Your closet to come out of


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I'm demisexual, something high school kids would probably to make fun of.

Also, I listen to visual kei.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Chefodeath said:

I watch ponies. I've started to watch ponies a lot actually. I still make it part of my routine to rigorously troll bronies out of the vague irrational hope that it'll keep me from being one.

Yup, huge Bronophobe.
mind = blown

wow, I didn't even consider that to be a possible reason of why some people hate bronies. That would have made an interesting analysis paragraph in my anthropology essay I did on them not too long ago :p


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
Dtox333 said:
Baron von Blitztank said:
Ok, I never really wanted to admit this but...I piss in the shower (and the sink on occasion).
That should deter us away from religion and pony wars...Hopefully.

As for the other stuff; Transformers fanboyism, hentai viewer, wanker, atheist etc. I'm pretty sure everyone else knows about that.
I piss in the shower all the time, saves time lol.
Every guy I know at uni does this. Actually in my 1st year I had an en suite that was so tiny that if you directed the shower right you could take a shit at the same time while leaning on the sink to have a shave all in one go.

OT: My main one is I'm still a virgin at the age of 21. In my opinion its no biggie but I know a few people who would mock the living shit out of me if they found out. Some people just don't grow out of high school.

However being a virgin this long has opened my mind to the possibility that I might not be straight. "How can I know if I haven't sampled the spread" is one way to look at it but I'm just completely comfortable with the possibility that I might turn out gay.

I also "joined the herd" just last week and haven't got round to mentioning it to anyone yet.
On a side note, Cupcakes made me hungry...


New member
May 25, 2009
BoredDragon said:
How does a viking reenactment work, is it like LARPing? >.>
Ha ha

We don't give ourselves dumb personas. We don't throw hackey sacks while sreaming "lightning bolt" while wearing cardboard. We don't tap fight with foam "Swords" or sticks.

We real steel weapons (Rebated a.k.a. not sharp). We use full weight wood shields and metal helms. We use real swords, spears, and axes (Even the mighty dane axe). We don't do choreographed BS, l. Live steel, we actually fight. We know what we are doing, so no one gets hurt.



New member
Feb 11, 2011
Well a few months ago I tried begin life without lies, without skeletons, and let me tell you, it feels fantastic. You don't have to be vocal, just honest. Still though, there are some things that people don't know about me. People either peg me as Christian (if they're an atheist) or Atheist (if they're Christian) because they just don't understand my beliefs come mostly from personal experience and trying to understand the universe around me rather than conforming my mind and closing it based on some book. Go figure why nobody can understand that.

Also, most people don't know that I fall into the LGBT spectrum, but since I have no sex-drive, no real driving desires, and have been known to pass on sex with people of both genders, the only reason for most people to think I'm in that spectrum rather than just chaste is that I, of course, advocate LGBT right intellectually. Other than that though, its not really many people's business, nor does it affect my relationship with them.


Oh, and I can't do long division, am not a complete racist who wants to hang Obama from a tree unlike every other member of my extended family (except my sister and those that are mere children), and the only Final Fantasy game I've played from the numbered series is XIII. Played a few of the games from the Crystal Chronicles series though.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
demoman_chaos said:
BoredDragon said:
How does a viking reenactment work, is it like LARPing? >.>
Ha ha

We don't give ourselves dumb personas. We don't throw hackey sacks while sreaming "lightning bolt" while wearing cardboard. We don't tap fight with foam "Swords" or sticks.

We real steel weapons (Rebated a.k.a. not sharp). We use full weight wood shields and metal helms. We use real swords, spears, and axes (Even the mighty dane axe). We don't do choreographed BS, l. Live steel, we actually fight. We know what we are doing, so no one gets hurt.

That looks really awesome, my friends and I sometimes do something similar to that with nerf weapons :p


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Being a brony -- not really life changing, practically everyone but my family knows that, and I think they're getting a hint.

Atheism/notgivingaboutreligionism -- overly religious Christian stereotyped mother


New member
Nov 14, 2011
demoman_chaos said:
BoredDragon said:
How does a viking reenactment work, is it like LARPing? >.>
Ha ha

We don't give ourselves dumb personas. We don't throw hackey sacks while sreaming "lightning bolt" while wearing cardboard. We don't tap fight with foam "Swords" or sticks.

We real steel weapons (Rebated a.k.a. not sharp). We use full weight wood shields and metal helms. We use real swords, spears, and axes (Even the mighty dane axe). We don't do choreographed BS, l. Live steel, we actually fight. We know what we are doing, so no one gets hurt.

Awesome, I've always wanted to try this.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
The closest thing to a secret I keep from my parents I can think of is my fascination with wolves (recently, coyotes as well.) Of course, they know that they're my favorite animals and they've always known I like to watch werewolf movies, but they don't know the full extent of it. I like to listen to CDs of nothing but wolf sounds, and sometimes I dream that I've become a wolf. When I started making my own coyote fursuit, I told them it was for Halloween. In reality, I'd never wear it for Halloween; it feels very private to me, almost sacred.
I may be a Were. I'm not sure yet, but I know there's more to this thing I have with wolves than I let on.
I also cut myself a little. It's no serious thing; sometimes it just feels right. I don't tell my family about that either, but less for the sake of embarrassment and more because I don't want them to worry.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Er... Well... It would mean something if you know me, but I do quite a bit of singing when I'm alone. Like, writing my own music (right now doing a song for every evolutionary line of Pokemon) and recording them for the Youtubes later.

For reference, two years ago I had shaggy hair and never talked or took my hands out of my pockets.

Good thing I bought these +50 Boots of Confidence.

Although I'm still not confident or good enough to tell anyone that I do it.

DarkenedWolfEye said:
I may be a Were. I'm not sure yet, but I know there's more to this thing I have with wolves than I let on.
No, you're not. Don't lie to yourself. That will never help.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Being an Agnostic..because it would just break my poor Mother's heart.. That and my grandparents would disown me.

Also being a Brony...I'v told only my gf so far. God help me if my friends knew.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Bran1470 said:
I'm cheating on my girlfriend with her mom
Holy F. That deserves a tip of my hat AND a wag of my finger.

I've cheated before and the results are not pretty. How's that been working out?