repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Darken12 said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
Not fully human for not finding enjoyment in the same things "most" people do?
That's pretty extreme, and it's said in a serious manner?
Yes. I can't remember what I replied, but my thoughts were "That's it. You're on my shit list."

After piecing together their rationale, I deduced that it has its roots on the idea that there's only one correct way of viewing reality. If everyone you know (including yourself) has fun the same way, anyone who doesn't is clearly some form of deficient subhuman.

Conformity is monolithic where I'm from.
I've heard you talk about "where you're from" several times now. Sounds like some sort of hellhole - are you sure you're not posting back in time from a dystopian future?


New member
Apr 16, 2011
OhJohnNo said:
I've heard you talk about "where you're from" several times now. Sounds like some sort of hellhole - are you sure you're not posting back in time from a dystopian future?
I'm from Argentina. It is distilled dystopia, as is most of Latin America. Though granted, there are some aspects in which I grudgingly must admit we have it better than even the US, such as LGBT+ rights. Having said that, I must heavily stress everybody never to come here. Ever.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I cringed even reading it. As a thirty year old woman who does nothing but play video games I hear it a lot..

A lot.

At least my fucked up insides have bailed me out of the 'When are you going to have kids' bullshit. UGGGGGH.

When are you going to grow up to me sounds like 'When are you going to be boring assholes like us?'
How about never.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I get annoyed when ever people get on me for enjoying video games and watching cartoons mostly because they have a double standard about it. For example I had a coworker get on my case because I watch Adventure Time and play a wide variety of video games and he said adults don't do such things but in a conversation he was having prior to this comment he was talking about the previous nights episode of Family Guy and a match of Call of Duty with another employee. The funny thing is I'm considered one of the more responsible people there. However I am capable of brushing it off.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
Strange, I have never been told that now that I think about it. Then again, I do not express myself as openly in public as I do around my friends. They know I enjoy to watch a few cartoons, I draw a little, play games, etc. But they do not seem to mind at all.


Dec 16, 2011
Darken12 said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
Not fully human for not finding enjoyment in the same things "most" people do?
That's pretty extreme, and it's said in a serious manner?
Yes. I can't remember what I replied, but my thoughts were "That's it. You're on my shit list."

After piecing together their rationale, I deduced that it has its roots on the idea that there's only one correct way of viewing reality. If everyone you know (including yourself) has fun the same way, anyone who doesn't is clearly some form of deficient subhuman.

Conformity is monolithic where I'm from.

Too be fair from what I've seen in various threads fun and joy do seem to be things you hate. I don't mean that as a knock against you as much as an observation from extremely half assed evidence.

Perhaps it would would help if you listed some of the things you do think are fun. Everyone's gotta have some and I'd be extremely interested to hear yours.

On topic as long as your taking care of your own financial and physical needs then being told to grow up is completely meaningless.


Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Bertylicious said:
If you got to 35 years of age and you were single, still living in rented accomodation and spent your weekends drawing pictures of MLP and Pokémon in your underpants would you say that your life is a success?
Are you happy?
If so, then great success.

Pinkamena said:
Strange, I have never been told that now that I think about it. Then again, I do not express myself as openly in public as I do around my friends. They know I enjoy to watch a few cartoons, I draw a little, play games, etc. But they do not seem to mind at all.
I've actually gotten more childish the older I've become. I believe it's very much a product of the "I no longer give two shits" syndrome of growing older, though.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Eclipse Dragon said:
"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development.

When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

-C.S. Lewis
I can't explain things as well as C.S. Lewis, but I love that quote.

I usually say "Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I can't be a child at heart, it leads to a healthier, less stressful life." and that's usually enough to satisfy them. My family has facepalmed on more than one occasion when I purchase MLP merchandise, then turn around and also buy a Tranformer just because it looks like a robot dragon. They've gotten to the point where they just figure it's me being me and don't question it. Besides, my nieces and nephew love me.
That CS Lewis quote is amazing. :0
I also agree with it mentally, but admit I have a hard time manifesting it physically in my everyday life.

Guess I'm still a child after all.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
I was thinking about this the other night while playing No no Kuni. I was smiling madly going through Ding Dong Dell. If I was 'grown up' I'd be watching people be mean to other people on xfactor or some shit instead.

Seems like great fun >_>

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
My parents ***** at me with this shit all of the goddamn time. "Aren't you too old for this or that, etc." and my general response to that is "Fuck you, I do what I want!" and I proceed to do just that. It's why I own an SUV, and I plan to repaint it and put in a kicking sound system and neons, and why I am building a new computer with the same upgrades. It's the reason why I'm into independent filmmaking and don't want some "job" where there's a higher probability for success. I'm young and batshit crazy, and that's how I fucking like it.


New member
May 22, 2009
Grow up? I'm thirty-eight years old!

I love this show.

Anyway in all seriousness I stopped caring about that kind of shit ages ago. For me, when I was younger for a while I used to hide how "nerdy" I was from people a lot just out of fear of being seen as uncool, but after a while I just stopped giving a fuck. I haven't had anyway say anything to me negative about my interests anyway. I think most people these days have a better understanding of video games and general "nerd"-esque hobbies. I guess I just don't surround myself with those types of people, or maybe I'm just lucky.

I suppose you have a few choices in the event that someone tries to call you out on enjoying a hobby in public. You can either be understanding and try and explain to them the misconceptions surrounding the hobby demographic, and why you like it, or you can just tell them to fuck off. I think either is completely justifiable.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
i don't get that considering my parents know better. my mother got a PARAPROSDOKIANS email
We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
The way I see it you've only got one life, why waste it doing what society thinks is "normal" rather than doing whatever the hell you want? I enjoy a good mixture of pastimes, some adult (such as following the news and politics, reading etc) and some childish (such as playing video games aimed at young ones, playing with children etc). If someone wants to think I should "grow up" then that's their loss, not mine.


New member
Sep 4, 2012
Moonlight Butterfly said:
DVS BSTrD said:
I was thinking about this the other night while playing No no Kuni. I was smiling madly going through Ding Dong Dell. If I was 'grown up' I'd be watching people be mean to other people on xfactor or some shit instead.

Seems like great fun >_>
Eh, some people do like those talent shows - I can't stand them myself, but I don't see how mocking that is any different from a TV watcher making fun of someone for gaming.

I actually think most people who make those kind of comments aren't angry at other people for being happy (although I'm sure that's true for some), I think it's just one of those things where people naturally assume that what they like is the best and it baffles them that someone else it getting the same enjoyment out of something else.


New member
Nov 8, 2010

This about sums it up.

The conflict between maturity and education is eloquently summed up here:

Technically the dialog has gone as far as to recognize certain dichotomies within the Kantian world view (specifically the social contract), and how the social contract is in turn translated into educational systems. These educational systems operate often times as not so much teaching instruments to facilitate wisdom but enculturation instruments which facilitate a homogeneous cultural outlook.

What you seem to be experiencing is the difference in outlook, which is going to be directly based on personal experience and perspective as opposed to others personal experiences and outlook. In the west sports teams and supporting a team is directly tied to supporting the collective efforts of a particular region and in turn a regional identity. Not supporting that entity could be perceived as being antithetical to the identity of those that do support it, and as such immediately categorizes oneself as an outsider to the "other".

This is clearly a two way street as you yourself are now "burning with rage".

My own personal solution was to identify the extent of the social contract and it's applicability to my person as a consequence of living in a civilized society.

That is, that "we have as much contract as we are social".

Accepting the reality that one will likely not get along with people one may then upgrade ones own sense of personal preservation by enrolling in a martial arts study, acquiring a fire arm, and or hitting the gym and weights. Upgrading one's "small" talent for war into a "large" talent for war will reduce most of this animosity and insecurity.


Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Queen Michael said:
My answer is always this: "I read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo a while ago. There's this part where
Lisbeth Salander anally rapes a lawyer with a dildo.
If that's the kind of thing mature adults read nowadays, then I'll keep on reading my comic books, thank you very much."
Sadly, my computer illiterate mother asked me to purchase and burn the audiobook for her.
