Your best, cheesy, in game one-liners


Yea, Furry. Deal With It!
Mar 23, 2010
WoW as my Mage I Used to use a Raid warning or say it loudly on mic in raids: STOP! MANA TIME!
Left 4 Dead: AND STAY DEAD!!

I've done more but cant remember them now... although I did once macro an entire Pillz-e song (Foamy the squirrel) in guild chat on World of Warcraft

"Oh there was a time, When I had some pills
I Would get high, until my prescriptions couldn't be filled
So they took it away, I have no pills this day
And im.... Living.... In reality...
Its fuckin' scary when you think about it
People walk around and they just keep shouting
I Want my pills so I cant hear them
I Dont care if I pay attention to them
I Just want my prescription filled
I Dont care if its covered by my health care bill
I Just want to get away from this reality with my pills
'cause people... scare me... in my head..."

In which one of the members whispers me and asks, "Do you want to talk about it" while the rest loled... I Loled hard.



New member
Aug 24, 2008
In left for dead 2 co-op offline, My friend was downed and being zombie-nommed, so I whipped out my chainsaw, and while killing hella of the zombies I said

" Mind if I....CUT IN?" Sadly my friend didn't YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH But it was still cool.

And in mario kart I through a banana and the person behind me slipped, followed with

" That must have been very...unaPEELING" I can't remember anymore, but I do it quite a bit.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Playing CoD:MW2 with my friends just to have fun. I got behind my friend, looked down at his butt and said "I'm gunna tap that ass of yours." and knifed him in the butt.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Nah Nah nah nah nah! Squish. As i ran over some unsuspecting mook in BC2 with an ATV. "thanks for the ride!" as I drill fool who got out of his tank to repair it.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
TraderJimmy said:
A friend of mine walked in as I was playing Age of Empires II with a couple of other, nerdier friends.

Casually, as he clearly didn't care, he asked who was winning.

I turned to him with my best approximation of a thousand-yard-stare and gravelled, "There are no winners in war."

You sort of had to be there, but at the time it was awesome. Ahh, University, how I miss you. And by University I mean the cloud of green smoke around Universities.
Sure made me lol. :D

OT: All I've done is try to laugh like the insane motorsaw dudes in RE5 after I kill them. If I was the bad guy in a game that would be my laugh!


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Whilst watching one of my friends playing mario, another one comes in and decides to be annoying "Get a life." Instantly, I whipped out something I have heard before and modded it to suit the situation "Dude, he IS mario, he's got plenty of lives..."