You STILL haven't completed it?


New member
Feb 13, 2008
I have so many games to finish with borderlands, RE5, AC2, dragon age being some of the recent ones. Also still havent finished bioshock and far cry 2. The list goes on but lucky for me i pirate most of my games so I don't really care.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I'm usually pretty driven to finish any game I get. However, I haven't finished Mass Effect or the first Penumbra game, because both have this issue with glitching and locking up. Irritates the hell out of me.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
First off, Ive still to complete GTA IV on PS3 and Primal on the PS2, only because i just havnt got round to completing them. I never finished Mafia, becuase it was so crap...

BUT, PC games, I dunno what it is, but I really can't think of a PC game I have Completed, (Exept Doom 1 and 2) I have Condemned and I love it but i Never get round to Playing it, same goes for all the games i have, Baldurs Gate 1 and 2, Red Faction 2 and Fallout 1 and 2 to name a few.

EDIT: also Oblivion, I got to the bit where you join the badguys order, in the cave in the mountains, where they take all your stuff, i could never get past it, my brother found a way past to i might try again soon

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Final Fantasy VII was one... Had like 2 master summons, 3 master magics/commands... thought that I might as well finish it and see the end (had seen it years before but didn't remember it). By that time, though, I only used the normal attacks on the final bosses since magic/summons barely did any more damage, if any.

The Godfather and Area 51 (both on xbox) I'm pretty much at the end, just started play other games and never finished those.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
GTA: Vice city. I was unaware of how to complete the game, and was so frustated with it I took it out my PS2 and vowed never to put it back in. A year later I fired it up again (for unknown reasons) and bought, I think, the paper company? Anyways, after completing those missions the final mission appeared and, I screamed at the tv.


New member
May 25, 2009
Halo. I have it for the PC, got fairly far (I think) and quit playing. 2 Times I have started playing through it and then stopped from boredom. Will I ever return to it for a final round 3? Doubtful, since I got a whole bunch of other, better, stuff to play.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
robert632 said:
i have 2 games to still complete, shadow of the collusus, and loz:link to the past. both of them at the last bosses, which are rage inducingly hard.
For LoZ:ALttP, do you have the silver arrows? If not, the final boss is impossible to defeat.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
robert632 said:
i have 2 games to still complete, shadow of the collusus, and loz:link to the past. both of them at the last bosses, which are rage inducingly hard.
If you're on the final fight with Ganon in Link to the Past, don't give up now. He's actually not that difficult. For the first part of the battle just dodge his attacks at swipe and him when you can which is quite often; and when he pulls out his "secret technique of darkness" which basically involves turning the lights out, light the lamps in the corners with either the fire rod or the lantern, although the fire rod works better, then hit with the sword so he turns blue then nail him with a silver arrow. Rinse and repeat. He'll be finished in no time.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
I tend to meander through games, especially RPGs because you can't do anything once you win except start over.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
electric discordian said:
Star Ocean bought on a whim because it was cheap! the central character has the same name as me but it gets sooooo emo. And the bloody cutesy anime nonsense makes me feel quite nauseus!
Your name is Fayt Leingod?


New member
Feb 20, 2009
I should have finished Morrowind by now.
I should have finished Mass Effect. And Dragon Age.

But no. I just can't do it.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
nondescript said:
I'm usually good about finishing games. But there is that one... ironically, the iconical "Super Mario Brothers"
Yes, the first one. I think I got him to level 8, but all those hammer brothers...
I played that gave over and over so many times I used to be able to beat it in about 20 minutes.

Now I am very selective of the games I play, and I mostly play them for the story. I only really like a puzzle challenge. I just don't have the time anymore to master timing challenges. Last game I got that I have yet to complete through is Prototype. That game jumps around ridiculously from insanely hard to insanely easy. I got stuck about halfway in and just got tired of repeating the same part over and over again. Eventually I shelved it and have gotten distracted by other newer shinier games.

Rock Beefchest

New member
Dec 20, 2008
Despite it being the very first game i ever purchased for my first xbox 360 back when they came out I have not yet beated Dead Rising. I keep getting stuck at a point where it is impossible to make it to the next scheduled event in time and having to restart. They I just gave up.