. It was beautiful.

$100 million is... a lot. I estimated that my entire lifetime earnings would be under £2 million in today's money. I'm over halfway through my working life (albeit with the lower earning half done), so I reckon I'd need only a little more than £1 million to consider retirement. Although I think people need something to do, so I might go down to 2 days a week, or something.

It has the ability to absolutely wreck your relationships with relatives and friends. I doubt I could hide having won something, but I think I would certainly conceal such a huge amount.

I don't have expensive tastes and I think I would mostly spend it on holidays and charity. I think my wife would have rather more grandiose ideas, and if I don't have many plans, she may as well carry out hers. Although what might be awkward is if she then buys property in places like London or NY and wants to live there. I hate London, and for the same sorts of reasons I hate London, I'd almost certainly hate NY too.
I often ruin my own fantasies getting too realistic (I win $100 million and it destroys my family over in-fighting!).

But holy moly, no one won last week. Trying again this week.

Another thing: buy a property in Aruba. Best place on Earth I've ever been that my wife would like too. (Best: Paris France. Dunno if a Yank is even allowed to buy property there).