Your Commander Shepard


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I've got two and I used the least played classes.


Kyah Shepard, female, Engineer (all three games)

Backstory: Spacer, War Hero, faithful to Kaiden

Paragon/Renegade: Full Paragon. There where a few dialog options but for the most part she was 95% paragon.

Favorite Memory: It's been awhile since I played but I remember curing the genophage, bringing peace between the Quarians and geth, and fighting along side Wrex as some of the most powerful moments in the game.

Which Ending did you choose? She chose control. It seemed like something she'd do.


Samuel L. Shepard, male, Adept (insane play through, all three games)

Backstory: Earthborn, Ruthless

Paragon/Renegade: Full Renegade. Samuel L. was a no nonsense, biotic wielding badass who crushed everyone who stood in his way. However, his decisions costs the lives of everyone he cared about.

Favorite Memory: I honestly hated playing this character because of the things I did. I did not cure the genophage and had to kill Wrex. Not to mention he got everyone killed on the suicide missions except for Miranda.

Which Ending did you choose? He chose destruction. Shepard was a heartless bastard but he kept his word. Towards the end I started playing him more sympathetic. I find it fitting that he would be the only one alive after getting everyone he ever worked with killed.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
Name: Soter Shepard

Class: Adept

Paragon/Renegade: Mostly Renegade, with the occasional Paragon interrupt. The glowing scars went unhealed.

Background: Spacer, Ruthless, Liara all the way, with a tangle with Miranda before wiping out the Collectors.

Favourite memories: Getting my squad out of the Collector base without anyone dying on the first try.
'I'm Garrus Vakarian, and this is now my favourite spot on the Citadel!'
Anderson's final words.
Any scene with Zaeed 'Go-damned' Massani in it.
Zaeed's loyalty mission.
Leaving Ash to die on Virmire.
Shooting Kaidan during the Cerberus coup.
Recruiting Morinth.

Ending: Control. Synthesis made no sense, Destroy was unethical vis-a-vis the Geth and EDI, and letting the Reapers win is just bullshit. Control kept everyone alive, while still furthering progress, so I chose that.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Name/Gender/Class: Matthew Shepard, Male, Vanguard

Background: Spacer/War Hero

Paragon/Renegade: Did his best to be a peacemaker, always giving people exactly one chance to back down before blowing them up. Until Mass Effect 3, where he realized he cannot save everyone and worked toward some kind of galactic triage where the galaxy would survive and still be a rather nice place to live.

Appearance: Slightly ethnic, with olive skin, slanted eyes and a sarcastic smirk on his face at all times.

Memory: Almost anything with Garrus. He made most conversations a lot more entertaining.

Ending: Synthesis. After destroying the geth, he could not bring himself to kill EDI as well. He also was tempted by the control ending, but felt as though he should not have the kind of power that could exterminate all life. He went with understanding, regretting that he would have to force it on everyone, but hoped that they would understand and evolve alongside it.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Brian Shepard, Male, Soldier
Spacer, War Hero, started with Ash, went to Miranda, went back to Ash

Mostly a Paragon, but every now and then I made some Renegade choices that either made sense or were just bad-ass

My favorite memories include watching Sovereign fall over dead, taking down the Shadow Broker, and watching my entire squad covering me in the Citadel DLC (got chills watching that scene).

I picked the Destroy ending. Synthesis just doesn't seem entirely ethical to me, forcing a rushed evolution on everyone. With Control, the Catalyst proved that an "omnipotent" AI will eventually consider itself above humanity, and if I were in that position, I don't think I could trust myself. While Destroy does kill the Geth and EDI (someone told me that if you get a certain readiness rating, they still live, but I don't think it worked), it ensures that the destructive power of the Reapers is destroyed. To be honest, none of them sit well with me 100%.