Your Boycott List

Ken Sapp

Cat Herder
Apr 1, 2010
Launcelot111 said:
Budweiser, because I went to school with the grandson or something of one of the owners of Anheuser-Busch, and he was a colossal douche and I don't want to indirectly give him a cent of my money.

I don't really boycott anything on some ethical stand. I'm conflicted about the Chick Fil-a hullabaloo because while I don't agree with Chick Fil-a's extracurricular fundraising efforts, their actual business model and customer service are an example for pretty much every fast food restaurant to follow, and their food is good for what it is. If I didn't think that gay marriage is inevitable and the Christian right couldn't stop it, I would be much more conflicted about going there.
If you are boycotting Anheuser-Busch then you better be carefully checking the labels of your beer purchases. A surprising number of labels are owned and distributed by Anheuser-Busch and if you aren't careful you may still be putting pennies into the douche's pockets


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
I don't boycott anything because I feel like it is pointless and stupid. Even if I absolutely despise a certain developer, if they make a great game I'm interested in then I will buy it, I'm not going to deny myself that experience because of a silly and flawed grudge. I buy games based on the game, not the developer/publisher.

Vetta E-dom

New member
Mar 10, 2012
Don't have one. Its honestly pretty embarrassing how entitled and whine gamers are to developers and publishers. Yeah I may not like all the decisions that get pushed through, but at the end of the day more games are better then no games. I work for for various developers and have friends all over the industry I'd rather support them so they can keep working, then act like a brat because I didn't like the last 5 mins of a game or some stupid shit.

I will say this though I hate the way criterion is handling the Need for Speed brand, the only way I'm picking their games is if their dead cheap. If they want to make more burnout then make friken Burnout. Stop destroying the Need for Speed series.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Persona 4 Arena because of ATLUS' decision to region-lock the game and spend n amount of years bringing it to Europe, when that happens, I still won't be playing the game, I simply stopped caring.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Ubisoft, activision, EA (Sans Bioware products), Non single player Final Fantasies. It's more of a no Buy list than a boycott list.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
I don't seriously boycott much. I don't buy many games as it is, and I end up rarely buying anything from EA or Activision due to their games being drab and boring. I boycott any annual series due to lack of personal interest. Isn't it a funny non-coincidence that annual-release games are almost always conceptually boring and have no imagination? Once a publisher decides that a series is a money-printing means-to-an-end, it sure does start to resemble one.


New member
May 3, 2011
anything by EA until they either go bankrupt or until they clean up their business mod-BPPPHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god, that's hard to say with a straight typeface.

yeah, so nothing by EA.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Rawne1980 said:
I haven't purchased an Ubisoft game since Assassins Creed ..... the first one.

The constant shitty DRM and sticking two fingers up to PC gamers forced me to stick two fingers up back and not give them any of my money.

I will never buy an Ubisoft game.
I used to boycott them too because of their shitty PC ports and draconic DRM later on. Once they began removing DRM from some of their PC games, I lifted the boycott, but since then they haven't made anything I wanted to buy anyway. The only thing I still cared about was the Assassin's Creed series, but Brotherhood was so boring that I lost interest.

For several years I boycott Activision-Blizzard due to their pricing policy. Games shouldn't cost $60 two years after they got released. The price should start dropping gradually after two or three months have passed.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
I'm boycotting EA for what they're doing to BioWare. I don't know if it can be considered a boycott if there hasn't been an EA-published title I've been more than passingly interested in since Mass Effect 3 (Which is the last EA game I've bought, and whose little post-ending "BUY DLC AND GIVE US MONEY" note was what drove me to this decision), though.

I guess you could say SecuROM games, but that's more "I'm not willing to pay money from something that'll be yanked away from me once I install it five times" than "I'm purposefully making a moral statement about how I feel about SecuROM". Besides, those are getting pretty rare these days.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Grape_Bullion said:
EA, Activision, Capcom, Square Enix, and Ubisoft will never receive money from me again. Bethesda as well, if I can help it. Haven't purchased something from EA, Activision, Capcom, and Square for three years now. Ubisoft for a little over two years now, with the exception of AssCreed 3, which was given as a gift.

Fun way to chastise your friends and hopefully help your cause? Next time you see them playing something you don't like/disagree with/whatever, just ask them if they're enjoying killing the game industry. Sure it's a dick move, but I've done it a few times and a few friends have been more conscious when they buy games now.
not exactly something to be proud of bro. You are in no position to talk down to your "friends" for their purchasing decisions. You're not "saving the industry" by forcing your standards on other people, you're just being a prick, and frankly it makes you no better than the publishers you single out for boycott.

Tom Neilson

New member
Feb 8, 2012
I don't Boycott anything its kinda childish and doesn't accomplish anything but make you miss out on a lot of good titles oh well :3


New member
Dec 26, 2008
I had boycotted Saints Row The Third over how much DLC the game was getting in advance, but between the complete edition and THQ being closed, I will probably snag a copy online.
Other than that, I refused to buy to buy Fez because of the attitude of its creator. Oh, and I haven't eaten at Chick-Fil-A for a number of years now b/c of their owner.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I refuse to boycott.

I hate the very idea of a boycott, and I refuse to partake in any.

Good day.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I was fully prepared to never play Arkham City because of the Cat-woman thing. She figured into the hype and, marketing. She was going to be part of the plot. She was going to have playable chapters. Then a week before launch it was revealed that you would have to put in a code online to unlock Catwoman. An online code, for a single player game, and content that was apparently necessary for plot development. Fuck off Rocksteady, Arkham Asylum wasn't THAT good (well it was but not the point). Then it was revealed that Gamestop was giving away codes to use Catwoman if you bought the game used from them. This seemed fine but I took this as a huge middle finger given by Gamestop and Rocksteady to independent retailers and other major retailers who sell games.

I can't say I've been boycotting WB or, Rocksteady though since I did end up grabbing Arkham City new and on the Wii U. If anything I could say I refuse to buy a game that requires me to input an online code.

I can't say I'm boycotting Gamestop either since I just shopped there to get a copy of Xenoblade Chronicles for under a hundred dollars. Gamestop is definitely my last stop though when it comes to buying games and I actively steer friends away from shopping at Gamestop when you can pay the same price for new games just about anywhere or less online or at independent places.

The closest thing to a gaming boycott I have going on is my refusal to buy EA Sports titles. I've never bought one and I'll never buy one new.


New member
May 9, 2012
OuendanCyrus said:
Persona 4 Arena because of ATLUS' decision to region-lock the game and spend n amount of years bringing it to Europe, when that happens, I still won't be playing the game, I simply stopped caring.
If we all do that they'll just stop bringing ANY of theirs games to Europe because, as far as they can see, there isn't a market for it. Which means now I have to buy TWO copies so we might actually get SMT 4 or whatever they're making now.

Shoggoth2588 said:
I was fully prepared to never play Arkham City because of the Cat-woman thing. She figured into the hype and, marketing. She was going to be part of the plot. She was going to have playable chapters. Then a week before launch it was revealed that you would have to put in a code online to unlock Catwoman. An online code, for a single player game, and content that was apparently necessary for plot development. Fuck off Rocksteady, Arkham Asylum wasn't THAT good (well it was but not the point). Then it was revealed that Gamestop was giving away codes to use Catwoman if you bought the game used from them. This seemed fine but I took this as a huge middle finger given by Gamestop and Rocksteady to independent retailers and other major retailers who sell games.

I can't say I've been boycotting WB or, Rocksteady though since I did end up grabbing Arkham City new and on the Wii U. If anything I could say I refuse to buy a game that requires me to input an online code.
Wait, maybe it was different in the states but all that meant for us in the UK was you buy it new or you need to pay some monies to get the Catwoman chapters which weren't EXACTLY essential but were pretty dang cool. It was kindof a dick move but it's a less shitty way to encourage new buyers than making it so you can't start a new game ever (RESIDENT EVIL MERCENARIES!)


New member
May 8, 2011
EA (due to their marketing)
Call of Duty (I haven't bought a single game since CoD2)


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Denying myself a possibly positive experience because of my dislike for the company that published it seems irrational.


New member
May 22, 2012
Honestly I don't really boycott anything formally. Rarely even when I disagree with something unless is truly is awful, so honestly if I saw say a band of KKK guys walking around in a racist parade I would do NOTHING because it's their right. In the case of games I just buy what I want to play and don't buy what I don't give a fuck about.