Your best kill in a game ever!

Xavier Fox

New member
Feb 24, 2008
Alright, I made an account specifically to respond to this thread. With all the CS and CoD:4 and whatnot, I have to throw in some of my personal favs.

Clive Barker's Undying.
First one: When fighting the sister in the underground area with the dining room table and what have you, she chased me from one side of the room to the other and, as my health was dropping, I climbed the raised area nearby and jumped to the table just as she flew up after me. Hitting the table, I pivoted and swung the scythe with everything I had, landing the final blow as she flew at me.
Second: Final boss. I was out of every kind of ammo, literally. Used magic or something, I don't really remember what, to get up and into the creature's mouth to slice it with the scythe. (I have no idea if that's possibly what you were supposed to do, but that moment when I had something like 60% health and no ammo, I literally just kind of girded my loins, so to speak, and jumped in. Surprised the hell out of me when he died. =P)

Dark Forces, yes, Dark Forces.
I will never forget getting dumped into the pit with the Kyrat Dragon and running around in an attempt to find a way out, only to get frustrated and end up turning around and beating the thing to death with my fist.

Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries.
Entered the arena deathmatch thingie (some big mission where you go up against other mechs in several different arenas back to back, like gladiatorial combat. Prize was several million credits.) First battle, my mech got smacked around, but miraculously came out on top, just barely. At this time, I was unaware that you could repair mechs between these events, so I ended up slogging through the rest of the competition, and winning, using only a single flamer that was mounted in my mech's head region. Hoo boy.

The Potato Lord

New member
Dec 20, 2007
Spartanspork said:
The Potato Lord said:
To clarify on the Halo bit i said i meant none of the"OMGZ!1337z0rsz On Halo i like threw a sticky across the mappe and it totally hitted sum1!!!!!!!!!!!" type kills because Those are boring.

+3 internet skillz If you could read that leet I wrote.
OMGZ i am leet. y0ud 83773r 6!v3 m3 7|-|47 !|\|73r|\|37 5x!115 47m
Lo and Behold, The True Master of 1337.


New member
Feb 3, 2008
Call of Duty 2: On El Alamein, using a scoped Lee Einfield, NOT EVEN ADS, NOT ENEN Aiming, accidentally firing the gun and getting a headshot... Across the map. Like the other side.

Crysis: Picking up a North Korean, then pressing T in frustration as to why he didn't die, which caused him to crash into and kill about 5 of his buddies.

CoD: UO: Running over my team in a jeep with another guy, a witness, at the turret. Not all are legal!

CoD4: You know that single player map where you save Nikolai? well, at that point where you plant a claymore in front of the door, saying, "Why do I have C4?", chucking it into the window of that shack, then detonating it for the hell of it. BOOM. They smelled like hot dogs.

Halo 3: Chasing a grunt in a ghost in single player. Watching him crash into a tree and plummeting down a cliff.

The Potato Lord

New member
Dec 20, 2007
Quistnix said:
Saskwach said:
Quistnix said:
Sorry for going off-topic, but I really have to complain about it.
Your best kill in a game EVAR!
Weakest protagonist EVAR!
The Best Zombie Killer Evar?
The word you're looking for is spelled "ever", and capitals go on the beginning of a sentence or a name.

It's called "English", and it's really not that difficult if you just give it a try.
I believe what these thread posters were using was "irony", a subtle concept that is also commonly used in the English language.
EVAR is not irony, it's not subtle and it's not a part of the English language. It's blatant and unnecessary misspelling in a desperate attempt of looking "cool" or getting attention.

Forum Guidelines said:
Grammar and spelling. Everyone who moderates the boards is an editor. Bad spelling and improper grammar physically hurts us, precious. Respect yourself and others; take the time to check your spelling and how your post is worded. Also, one exclamation point or question mark is enough at the end of a sentence.
You people read too far into a single word. I wasn't trying to be Ironic and the spelling was intentional. I use "EVAR" to tag my threads because I think it helps people who like them find them easier. Also I just like putting "EVAR" into my posts and threads......EVAR!


New member
Feb 12, 2008
I can't really remember all of my glorius moment's so i will just name one from yesterday.
I was playing TF 2 2Fort as a sniper (yes i like point and click adventures). We were 2 snipers in the battlements and i am about to headshot another sniper. I click the button and a spy appears in mid-air on his knees (he's dead). Then my friend takes out the other sniper. It was hillarius at the time, amusement comes easily when you're tired. :p

I actually have another one too. In the old battlefield 1942 i was playing brigde of Arnhem with 200 bots. I am an allied soldier so i take the jeep and drive over the brigde. On the brigde there is around 40-50 german soldiers, if you have played BF you know how they scream.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
On a LAN once a long time ago we were playing Jedi Knight: Outcast MP, and I was the first to figure out how to do special moves, like the forward-jump with strong style that can't be blocked.

Anyways, I was doing rather well, being only 4 frags from winning the match, but so was a friend of mine whom was far better at shooters in general (he could almost play alone against the rest of us in Q3 :) ), but because I had figured out the tricks he shouted out that everyone should get me because I was so close to winning (my picture was on the leader spot) so everyone went for me with lightsabers, coming from all directions...

...and so I do the medium-style jump-cut, killing all of them in a single attack: bssssaaaaoowwww... 6 kills, one attack! ;)


New member
Feb 24, 2008
Single Player:

Once, while playing in chopper-vigilante mode in Vice City, I was chasing a single car down the street when it suddenly drove up behind one of those car-carrying trucks encountered down by the dock area and ramped off of it into mid-air. Thinking fast, I fired a rocket and blew it out of the air before it hit the ground. Gaming frisson like that only comes once every couple of years for me.


My only notable kill in multiplayer (which I generally have very little to do with) occured on the bridge map of America's Army. I had just poked my head up over over a ledge at the area near the center of the bridge when the opposing team's sniper fired at me and missed. I one-timed a shot at him, sans iron sights, with my M16 and killed him with a single hit. He was at the other side of the map and his head was like...a pixel's width. Satisfying.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
Playing Max Payne II, I was running down the stars
with Vlad's friend 'Cowboy' and there so happened
to be a gas container down the stairs. Running through
the method of going slow-mo and spraying bullets, I hit
the gas container, giving an explosion, it threw Cowboy
off the stairs and plummiting to his death, and of course
I didn't know if you killed him, the game wouldn't stop.
Since I found this out, I decided to kill every innocent
person in the game, twas fun!


New member
Dec 15, 2007
Byuuu. I doubt I can come close to any of these.

Mechwarrior 4: I was wandering around the desert, primed to the teeth with gauss rifles. An awesome and a Novacat were busy trying to murder me and my lancemates, so I scope in and triger my gauss rifles.
The rifle shot passes through a small corner in the Awesome's armour, and the shockwave kills the Awesome. The ball goes on to hit the novacat and it explodes in a lovely shower of molten metal.

And then... yes, I too have a Halo (2) one. Coagulation, and my friend and I are playing "Cat-and-Mouse".* He's up on top of a small ridge with as much sniper rifle ammo as he can carry, trying to hunt me down. And the idiot is using his banshee as cover (it's how he got up there)

So I quite casually pick up the nearest rocket launcher and leisurely blow the banshee to kingdom come.

*Cat and Mouse involves one person (the 'cat') climbing up to one point. From there, he has to hunt the 'mice', who is everyone else. But the spot normally picked has such great cover that he's certainly not disadvantaged by everyone knowing where he is.

Daigotsu Rezan

New member
Feb 25, 2008
OK, the game: Assassin's Creed.

The location: outside Damascus.

The weapon: my horse.

I had just gotten the game and was running around like an idiot with the horse, having done the introductory bits and gotten my first mission. I'm just riding like a bat out of hell down the long winding road into Damascus, and I soon realize that:

A) there are two guards in front of me who won't be happy at my speeding, and
B) that cliff is a rather long drop.

So I attempt to pull my horse to a stop, but to no avail. I discover that the game won't let me fall off this particular cliff, just to be nice; but no such luck for the guards.

It goes like this:

I slam into the two guards at full speed, my horse turned sideways as I try to stop him.

The noticed icon immediately turns red and the guards are catapaulted over the edge.

A split second later it turns yellow, as I've broken their line of sight. With the cliff.

A good 10 seconds later, the situation goes back to normal. Both guards are dead somewhere far, far below me (I never did find the bodies), and no one else thought it was worth taking note of.

There were about five people watching me play the game at this point, so good times were had by all.


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Playing TF2, Dustbowl, Defending, Second Round. I ran to enemy base as a Pyro. Then, I lit everyone on fire. I lit anyone who dared to poke their ugly blue head out of the hole on fire. They were holed up for quite a while. It was beautiful.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
C&C Renegade.

C&C_Under, me as Deadeye(gdi sniper) at the gdi vantage point, taking aim at a Sakura(nod sniper)at the nod entrace. I see him move and in reflex i shoot. Before the server registered my shot i knew that i missed because he moved way too far. Instead, a Stealth Blackhand appears out of nothing in the direction in which i shot and dropped to the floor immediatly. Dead.

Then i was kicked because the admin(the SBH i just killed) assumed i was hacking because i was headshotting invisible people from across half the map.

Clive Barker's Jericho.

One of the roman maps, playing as Cole against 2 Legionaires(the other 5 were either dead or happily firing at the invulnerable gladiator). I stick a proxy grenade on the first legionaire's shield about half a second before he throws a javelin at me. Smashing the shield(and the bomb) into the face of his comrade.

Halo 2

Can't remember what map, chasing a banshee with a warthog. Somehow my driver fails to notice the canyon infront of him and drives into it. The banshee just took a sharp turn and started firing at us. He killed my friend in the passager seat but soon after i got him with my turret. Our warthog lands ontop of some poor fellow and we somehow survive. The guy we killed in the banshee respawns at the bottom of the cliff as well. Promply getting killed by the wreck of his own aircraft landing ontop of him as soon as he comes running outside.

That must be the most humilating moment ever for him, getting killed with a single rocket TWICE.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Asehujiko said:
Can't remember what map, chasing a banshee with a warthog. Somehow my driver fails to notice the canyon infront of him and drives into it. The banshee just took a sharp turn and started firing at us. He killed my friend in the passager seat but soon after i got him with my turret. Our warthog lands ontop of some poor fellow and we somehow survive. The guy we killed in the banshee respawns at the bottom of the cliff as well. Promply getting killed by the wreck of his own aircraft landing ontop of him as soon as he comes running outside.

That must be the most humilating moment ever for him, getting killed with a single rocket TWICE.
; D

RTS multiplay is fun; strange things occur constantly. On LAN me and my friends used to play CS on this map with cars that could get to really fast speeds. One match one of us started the match without buying, getting a few seconds head-start into the map, got one of the cars, speed it up and jumped out just as the rest of us were coming around a corner, killing all of us (4 people). After the car was the only allowed weapon on that map ; D


New member
Jan 2, 2008
The only one to come to mind is back in freshman year I did a how to speech on playing Halo 2 and did a flying melee kill as I fell from a higher higher level on the first mission. It wasn't all that impressive but it was on the big screen in our auditorium and about thrity people were watching. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
My mates and I were in a game against some absolute fags. S&D overtime on vacant.
Just me and one other enemy. I threw a nade in the big room with a partial roof, and hit him with the impact of my nade. He then ran away from my nade unknowingly toward me. I then proceeded to hit him direct impact with my flashbang which killed him.

Needless to say there was some crazy shit talking.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
I have two rather memorable ones that come to mind.

The First is a golden oldy. Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64. Capture the flag, 2v2. I threw a bunch of remote detonation mines on my partner. He CHARGED into the enemy flag area and I detonated, killing their guard and swooping in behind the two corpses to get the flag.

The second is more recent in Oblivion. There is a mission for the Dark Brotherhood where you have to kill someone who is in the middle of nowhere but has a personal town guard. The second you attack this guy you get an assault bounty and it becomes two versus one. At this point I never could really take on a guard by myself so it was a simple matter of waiting for the guard to not look. After about an hour real time of investigation and waiting for 3 days in game I found that this guard never EVER leaves the room, goes to sleep or even EATS (poison apple tactic wouldn't work here).
The way I completed this mission... the guy I was sent there to assassinate I used speechcraft on (or as I call it, "Spinning the 'like-me' wheel" to maximum disposition... Then I attacked the GUARD. Of course the guard attacks me, but my new found friend (the guy I'm there to kill) jumps in and helps ME. I sat there blocking while the guy killed his own personal body guard. The AI in this game is awesome by the way.
I killed that guy in his sleep that night.

Scizophrenic Llama

Is in space!
Dec 5, 2007
By far my most favorite kill would have to be in TF2 as a spy. I was behind enemy lines disguised as a soldier and had an enemy medic healing me. I put up one of those rather popular, "FYI, I am a spy." sprays. The medic continued to heal me as he read the spray and I proceeded to backstab him, and to top that off the kill caused me to dominate him.

Red Rum

New member
Feb 25, 2008
My Favorite kill was in "Def Jam: Fight For NY". It was the battle in the burning building against Sticky Fingers in Story Mode. I activated my Blazing Attack, but instead of that cinematic combo, my character threw Sticky out of the ring of fire and he was crushed by 2 falling, burning beams! I didn't know you could do that!


New member
Jan 16, 2008
sadly, this is another halo (3) kill.
I was playing a team slayer - shotty snipers on narrows - and was shooting at some burk on the top of the bridge (myself sitting on the lower end of the bridge), and get him with two shots, but it says that I got a double kill and that I sniped someone when clearly there's only one person there and the shot was through the chest, not the head.
turns out that looking at the footage later I got the guy in front of me with a first shot (to the shoulder I think) then got him again as I saw originally, but when I loosed the second shot it went through the guy in front of me and collected another guy directly behind him who was unfortunate enough to jump in the way of the bullet.
A total fluke of a double kill but so incredibly glorious. wonder if I'll ever get to do it again...