You have won $100 million. What would you do?


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Actually I've given this some more thought, and, I'd also spend some money on going to one of the colleges in Oxford or Cambridge to study literature or writing. That way when I retire to my croft on the Shetland isles, I can finally write my shitty novel ideas.
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Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
I'd quit my job, set up enough for me to be settled for life, hire a coach that would guide me to a job I'd find fulfilling irrespective of the amount of money earned, and then I'd ask the most leftmost political representatives what things they consider most urgent in need of funding; what they think the taxes should be raised for, and then I'd drop that I'm rich as a troll* and asked what ways I' be able to fund these initatives or something equivalent.

Funding research or initatives to help people far from employment get employed(an underfunded, capital intensive venture, and since the worst part of my life was when I had no job something I feel sympathy towards) is something I've also fantasized about doing if I'd ever win the lottery.

*not sure if that's the expression in English.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Oh, lawyering up and hiring a financial manager would probably also be a sound thing to do when you've got a 100 mil.

(Paris France. Dunno if a Yank is even allowed to buy property there).
Sure you can. Depending on where in Paris it's just really expensive. Tho even if it weren't allowed for Yanks, it suddenly would be, because money.
I'm rich as a troll
Oh, I like this. Tells me where you're from, which I already knew. But, you know, more fun this way.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Oh, lawyering up and hiring a financial manager would probably also be a sound thing to do when you've got a 100 mil.

Sure you can. Depending on where in Paris it's just really expensive. Tho even if it weren't allowed for Yanks, it suddenly would be, because money.
Oh, I like this. Tells me where you're from, which I already knew. But, you know, more fun this way.
Oh man, no one won and the jackpot on Tuesday is close to $600 mil. Buying a ticket with the hopes of buying here!


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Oh man, no one won and the jackpot on Tuesday is close to $600 mil. Buying a ticket with the hopes of buying here!
Ah well, good luck. (If you win, spare a thought at us rando-internet-dudes)

German Lotto is 11 million at the moment, but i am playing as well. (Eh, haven't wasted that money for a few month now, just flushed it down the drain in bad trades in options, shares, derivatives, ETF's and such... so what the hell... i will never be without financial sorrow, the -25 euroes won't hurt that bad and like i said: I can now dream of it at least... 1 to 140 million, lol.)
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Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
He, just wanted to post something (So yeah i didn't win anything, of course)

But when i looked my numbers up, i remembered the last game i played a few months back:


everything in green is a right number. So statistically unlikely things DO happen (Just needed the reverse of this)

Well i remember well when my father told me like over 30 years ago: "No "insertourlastnamehere" ever had good luck."
Now did he mean that i should never rely on that or that i shouldn't risk anything or that i shouldn't get any hopes for an "easy win"? Or that i s should rely on hard work and diligence?

Well, also one of the wisdoms he told me was: "No man has ever become rich by working"
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Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
I just gotta tell you guys this...

Inspired by my ideas of what to do if I hit it big on the lottery, I gave in and purchased a lottery ticket. One of those scratch-tickets.

Normally this is something I refrain from doing since from a pure economic and probabilstic perspective you are better off just setting half the sum you pay on fire since that is the average amount of money you'll have left. The only thing gained is, apart from if you win something above the expect, the thrill of gambling. But I was as I said inspired by this thread.

You won't believe what I won...

Which just goes to show what I already said: winning the lottery is just a fantasy.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Pay the house off, put some money into it to boost its value, sell it and buy/build something on a nice piece of land somewhere in the Cascade range close by a nice river that I could hear with the windows open at night. It’d be made out of solid wood and stone, with a big movie theater and a music room that has an offshoot with an atrium where a 9ft Bösendorfer would sit. An indoor glass green room/garden with cat-friendly plants where the little dude can run amok and feel like he’s outside.

Set up a healthy nest egg for the immediate family and kid with schooling and beyond, but have the latter only accessible after he establishes himself enough to be financially stable in his own. Not that I wouldn’t help if he needed it, but wouldn’t want to let him think I’m an ATM. He’s already showing more creativity than me at six so he’d probably do well with it somehow.

Put about 50 or so million aside in a Roth or something that grows without any early withdrawal penalties and use some of it for various charitable endeavors that help make the world a better place via environmentally, medically, technologically, etc. Humanitarian type stuff. Maybe even a smaller videogame studio that shows promise for fun. Probably would have a lot left over still to sit on, so maybe travel to a few of those beautiful places I only see on TV or r/earthporn. Maybe buy some more land at one of them if it really speaks to me, if it’s even an option.

Oh, probably also buy the wife something nice now and then too.
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