Your Borderlands 2 "HOLY CRAP THIS IS AWESOME!" Moments


New member
Jan 19, 2010
So,I may or may not be late to the party,but whatever. Borderlands 2 was out for a bit,and after beating it (solo,I might add. Saturn was a PAIN IN THE ASS for my Sniper Zer0) I had a large number of moments in the game that I recall fondly due to the sheer awesomeness of it all. I'm sure you fine ladies and gentlemen have similar stories. Spoilers abound,but I'll try my damndest to not drop any.

My first moment was at the Bloodshot Ramparts. It's the top of a hydroelectric dam. Hyperion sent in their bots to obtain a VIP. The Bloodshot Ramparts is a bandit stronghold,by the way. So I cut a bloody swathe through bandits and Hyperiod bots,having a hoot...All to this EPIC piece of music. The only way to describe it is that I felt like a GOD OF BADASS. And the cherry on the cake? I SOMEHOW dropped the area's final boss,shields and all,with a SINGLE BULLET. Sweet jesus,the Ramparts ROCK! I'm level 36 now,and I go back to the Ramparts every now and then JUST to hear the music.

My second moment is the final boss. So...How to go about this without spoiling things...Let's start with the arena. An island in a volcanic stream. Lava surging along three of the arena's four sides. And you fight not one,but two bosses here. The first one doesn't use the environment much,but the second? Beware the low ground. And it's just..BEAUTIFUL. The music,the atmosphere,the boss itself! You seriously feel like a badass for kicking the ass of this boss. And,when you take out the life bar? It's still breathing. So,you finish it off.

With orbital bombardment.

In both of these scenes,the music sold the moment. Music is a VERY powerful tool,and I'm glad that it's used properly in Borderlands 2.

So,does anyone have any similar stories?

WoW Killer

New member
Mar 3, 2012
I liked the Saturn fight a lot, as it just comes out of nowhere. You see it beam down and think "double-yew tee fuck is that?". That whole area has the whole nostalgia thing going for it. It wasn't till I found TK's house that I realised it was Fyrestone. The bit where you fight Saturn is of course where you end up for the last fight in the Claptrap DLC.

Other bits I liked... everything leading up to the Bunker. Not just the fight itself, but all the path towards there from Brick's place. Also, the bit right near the end where you're helping Claptrap hack the door; probably the best bit of dialogue he's got. And of course the whole part heading towards the vault where you've got Brick and Mordecai fighting with you.

Speaking of music; the bandit arena. The tune there reminds me a little bit of Streets of Rage or something.


Brendan Stepladder

New member
May 21, 2012
The in initial, gigantic encounter on the main street of Lynchwood is fantastic. It truly boils Borderlands down to its basics, those being you, your friends, tons of bandits, and all the loot in the world!


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I finally finished True Vault Hunter Mode for the first time, with Gaige. I had avoided all side quests that had loot rewards so that they would scale to level 50 and decided I wanted to do the Monster Mash quest to start farming a Neogenator from the Spycho. I got one that was like level 23 and it sucked, low capacity and barely any health regen, but was hoping the lvl 50 version was up to par with a non legendary adaptive shield.

I was on my way to kill the Skraks in the Boneyard and hit up Hunter Helquist because I hadn't yet. I got a level 48 Bee shield on my first try. I had killed him many times with Maya and on Gaige's first playthrough and never gotten one.

That wasn't the first time I thought the game was awesome, but I did just about keel over from the awesomeness when I picked that beauty up. Its a game changer. People say its broken, but really its the Conference Call that is broken, along with the Amp damage applying to every pellet. If one of those were to be corrected then it would be fine. Massive damage boost, try not to get hit because your shield is almost non existent. Kinda how they probably intended it as it goes along with the "Float like a Butterfly" yada yada mentality.

I had never really liked amp shields apart from sniping lynchwood for kicks with my buffalo rifle, but the Bee is obviously a wholly different kind of amp shield. It makes the game fun again when everything is level 50 or higher and able to destroy you almost instantly.

It evens the playing field by giving you massive attack boost as long as you aren't getting hit, but it has a long recharge delay and low capacity. It does have a near instant recharge rate after the delay though.

It made my Jacobs Texas Coach Gun into a monster, and I went on to find a Vladof Ruinous Anarchy pistol that has a 10.7 RoF and holds 40 rounds. Its got a scope and a laser sight which makes it have almost zero recoil. I practically tossed my Revolver into the nearest skag pile. It had a +33% crit damage, but that Vladof can get 40 crits in a scary amount of time thanks to The Better Half skill.

I also have a Torgue Minigun AR called Rhythmic Spitter that the Bee makes into a scary, scary exploding bullet hose.

I proceeded directly to Terramorphous for my first rematch since I tried at lvl 36 lol. Took a few tries but my "cower behind this rock and take pot shots" kung fu worked and I killed him 3 times so far tonight. Got 2 Siren and 1 Commando Slayer mods, which might be good.

But the really juicy bit was that he dropped a Fire Pitchfork. Which I found out in no time flat, WRECKS his face. I NEED a Sniper ammo stockpile relic now Q_ Q

I'm gonna keep farming him so that I will hopefully get something useful for the damn class I am actually killing it with, like her XXX head.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
NameIsRobertPaulson said:

Moment 3: Recognizing the Sheriff of Lynchwood's voice, and settling down to an old western gunfight with my AVATAR. In fairness, I think General Armstrong would have fared better.

SIDE NOTE: Sheriff was my favorite character, and I was desperately looking for good hentai of her until

found out she broke Brick's puppy's neck with her bare hands. That totally killed the interest deader than she was an hour later

...And snippity some more.
I think that last bit there falls very firmly under TMI. To each his own,but still...What a person gets their carnal jollies off of is a very private and personal thing.

But your moments are also pretty awesome. When that bomb was dropped,I was like "Oh,fuck." Just as the shots came in,too. Adrenaline,HO! And yes,the following Walk of Despair was expertly implamented. It makes you feel alone. Isolated. Vulnerable. Jack's taunting? before,he was just trollin' you,for kicks. Now? He wants you to feel what he feels. His world is now one of fury and sorrow,a once proud man reduced to a violent...THING that can no longer properly feel. And he wants to bring you down to that level. And yes,Claptrap's line approaching that gate was pure gold. What brought it full circle for me was the realization that the doors for Hero's Pass? Same model as the ones on the Hyperion Barge outside Liar's Berg. Just supersized. And then the stairs.

Another one for me...

The boss of the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. It's one of those "Gut punch with a katar" moments. And,sweet jesus,Mordecai's reaction just...Holy crap. If you were on the fence about Jack before? Yeah,you'll wanna kill him after that,especially if you played as Mordy in the first game.

And then there's the whole aftermath of the siege on Control Core Angel. After that,I wanted to cripple Jack,tear off his mandible,skin him alive with said mandible,then rip out his skull and beat him to death with it. His taunts near the end of the game involving a character and the aftermath of the aforementioned siege simply made me want to kill him HARDER.

Seriously,whatever team they had for the writing this time round deserves a fucking medal. Made of diamond. Handing on a platinum chain. It's been ages since I was emotionally invested in a game. And,of all games to do it again,it was BORDERLANDS.


New member
Oct 21, 2012
My wow moments:

-When I picked up my first legendary item, a grenade mod that had nades spray a big cloud of corrosive fumes on explosion, and firing several child grenades into the air that automatically home in on hostile targets in the area and deal additional corrosive damage. It's a great way to get out of hairy situations, as it melts entire mobs as if they're made of butter.

-This song <3 []

-When a live grenade popped out at my first encounter with the slot machines .-.
-Pretty much everything Tiny Tina [] said
-When everyone just assumed Roland was dead.. I haven't seen anyone checking. When Jack shot Roland, an enraged Lilith stormed at him, but got her ass handed to her in a single blow to the throat. You are then transported back to sanctuary, with Lilith being captured by Jack, and everyone was like YEP he's dead. as seen here []. You never know :p


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
KoudelkaMorgan said:
I also have a Torgue Minigun AR called Rhythmic Spitter that the Bee makes into a scary, scary exploding bullet hose.
You think THAT is fast? Just wait till you get the Shredifier AR. It just melts everything in a rain of lead.

Or rather, you spend ten hours farming Bonehead 2.0 in order to get the damned thing... lowest drop rate indeed...


New member
Apr 16, 2009
When you do this sub-mission for the crazy scientist lady while finding Mordecai's pet (damn that made ya wanna vivisect Jack and see if that device resurects him so you can do it again)and you find the final echo recorder... It just breakes your heart.

Also one of Jack's held town's wanted to breakaway from him and this lady needed to create a shield from the moon base, then this jerk named Dave keeps talking down at her.

Never before have I wanted to smack someone, but it got solved at the end and I just had to laugh.(I know Dave had a medical condition but still...)

Not only the people who wrote Jack deserve a medal but the person who did Jack's lines deserve one as well.

Tiny Tina's insanity and her "tea party" with (shudder) Flesh Stick.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Completing the Hyperion Slaughter rounds in Ore Chasm. By the end of it, with trail and error (and many dead super loaders) i had a huge pile of loot to sort through.

SomeLameStuff said:
KoudelkaMorgan said:
I also have a Torgue Minigun AR called Rhythmic Spitter that the Bee makes into a scary, scary exploding bullet hose.
You think THAT is fast? Just wait till you get the Shredifier AR. It just melts everything in a rain of lead.

Or rather, you spend ten hours farming Bonehead 2.0 in order to get the damned thing... lowest drop rate indeed...
Actually the Shredifier doesnt belong to any specific drop pool, so at the very least you could get it from badass enemies. I found mine in a weapon vendor.

On a side note, if you want gamebreaking combo's with the Bee, get a Salvador and a pair of Hyperion Conference Call's, then we'll talk.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
Most of the bits with Handsome Jack, he's become one of my favourite villains of all time. From taunting you from start to finish, to finding out ALL of the shit he has caused to others, I mean holy hell...

The part leading up to fighting Jack and the Warrior, teaming up with Brick and Mordecai to cut a through all the Hyperion soldiers and bots to get there, it was just awesome.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
I am partial to Butt Stallion. I will always be partial to Butt Stallion. And by the way, Butt Stallion says hello.


Not as new as you may think...
Oct 20, 2012
Some of the opening lines of dialogue and text are still my favourite.

"Your ability to walk short distances without dying will be Handsome Jack's downfall!"

Getting your first 10 damage pistol and reading the line "Later, when you're killing skyscraper-sized monsters with a gun that shoots lightning, you'll look back at this moment and be like, "heh""

Also, defending the lunar drop beacon by the skin of my teeth, while running to the vendor to buy ammo twice in the middle of the fight was the time that made me feel like a massive badass.

The Goat Tsar

New member
Mar 17, 2010
1. While the clan war quest line was pretty underwhelming, I joy puked when I got a quest from Steve.

2. Anything involving Brick was pretty fun. I actually liked his "HEY SLAB" lines.

Killing Hunter Hellquist just felt right.