Your Dream Game (that will never get made)


New member
Jul 25, 2008
FPS game emulating the gameplay pace of Doom with more RPG depth and graphics where passive camouflage like seen in MGS3 is useful.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
Anything by Valve with a 3 in it.
Also Dungeon Keeper 3 and Warcraft 4.

Other than that... An global sandbox RPG game where you can play like sort of an RTS, except from first person view. Also the RPG takes precedence of the RTS. But you do get to build fortresses, cities and control armies anad what not.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
tippy2k2 said:
I want a game where you control a SWAT team. Unlike most games of this variety, you are required to minimize loss of life (including the bad guys). I want this to include:

-Being able to negotiate. Being allowed to talk the subject down rather than just default to tactical options
-You are NOT allowed to fire at the subject unless the subject is a direct threat to your team or hostages
-You are required to be mindful of hostages. For example, throwing flash-bangs in a room filled with children could easily cause deafness and sight issues to people that young and therefore should not be allowed

Along with that, there needs to be more than just hostage rescue. Talking people down from ledges, dealing with bomb threats, security details, and raids should be prevalent during the game.

Basically, I want them to make a updated version of SWAT 4 [] with the ability to talk to subjects. To be more precise, I want them to create a video game based on the TV series Flashpoint [].
What about SWAT 2?


Quite Dutch.
Mar 30, 2009
An open-ended sci-fi rpg set in the eclipse phase [] setting, preferably made by bethesda, bioware, obsidian and CDProjekt working together.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
My dream game has already been made. EvE has all the things I want in a game; a persistant world where your choices really matter and your offline interaction has as much value (if not more) than your in game dealings whilst letting you fly a capital ship and shooting things.

Yet I hate it, which is both awful and soul-destroying.

I reckon it is impossible to enjoy, as in feel actual joy rather than a psuedo mentally ill need to achieve (such as building a 300+ sation complex/borg cube in X3), anything in a "dream game" as it will by definition attempt to satisfy the cravings which are naturally sated by a spectrum of different titles.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I want a 16 bit rpg that has all the benefit of modern technology. Can you imagine how big and in depth that could be? Like super charged ChronoTrigger/ Secret of Mana :3

As a fan of the old platformers like Banjo Kazooie and Jak and Daxter I'd love a steampunk/magic platformer set in a psuedo victorian london with a girl who is a thief and her cat that can climb out of her rucksack and climb through small areas and steal items.

I think it would make a great gameplay dynamic and could have a really interesting storyline.

I have thought of a game where you play a wheelchair bound guy who gets dragged into a universe based on the cthulu mythos. He then has to make weapon and maneuverability upgrades to his wheelchair to beat the monstrosities. Perhaps he could have some kind of animal helping him too. I would call it 'Destructo Dave' :D as it's inspired by my best mate who is an amazing mechanic despite his disability.

Easton Dark said:
I want DayZ with masses of slow zombies, not so harsh gameplay, and a base building mechanic.

Bases. With machine gun turrets. And hookers. And hooker turrets.
and blackjack?


New member
Sep 5, 2011
A science fiction horror survival game that is actually scary.

With clever sneaking mechanics. Random encounters so you'll never be prepared. Intelligent and difficult puzzles that you solve in real time, just to up the "always on edge"-character of the game. A.I. that actively stalks you, tries to trick you and messes with your brain by luring you into, or scaring you away from key places so that you will walk into traps or ambushes.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Hero in a half shell said:
An open world Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard game, playing mainly like a survival horror. You are a single imperial guardsman alone on the front lines of a vicious warzone, and have to make your way to a HQ a huge distance away to get airlifted, crossing randomly generated battles between allies/enemies, all of which could gut you in a second if you catch their attention.

The journey would take several days, and be completely unscripted, allowing virtually all the coding being focused on creating a 100% natural and logical interactions between all the random units on the battlefield.
Each unit would have a dozen variations of weapons, colour scheme, numbers, fighting ability etc. so that you'd always get a completely different experience.

Just imagine flitting from cover to cover as an emperor titan towers overhead, shaking the earth and knocking you over with every step, or trying to run away from a brigade of Ork troops, charging your position. Taking cover from a Tau artillery barrage that rips up the fully destructible terrain, or tagging along underneath a Leman Russ tank as it happens to be going in the same direction as you, staying near it from protection. Seeing a Space Marine squad launch into the fry and decimate everything near them, before charging off at too high a pace to follow leaving devastation.

It's not even that far-fetched, when you think of what Skyrim can achieve as regards the size of an open world with no loading screens, and the scale of madness some of its mods are able to achieve by creating randomly generated battles in the world, Now reskin the models and units to be 40k related, strip away virtually all quests, dungeons, cities, skills, crafting, armour, items, and use those extra resources to increase and improve the random generation system and uniqueness of units.

That would be ace.
I think I would wet myself in excitement if they made a game like that and managed to make it work properly... And if that Space Marine Squad idea included them coming in via drop pod, or Terminators warping in... Only problem I can find is that it doesn't really seem like a survival horror with all that, the horror would definitely be there if they included Tyranid, Necron and Chaos but just about all companies would make it more of an Action-FPS that makes you either a badass Kasrkin or a Generic Space Marine (maybe give them a name and no helmet, make them Sgt. or Cpt.). It would be too much of a humans own everything wankfest.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I've been waiting for a long time for someone to take the Dynasty Warriors base game and take it to the next level.
Bring in more RPG elements, maybe make it open world, weapon creation, army building.

Just something. Anything.
As much as I love those types of games, they have stagnated for years.

fish iron4

New member
Dec 6, 2010
I really want some kind of WW1 game that allows you to build your own trenches and put things like artillery and mg gun placements before the battle begins, and you also have to purchase all the forces you will need and lay them out (similar to total war) and when the battle begins you can order your men around in RTS style, or take control of a squad in a first person shooter type style.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
To get your ideal dream game, first take a bit of this, mix it in a bowl of this, finely chop up some of this, add to bowl with some ground up this, mix in half a cup of this, sprinkle in some of this, dice up some of this, mash up some of this, carve up a fresh bit of this, skewer this, behead and gut this....

And on and on and on, and what do you get at the end of it?

Voila! The search button!


New member
Aug 25, 2009
banjo-threeie, I always wished rare had made a sequel to banjo-tooie but unfortuntely there were only 3 games in that series


New member
Aug 21, 2009
I'd love a follow-up game to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines or for the World of Darkness MMO to actually get made/released.

Failing that I would love a 3rd Baldur's Gate game, where you've taken the Throne of Murder after the previous game only to have it stripped from you and have to fight the rest of the D&D pantheon. Great scope for some pretty epic battles, and epic level spell-casting.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
YingDerpington said:
I think I would wet myself in excitement if they made a game like that and managed to make it work properly... And if that Space Marine Squad idea included them coming in via drop pod, or Terminators warping in... Only problem I can find is that it doesn't really seem like a survival horror with all that, the horror would definitely be there if they included Tyranid, Necron and Chaos but just about all companies would make it more of an Action-FPS that makes you either a badass Kasrkin or a Generic Space Marine (maybe give them a name and no helmet, make them Sgt. or Cpt.). It would be too much of a humans own everything wankfest.
I'd love for all races to be in the game, but it would be a bit weird having every single species fighting in one small area. Maybe one enemy would be chosen at random per playthrough, with a chance of invasion by other species if you take too long, resulting in real mayhem as you have twice the enemies attacking.

Keeping it to a lone Imperial guardsman should keep the suspense and survival aspect highlighted. Sure you have a Lasgun with essentially infinite ammo, but what good is that when it barely scratches the weakest enemy. Maybe you'll find an abandoned working autocannon gun placement, but it'll be grafted to the spot, and you won't be able to stay there long.
True it's probably more a survival thriller than a horror, but when you're hiding weaponless in a burnt out Chimera tank, surrounded by the rotten bodies of your comrades, with only an inch of steel protecting you from the enemies passing by inches away from you I don't think it'd matter if it was a Tyranid fleet or an Orc Waargh.

And yes, I agree making you be a Space Marine or a Commissar or someone like that who could defend themselves and take loads of damage would totally ruin the experience. Maybe it could be a bonus mode, after completing the main game, become a Space Marine and just have fun laying waste to everything!


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Aside from the obvious Chrono Trigger 2 or Dungeon Keeper 3, the title I'd really like to see made, that will never ever happen?

A sixth Legacy of Kain title, to finish the series off.

Call it Legacy of Kain: Redemption or something similar.

Given the end of the plot of Defiance, you're Kain, tracking down the Elder God, putting an end to it and essentially fixing everything since Raziel gave you the most important thing ever, Free Will (and an infinite number of himself powering a weapon).

This could go two ways in the end -- one would be to go for a happy ending, in which Kain defeats the Elder God, returns the Reaver to Avernus Cathedral before he picks it up in Blood Omen (otherwise the timeline is *really* fucked), goes back to post-Raziel fight, creates new vampire keepers with the Heart of Darkness, then kills himself to repair the pillars.

The alternative would be one of those Free Will is an illusion/fucks you in the end endings, which while not exactly a happy ending would befit the tone and narrative of the series while still denying Kain any chance to be a proper hero..


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Crackdown 3: Fight the Agency
:c <- that's me pouting every time i think about the potential that Microsoft is sitting on every day.
(bonus for it being combined with Borderlands to include a random-lootfest of guns and money for more guns and levelling up and skill trees and endless levelling up of the core skills and a world full of sidequests)

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
I'm going to say this for the five hundred millionth time!


Why does this game not exist?? Seriously!?